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Ukraine: "Journey of Compassion" Painting Exhibition in the City of Kramatorsk (Photos)

May 02, 2005 |   By a Ukrainian practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) The "Journey of Compassion" painting exhibition took place in the city of Kramatorsk from the 15th to the 17th of April 2005. The exhibition showed work by artists who practice Falun Gong and the handicrafts created by Ukrainian Falun Gong practitioners. The delicate art work reflected the goodness and kindness that practitioners develop through practicing Falun Gong. The public were also able to find out about the campaign of genocide against the practice that is taking place in China.

The exhibition caused a strong reaction in Kramatorsk. People who saw the paintings were angry because they could not understand why Jiang Zemin would want to start persecuting this peaceful practice. They signed the petition calling for an immediate end to the human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners.


Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200505/26250.html