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Summary of Other Articles and News - June 15, 2005

June 21, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

The police in Linyuan City, Liaoning Province continue to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners

Zhao Guohai, head of the Wafangdian Police Station in Linyuan City, Liaoning Province, Liu Shaoquan, the political head of the police station, Chen Guojun and others arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Du Haijiang at his home on June 3 and detained him.

The police from the Linyuan National Security Division had previously arrested practitioner Ms. Huang Jinru. They tried to extort 8,000 yuan from her family for her release. When the family refused to pay, they refused to release her. Ms. Huang is being held at the Chaoyang Forced Labor Camp.

A student's parent reported practitioner Ms. Lai Caijun, a teacher at the Chaoyang Street Elementary School in Linyuan City, when she clarified the truth about Falun Gong in school. The police arrested her in November 2004. Then in early 2005, they secretly sentenced her to four years in prison. Ms. Lai appealed, but the court held a secret trial on May 13, 2005, and did not change the original verdict.

Practitioner Ms. Dong Xiuqin, also a teacher at the Chaoyang Street Elementary School, was arrested and sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp where she was tortured until she suffered a nervous breakdown. After she went home and went to work, she quickly recovered.

The school fired Ms. Lai Caijun after she was arrested. The head of the police department called Ms. Dong Xiuqin's husband and had him come over. When Ms. Dong learned of this news, she had flashbacks of the torture she suffered at the labor camp and had another nervous breakdown.


Xu Haiming and other perpetrators from the Huaibei Prison's 610 Office in Shandong Province torture Dafa practitioners

Directed by Xu Haiming, head of the Huaibei Prison 610 Office in Shandong Province, deputy head Sun Jisheng and secretary Wang Wensheng torture the practitioners in the prison.

Newly arrived practitioners are forced to watch and listen to Dafa-slandering videos and audiocassettes. Practitioners who refuse to write a guarantee statement are beaten and kicked; the guards choke them by tightening their hands around the practitioners' necks. If they are still determined, Sun Jisheng and Wang Wensheng shock the practitioners with electric batons in an attempt force them to write the guarantee statements.

More than half of the 100 practitioners held at the Huaibei Prison have been shocked with electric batons. Guard Zhao Bing shocks the practitioners' heads, mouths and ears.

Practitioner Ms. Zhou Jian lived in Qingdao City, Shandong Province. Prior to his practicing Falun Dafa, he was convicted of robbery and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He was held at the Shandong Province Prison where he became a Falun Dafa practitioner. At the Newly Admitted Division at Huaibei Prison, Mr. Zhou refused to "reform". Division head Zhao Bing and other guards then shocked him with four electric batons simultaneously. Mr. Zhou remained determined. The guards stopped when the battery ran out. They then placed Mr. Zhou in solitary confinement for 22 days and gave him only a steamed bun and a half glass of water for each meal. Mr. Zhou remained steadfast in his belief.

In February 2003, guards Xu Haiming, Sun Jisheng and Wang Wensheng started another round of persecution when the Education Division's 610 Office held a brainwashing session. Under Xu Haiming's orders, Sun Jisheng and Wang Wensheng took turns torturing Mr. Zhou. They deprived him of sleep for five days and nights. Six inmates monitored him. They beat and kicked him whenever he closed his eyes. In the end, they transferred Mr. Zhou to Division 1. In order to resist the persecution, Mr. Zhou held a hunger strike in solitary confinement. When he was on the brink of death, the guards sent him to a hospital. Mr. Zhou did the Falun Dafa exercises at the hospital. Because Mr. Zhou refused to reform, the Huaibei Prison refused to release him until his sentence expired.


Torture at Group 2, Division 1 at the Heilongjiang Women's Prison

Dafa practitioners who resist the persecution are force-fed, detained in solitary confinement, beaten and kicked. The practitioners are bruised and their bodies are black and blue from beating. Practitioner Ms. Chen Weijun was force-fed with the result that her throat and nose bled; she was nauseous, dizzy and disoriented. Practitioner Gao Guizhen's face was scratched. After the torture, one of practitioner Guan Shuling's arms became disabled. The guards violently pushed practitioner Ms. Zhang Jing to the ground, injured her pelvic bone and bruised her arms and legs. They also pushed practitioner Ms. Fan Guoxia, causing a bump on her left elbow and many bumps on her legs.


Atrocities committed by the Dehui City police in Jilin Province: The tiger bench torture, force-feeding cold water, suffocating by wrapping the practitioner's head in a plastic bag

On March 4, 2005, Mr. Bian Hongxiang, a practitioner in Dehui City, Jilin Province and an 11-year-old girl named Bai went to Changchun on an errand. The police arrested them. The police brutally beat Mr. Bian and pinched his fingers with a torture tool called "pinch sticks." Mr. Bian was sent back to Dehui City and was detained at the Dehui Hotel, the location of the 610 Office. The police handcuffed him and tightened the cuffs until they cut deep into his flesh. They beat him until he fell to the ground. Then they stomped on his wrists while he was handcuffed. His hands immediately swelled and his wrists bled. They tortured him with the tiger bench. They also force-fed him with cold water and almost suffocated him by placing a plastic bag over his head, making him lose consciousness several times. The guards furthermore deprived him of sleep and otherwise tortured him for seven days and nights.

Mr. Bian was on the brink of death and was sent to the Dehui City Detention Center. He was diagnosed with [contagious] tuberculosis and was released.
