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The Epoch Times: Australian Artist Exposes Government Scandal

July 01, 2005 |   By Richard Szabo

The Epoch Times

Jun 30, 2005

A Sydney artist, who is suing the former Chinese president and the Gestapo-like "610" agency, said at a press conference on June 30, that the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) helped the Chinese Government to find ways to dismiss her case.

The allegation comes following The Epoch Times interview with Chinese defector Chen Yonglin, who has alleged that Dr. Geoff Raby, DFAT Deputy Secretary, promised the Chinese government he would ask for the materials from the Supreme Court, cancel the lawsuit, and put an end to the case.

"Due to the nature of my work as a diplomat, I have witnessed many instances of secret dealing between the Chinese and Australian governments, and such knowledge has weighed heavily on my conscience," said Chen who abandoned his position as a high ranking diplomat at the Chinese consulate in Sydney on May 26.

Mrs. Zhang Cuiying filed the lawsuit at the New South Wales (NSW) Supreme Court, making allegations of torture and crimes against humanity. She was incarcerated because of her beliefs, for eight months at the No. 1 Shangmeilin Detention Centre in Shenzhen City, China.

"I was jailed, beaten, stripped naked and locked up with male prisoners because I practice Falun Gong" said Mrs. Zhang.

Falun Gong is an ancient form of Chinese meditation and exercise practice which advocates the principles of truth, compassion and tolerance. Falun Gong was widely practiced in China until 1999, during which Jiang Zemin launched a brutal crackdown against the practice. 2,629 practitioners have died from persecution according to the Australian Falun Dafa Information Centre.

Since Mrs. Zhang's lawsuit was filed, Chinese Ambassador Fu Ying repeatedly visited DFAT, asking them to intervene and cancel the lawsuit. But the national amnesty code of Australia states the case was not to be handled by DFAT, but by a special substitute process.

The Chinese Government was embarrassed to face Falun Gong in court and persisted in pressuring DFAT, which led to the department's cooperation in preparing several legal documents to support the Chinese Government, according to Chen.

"The CCP is convinced that the Australian government can be coerced to follow its aims through application of economic pressures and incentives," said Chen.

Two Status Conferences were held at the NSW Supreme Court in December 2004 and more recently, last February. Both defendants failed to appear before the Registrar.

Mrs. Zhang backed Chen's claims of 1,000 Chinese spies operating in Australia and called upon the Australian Government to investigate claims of Chinese espionage.

"I hope the Australian Government will help China improve its human rights through pressuring it to stop the persecution," said Mrs. Zhang.

The Senate recently passed legislation expressing concern for allegations the Chinese Government is monitoring Falun Gong practitioners in Australia, and called upon the Government to thoroughly investigate the allegations.

But the Government didn't raise Chen Yonglin's asylum case at recent human rights talks with China. Dr. Geoff Raby, who headed the Australian delegation, told Lateline with some hesitation that the forum was not for addressing such allegations. Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Shen Guofang laughed away claims of the "610" office.

Chen Yonglin believes the human rights dialogue between China and Australia is merely a show put on to appease the Australian public, while no progress is actually made.

"When high-ranking Australian officials visited China, they did not raise any human rights issues. I knew what was said during their visits, because a summary news brief of each visit was sent to the consulate," said Chen.

Source: http://theepochtimes.com/news/5-6-30/29956.html