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Bearing Witness to History: Thousands of Practitioners Peacefully Appealed in Changchun City on July 22, 1999

May 30, 2005 |   By a practitioner from Changchun City, Jilin Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I became a Falun Dafa practitioner in October 1998. Ten months later, the evil persecution of Falun Dafa began. The sight of thousands of Dafa practitioners peacefully appealing on July 22, 1999 in Changchun City has remained fresh in my memory ever since.

On that day, we were forbidden from practicing Falun Gong on the square where we had practiced every day for years. Police and the security guards forced us to move us away. Many practitioners and I decided to peacefully appeal to the provincial government, asking for legal practice sites. Meanwhile, I wanted to clarify the truth to the government that Falun Dafa saved me in an amazing way from my rheumatism of more than twenty years in only a few weeks after I started practicing. It was Falun Dafa that enabled me to truly experience the wonderful feeling of being illness-free.

When we arrived at the Civil Complaints Office of the provincial government, we saw that the major streets and small alleyways there were full of practitioners who came from Changchun City and the rural counties around the city, standing quietly in lines on the sidewalks, well-ordered and waiting to meet with officials of the government. However, we didn't see a single official come out to welcome us. Instead, there were mysterious plainclothes police officers all around. They brutally beat and kicked the practitioners, even including the elders and the women with little children in their arms. As long as we didn't disperse, they kept up the rampage among our well-ordered processions.

Buses that had been dispatched by the government came one after another. Hand in hand, we formed lines of walls with our own bodies. The plainclothes police officers then began forcing practitioners into the buses. Some practitioners' eyes were beaten black and blue; some practitioners' clothes were torn apart; some practitioners' glasses were broken into pieces; some female practitioners were even dragged into the buses by their hair; some practitioners' children were scared and cried loudly.

In the face of the situation, we didn't flinch. With hearts of great compassion and forbearance, we spoke to those who treated us violently, "Please do not treat us like this. We only come here to ask for a legal atmosphere of cultivation. We are all innocent people who follow the principles of 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance'. Falun Dafa is great. Our Master is innocent."

More and more buses and plainclothes police officers came. We were dragged into the buses one after another. As soon as the bus was filled up, the door was locked and the windows were closed. Whoever opened a window was beaten with sticks by the police. We were taken to the Nanling Stadium in Changchun City. The stadium was already full of practitioners sitting there, while more and more people were brought to the stadium. The police guarded the entrances. People were only allowed to enter and forbidden to leave. We all sat on the open ground with legs crossed and started reciting Lunyu (in Zhuan Falun) together. We sat there very neatly and formed straight lines.

At about 11:00 a.m., some sacred scenes appeared. There were Faluns of various colors turning up and down and backward and forward all over the sky. All the practitioners were so happy and excited, and burst into tears. I also saw that huge round yellow balls were dispersing in the sky evenly one after another at that time.

The police officers couldn't see the sacred scenes. They asked us, "What are you looking at?" We told them that Faluns of various colors are turning all over the sky and that Falun Dafa is supernatural. Persecuting Falun Dafa is wrong. Hearing this, some police officers borrowed Zhuan Falun from the practitioners and began reading it on the spot.

The sacred scenes have preciously stayed in my heart. Whenever I recollect it, I can't contain my joy. The great benevolence of our Master and the magnificence of Falun Dafa cannot be expressed in human language. The sacred scenes encourage me continuously. I just wrote down what happened on July 22, 1999 to bear witness to history so that the sacred scenes can be cherished forever.

May 17, 2005