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Guiding Sentient Beings Toward a Bright Future

July 11, 2005 |   By Falun Dafa practitioner Xin Yu

(Clearwisdom.net) I have been clarifying the truth to managers and co-workers in my workplace. I have been diligent in following the principles of Falun Dafa. At the same time I have shown my sincere interest in the welfare of my managers and co-workers and have established an excellent relationship with everyone.

Most people are mainly interested in what is "in it" for them. Often, when elderly or close-to-retirement co-workers run into difficulties, help is difficult to come by. I do what I can to show my concern for them. One of my co-workers retired early. Although I am not wealthy, I treated her to a superb dinner and used this precious opportunity to clarify the truth to her. I told her the truth about The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and other things. She was deeply moved. She had worked many years at this job, but I was the only one to do something special for her. Actually, she had reported on me to the managers many times, but it did not matter. I truly care about her and her future.

Falun Dafa has given me righteous elements, derived from the principles "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." These elements were instrumental in awakening many people's righteous thoughts. One co-worker withdrew from the CCP after discussing only briefly The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. She told me, "I trust you! Please do it for me." She and her entire family withdrew from the CCP. Later, I sent her a Nine Commentaries VCD.

During all these years of the persecution, my firm belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," Teacher's protection, and help from kind people have helped me to survive difficult times and abuse. Slowly, I turned to those who were kind to me and ignored those who were unkind. As soon as I wanted to clarify the truth to a certain person, someone would tell me how bad he or she was. Although this did not stop me from clarifying the truth to that person, the results were not good. My manager even scolded me because of this. This did not prevent me from telling my manager that to withdraw from the CCP, the Communist Youth League, and the Communist Young Pioneers is for the good of all people.

Although it pained my heart, I remembered Teacher's words:

"But Gods aren't like that. They don't have thoughts like these. Once they've decided on a certain path they'll definitely stick with it." ("Teaching the Fa at the Great Lakes Fa Conference in North America")

"In the Fa-rectification, Master is actually saving all beings, not just the good ones; evil ones are of course included as well." ("Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World")

These words reinforced my righteous thoughts. Teacher will save all sentient beings and will give all lives equal opportunities. It does not matter if they are good or bad. A good person would naturally receive good rewards, and a bad one would receive punishment. One makes one's own choices. Actually, I have not treated people equally. I like kind people and would try my best to save them, but I was afraid of dealing with bad people. I discriminated against these people, because it was so much easier to save and help kind people. The bad people often are stubborn and even dangerous at times. Now I understand that Teacher decides who is salvageable. We should show true concern for them and lead them towards a good future. I should not prejudge a person.

After having let go of such concepts, I sent out "compassionate" thoughts before dealing with people. Some managers or co-workers criticized me or reported on me, but I did not hate them or try to be exceptionally careful around them. When they were sick, I showed my concern. One manager suffered an illness because of wrongdoing. I called her and persuaded her to recite "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." I brought medicine, which I thought to be effective. They were moved. Since it's not convenient to talk at work, I have invited managers and co-workers to my home to clarify the truth in a different surrounding. Gradually they have come to understand that I speak the truth, and they have begun to care about me. Their thoughts about Falun Dafa are changing for the better.

Propaganda is part of my job, and the propaganda is almost always related to the CCP. Recently, a manager was charged with arranging activities to promote the CCP. Since the manager is new, I have not clarified the truth to her, yet. The plan was to invite police officers to our company to sponsor them. I told this manager about how police officers persecuted me and that I would not do anything to promote them. At first the manager did not understand my attitude. Actually, her husband had been involved in organizing brainwashing sessions to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. She raised many tricky questions about Falun Dafa. I answered every question truthfully and pointed out the evil intention behind the proposed activities. I said I had no interest in politics. I was just telling the truth. The manager did not force me to arrange this particular event.

Right after the incident above, another CCP event had to be arranged, and the managers asked me to do it. This time I exposed the evilness of the CCP to them and told them about the heavenly rule, which will eliminate the CCP. I also told them to withdraw from the CCP to protect themselves, because the CCP's days were numbered. I told them that I had to be responsible to myself and would never promote the CCP. Since one of the managers could not persuade me, the other managers talked to me. While sending forth righteous thoughts, I clarified the truth to them. There are managers who do not believe what I have said about the CCP and therefore have not withdrawn from the CCP yet. But they are positive towards me, and we came to an agreement. I arrange activities that promote our company or group, but I do not take part in activities that promote the CCP. There was yet another activity to promote the CCP. After talking to the manager, I changed my approach and talked about my personal situation only. The manager said that it was for my sake that they agreed to excuse me from participating. Actually, it's my honesty and compassion that have created a positive environment and influenced them. I must admit that my heart was not that firm in the beginning. I was worried about the outcome, and my mind was not at ease, but my righteous thoughts never wavered. Because of these events, I have become even more convinced of the power of compassion. It gives people hope and a future. Only when we are firm practitioners of Falun Dafa and hold righteous thoughts can we help people achieve a bright future.

May 31, 2005