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Locate One's Position in the Validation of Falun Dafa

May 21, 2005 |   By a practitioner from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) For a long period of time, we were sorting out some underlying concerns regarding a project that I'm involved in. They now have been resolved. Participating in the process, I observed some problems. To be responsible to Falun Dafa and my personal cultivation, I am hereby bringing them to my fellow practitioners attention. The challenges faced in this particular project are no doubt similar to those faced in other truth clarification projects, so I hope we might all benefit from this sharing.

1. Treating the individual and not the Fa as teacher

Some fellow practitioners, including those in leadership positions, have the following understanding regarding the functioning of the project. They believe that since all staff members are volunteer practitioners, rules are unnecessary, and plans and work details were not essential. The commonly held belief was that since the work was related to Dafa, control should be at a minimum, and everyday people's organizational structure was not to be used. Such understanding created a paradigm. A person in charge did not hold responsibility and those doing the work did not have any authority.

Such belief is far from what Teacher has taught as to how practitioners should treat their work and conduct themselves. (Teacher mentioned many times in Zhuan Falun and other lectures about the correct attitude of a practitioner toward his/her work.) Therefore, such an organization could not develop a spirit of being proactive and organized. Yet, there were some practitioners who recommended that we should pay attention to details, be responsible, and have professional attitudes. Alas, they were accused of not having strong righteous thoughts or not having studied the Fa diligently. Anyone, who continued to hold and share such opinion, was excluded from further participation in project planning.

Practitioners who had professional backgrounds in the project field were troubled and distressed, because the project could not position itself in the market. They could not make others understand what media content would be acceptable to the general public. The decision maker often selected the wrong plan.

As time passed and mistakes mounted, those with responsibility became increasingly less willing to try new plans. Professionals in the field, even those in an ordinary society, know that such an undertaking is bound to fail. Thus, the team was unable to establish overall objectives and work plans. They could not see the big picture, could not accept different opinions, and were unable to create a cohesive structure and team environment.

Given this, the project did not have any structure, operational mechanism or guiding rules. Everything was done ad hoc, based on the understanding of the individual. If there was a misunderstanding, those with opposing views would no longer be accepted as members of the team. Everything kept changing, based on the understanding of the particular individual in charge. Practitioners treated the individuals as teacher instead of adhering to the Fa. At one time, practitioners from throughout Taiwan gathered to exchange their experiences until late at night. Yet, that group's final decision was vetoed by a person in charge who did not participate in the whole process of the experience sharing. Such situations occurred so often that many practitioners felt the experience sharing was a waste of time and no longer wanted to participate.

The people in charge refused to look inward. Instead, they held the opinion that practitioners who brought up the issue were trouble makers and uncooperative. Besides, some practitioners regarded those in charge as teacher and thus supported only their particular actions.

I'm discussing this issue, as in my personal opinion, all practitioners must recognize their shortcomings, face them squarely and correct them. It is the responsibility of every practitioner. One should not rely on the practitioners in charge, as this would increase the burden and pressure on those practitioners. I hope everyone will remind each other about the importance of regarding the Fa as teacher.

2. Non-Expert Leading Experts

If a leader or coordinator is not familiar with the environment and nature of the work responsibility and unclear about the actual situation of similar businesses in everyday society, the practitioners working on the project would have difficulties succeeding. Often, when activities were organized, many people and resources were mobilized. Yet, the results turned out the opposite from what was hoped for, because of not taking in account everyday people's thinking. Some suggestions from fellow practitioners fell to the wayside because the coordinators did not review or understand them. As time passed, many practitioners felt physically and mentally exhausted. Yet, many practitioners were sympathetic and admired those who were involved with the project. But, some practitioners who wanted to lend a hand felt helpless and left after trying for quite some time. Then once in a while, the project called for help because it was shorthanded. Some practitioners were still willing to help, but the problems continued.

3. Difference in Understanding High Standard versus Responsibility

The existence of every Dafa practitioner is to assist Teacher to rectify the Fa. Our skills learned in everyday society should also serve the purpose of the Fa-rectification. Those skills were gained over a long period of time. Yet, a commonly held belief by those involved with the project is that the everyday people's skills of editing and advertising sales are not important, that the priority should be given to truth clarification. Therefore, little importance was given to the actual content of our project's final product, and whether it was suitable and could be understood by the general public. Also, the emphasis was not on getting an advertising contract signed during negotiations, it was just on truth clarification. This is far from the requirement by Teacher that we should consider others before ourselves.

