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Swedish Member of European Parliament Sends Greetings to the Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Fine Art Exhibition in Stockholm

June 22, 2005 |  


The following greetings message was sent to the Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance Fine Art Exhibition held in Stockholm by Falun Gong practitioners. To see the paintings from this exhibition, please visit www.falunart.org.

Humans have material and physical as well as spiritual needs. Therefore the work for freedom of religion and freedom to seek and find a spiritual home for the soul is one of a human being's most basic and undeniable rights. Human beings' dignity, human rights and freedom will always be preserved all over the world. The silence about what is happening in China and the violations of human dignity in this country are deeply worrying. That is why this is a significant exhibition.

Lennart Sacredeus
European Member of Parliament (Christian democrats)
Member of the Foreign Affairs and Human Rights Commission
Mora, Sweden

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200506/27209.html