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June 29, 2005 |  

High-profile Torture Victim Dies Surrounded by Chinese Security Agents

NEW YORK (FDI) -- The grossly disfigured face of 37-year-old Ms. Gao Rongrong -- the result of torture by Chinese authorities -- was publicized around the world to the alarm of many. But it wasn't enough, sources revealed yesterday, to save Gao from being tortured to death by Chinese Communist Party officials. Gao died on June 16, 2005, after nearly two years of incarceration, brainwashing, and torture for her beliefs. Gao died in the emergency room of China Medical University Hospital of complications stemming from torture and abuse in custody. Sources report that Public Security Bureau agents closely guarded the room in which Gao was held and stood watch at the hospital's entrances. The agents intended to prevent news of her condition and maltreatment from reaching the outside world; this fits a pattern of complicity that reaches to the highest levels of China's regime.

Full Story: http://faluninfo.net/displayAnArticle.asp?ID=9213

EPOCH TIMES: CCP Spy Network Runs Deep in U.S.

NEW YORK (Epoch Times) -- A large network of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) spies is rampant in the U.S., say members of Congress, Ivy League academics, and two defecting CCP officials. The spies aim not only to steal military and technology secrets but also to influence, repress, and even control the ideals and actions of Americans. In defecting in Australia early in June, CCP officials Mr. Hao Fengjun and Mr. Chen Yonglin sparked a string of headlines, first in Australia then in Canada, about a massive network of CCP spies in Western countries that could far exceed previously held estimates of the problem. According to one scholar with intimate knowledge of several Ivy League universities and associated research centers, however, the problem is far greater in the United States, where a public dialogue on the issue has yet to emerge.

Full Story: http://english.epochtimes.com/news/5-6-20/29637.html

Edmonton Sun: Chinese Consular Officials Could Face Hate Crime Charges

ALBERTA, CANADA (Edmonton Sun) -- Alberta Justice is looking at possible charges against staff at the Chinese consulate over alleged propaganda material defaming the Falun Gong movement, according to city police. Const. Stephen Camp of the Edmonton Police Service hate crimes unit confirmed yesterday his office has just wrapped up an investigation into booklets distributed in the city in 2004 by Chinese consular officials... "We felt (the booklets) did constitute a breach of the law," [Camp] said...Consular officials don't share the immunity from criminal charges enjoyed by diplomats.

Full Story: http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/Alberta/2005/06/23/1100937-sun.html

Video Shows Torture Injuries; Killings of Falun Gong in China Continue

NEW YORK (FDI) -- Mr. Guo Shijun was a master carpenter from Hongqi township, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province who was tortured to death at age 52 because of his practice of Falun Gong. In February 2004 police officers from the Department of Public Security in Shuangcheng City abducted him for distributing materials exposing human rights abuses related to Falun Gong. While in custody, Guo suffered repeated torture, including severe beatings, shocks from electric batons, sleep deprivation, and solitary confinement for extended periods. After one year of torture and abusive treatment he was sent back home on February 1, 2005, to die; police feared culpability should he die in custody. Eight days after his release, Guo died from his torture-related injuries. Eyewitnesses described his body as covered with grotesque wounds and bruises; video evidence has since surfaced, confirming the grim reality of his torment. Over 2,600 torture-or abuse-related deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in China have now been verified. The actual death toll is believed to be as high as 7,000.

Watch video on-line at: http://media1.minghui.ca/media/video/2005/3/25/GuoShijun.ram