Such methods only achieve isolation from everyday society. If one uses higher realm principles to run a media organization, one would not be successful in ordinary society. Such principles often do not achieve the purpose of the plan. It also affected many new practitioners negatively. As a result, many members of the public regard the project as a "Falun Gong project." Instead of using our product to clarify the truth, we now have to clarify the truth about our company first. This became a heavy burden and was not very effective.

Please think about it, if Teacher arranged for every practitioner to obtain the Fa, then there must be some practitioners who can understand everyday people better and can contribute to the Fa in this manner. I once met a practitioner who talks more like an everyday person than most other practitioners. Therefore, he could cover entertainment news very well. If he did not pay attention to the popular topics in everyday society and did not understand them, he would not be able to do such an assignment successfully.

The question is, can we more deeply come to understand the Fa as one body, and then carry it out in practice? Practitioners who studied the Fa well over a long period of time and hold a good understanding should provide general direction and content control to practitioners with professional skills. But, they should empower those skilled practitioners to fully utilize their capabilities. Don't be afraid that they make mistakes. Such fear is also an attachment to eliminate.

Of course no matter how long a practitioner has studied the Fa, the management team of the project should take responsibility for the project's success or failure. They should set up methods and establish accountability. The responsibility and accountability should be clear and a person's ability should be considered when handing out assignments. Those practitioners who don't have the skills and abilities should be honest with themselves. When we feel we cannot to the job, we should immediately ask for help from others. We should ask those with the skills to do the job.

Inappropriate actions by a coordinator will have a tremendous impact on new practitioners. Such actions tend to confuse rather than help the new practitioners in the process. They would not have the opportunity to witness the Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance principles in action, and thus will not be able to achieve positive and righteous thoughts about Falun Dafa. Achieving such behavior would help them to become more diligent in their personal cultivation.

Actually, such an environment is not only healthy for new practitioners, as many veteran practitioners do not understand how do handle everything correctly either. The quality of being modest and holding respect for others cannot be put aside, especially when we are doing very sacred and meaningful work. What is the spirit of our media? What should be the effect of our media on society? Whether we can do and think everything based on Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is the key to whether we can do everything righteously. Only then can a positive outcome be achieved.

If one sees practicing the principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance as an ideal situation and lectures others regarding its value, or if one believes that one is doing well in ones cultivation and everything is just fine, and therefore one becomes self complacent, one may ignore the importance of the details of the work at hand. One then does not examine the work with an eye to the needs of society and the public. If one is in self-delusion, no matter what one does or how hard one tries, it would be no more than completing tasks superficially.

In Closing

Perhaps some practitioners will think that what I'm discussing is no more than my past understanding. However, I'm bringing them up now, because the meda we're involved in are facing tremendous pressure from many sources. Recognizing the problems, I am deeply troubled, yet I don't know how to facilitate the process. Therefore, I want to share my thoughts with everyone.

I believe that there are two major issues we need to address. First, we should accomplish what we want to achieve in this realm according to the principles of this realm. Secondly, I sincerely wish that coordinators would learn to rely, encourage and help those practitioners with professional skills to accomplish their tasks without too much control, other than general guidelines, and adherence to the spirit the Fa-rectification period. As to the method to be used for the task in everyday society, restrictions should be held at a minimum. If we can achieve this, the results would be within the Fa, and everyday people can accept it.

Spirit and matter are one. Using the ability to think about objectives, planning ahead concerning resources, and timing everything accordingly, we exhibit responsibility and adherence to the requirements of the Fa. It would also show respect towards practitioners and lay the groundwork and training opportunities for those in the public who may want to accept Dafa.

Once our xinxing achieved the requirements of the Fa, Teacher would naturally arrange everything for us and the process will be smooth.

If during the planning we could treat everybody and everything with Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, and truly consider others first and become selfless, the resulting strategy will achieve good results, accomplished by compassionate beings. If every plan can reach such a goal, everything would be accomplished successfully.

Of course, the execution of the plan would still be difficult and require hard work on the part of all, but that is why it would be precious to a cultivator, since during such a process one could eliminate many human notions and karma. One will form one body with other practitioners, and thus find more people with pre-destined relationships to Dafa. This is why we have reporters stationed in many countries and cities around the world. Only when we are deeply connected to the local community can we make friends with the locals, clarify the truth in depth and bring out people's good thoughts. They may even help practitioners to spread the truth, and that effect would be very powerful, resulting in more people being saved. Such results could be achieved by utilizing ordinary peoples skills to accomplish the task at hand.

The above is only my personal understanding. My purpose is to bring this issue forward and help everyone improve. Please kindly point anything inappropriate. Thank you.