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The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong--March 8, 2005

April 08, 2005 |   Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  1. Mr. Gu Dezhu and Ms. Liu Shenghua Died as a Result of Persecution
  2. Four Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhejiang Province, Liaoning Province, Hebei Province, and Chongqing City Have Lost Their Lives in the Persecution
  3. An Open Letter to the Residents in Shenyang City and to All People in Society: Please Help Save Ms. Ning Yuying's Family in the Huanggu District, Shenyang City
  4. Exposing the Crimes in Tilanqiao Prison of Shanghai
  5. Practitioner Huang Yonghui Tells of His Ordeal in Chishan Jail, Hunan Province
  6. More Information about the Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Ding Yan in the Taihang Prison, Baoding City Prior to Her Torture Death
  7. Situation of Shi Wenbo, Surviving Son of Jilin Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Shen Shuhua
  8. Latest News from China - February 5, 2005
  9. Latest News from China - February 17, 2005
  10. Summary of Other Articles and News - February 25, 2005

Mr. Gu Dezhu and Ms. Liu Shenghua Died as a Result of Persecution

Mr. Gu Dezhu was a 60 year old Falun Dafa practitioner who was employed in Dayan Town, Juan County, Shandong Province. Before he began to cultivate in Falun Dafa in the spring of 1998, Mr. Gu suffered from many diseases, including heart disease, acute tracheitis and pulmonary emphysema. All these illnesses disappeared after he began practicing Falun Dafa. After July 20, 1999, people from the local police station and township government harassed him many times at home. The persecutors threatened him, tried to force him to give up his cultivation, and ransacked his home. In the spring of 2000, the township government sent four people to live in his home and monitored him around the clock for one week. Later on, the persecutors took him to a brainwashing center and detained him for ten days. They also confiscated Mr. Gu's ID card. The continuous persecution harmed Mr. Gu mentally and physically and he became sickly. He died in May 2003. By the time of his death, Mr. Gu's ID card was still in the hands of the persecutors in the township government.

Ms. Liu Shenghua was a resident of Beijing. After she started to practice Falun Dafa in 1997, the heart disease, from which she had suffered for many years, disappeared. In October 2001, the persecutors arrested Ms. Liu at her apartment in Beijing. She was then sent to a brainwashing center on Qinghe Street. After she was released from the brainwashing center, Ms. Liu's health condition worsened, and she became bedridden. However, persecutors from the local police station and residential committee often harassed her and monitored her at her home under the pretense of "visiting" her. On November 3, 2004, she died due to the prolonged mental pressure and physical torture.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/3/2/96468.html

Four Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhejiang Province, Liaoning Province, Hebei Province, and Chongqing City Have Lost Their Lives in the Persecution

Ms. Chen Yuecui, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Chongqing City, passed away.

Ms. Chen Yuecui, age 53, was a retiree of Chongqing Railway Bureau. Ms. Chen had peacefully and legally appealed for Falun Dafa in Beijing, and persisted in her cultivation. In the summer of 2004, the authorities lured Ms. Chen to the Retiree Management Committee and then took her to a Jingkou brainwashing center in Chongqing City. There Ms. Chen's mind and body sustained cruel persecution. After getting out of the class on February 22, 2005, Ms. Chen passed away.

Mrs. Wang Shuyun, a 65 year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Sanhe City, Hebei Province, passed away in 2004.

Mrs. Wang Shuyun lived in Zhanglaoxin Village, Sanhe City, Hebei Province. Before obtaining Falun Dafa in late 1997, Mrs. Wang had suffered a stroke in addition to having other illness. By practicing Falun Dafa, Mrs. Wang's health improved greatly. Her daughter and son-in-law practice Falun Dafa, too.

In 2003, Meng Hongli, head of the Gaolou Police Station, sent Ji Dawei and other police officers to search Mrs. Wang's house without a warrant. The police confiscated her property, abducted her son-in-law, and extorted 5000 yuan from her. Mrs. Wang was traumatized, and she fell ill. She passed away at age 65 in August 2004.

Mr. Geng Guodong, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, passed away in 2002.

Mr. Geng, born in 1974, started to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. He had applied the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance to all aspects of his life. He helped others frequently, worked diligently, and earned praise from people around him.

Since the onset of the persecution against Falun Dafa in 1999, Mr. Geng and his wife had written many letters to clarify the facts to the Jiaxing City government. However, their letters were never answered. Instead, the Jiaxing City Education Committee and police pressured them frequently to renounce Falun Dafa. The couple refused such irrational requests. Under intense pressure, they left Jiaxing for their hometown in Heilongjiang Province.

In July 2001, the police searched his house without a warrant, and confiscated his property, including a computer, two printers, a fax machine, a mobile telephone, and two recorders. Mr. Geng and his wife were abducted and illegally detained. Because Mr. Geng began vomiting blood during his illegal detention, he was released. The police refused to release his wife. Two months later, Mr. Geng became bed-ridden. Since Mr. Geng was near death, his relatives pleaded with the police several times, and finally they released his wife.

Although Mr. Geng was still ill, he and his wife and mother made a peaceful appeal for Falun Dafa in Beijing in 2002. They were taken back to Jiaxing City by the police. Since Mr. Geng could not walk himself, the police frequently dragged him on the ground. Mr. Geng passed away a few days after he found out that his wife had been illegally sentenced to one year in labor camp. Mr. Geng was only 29 years old.

Mr. Luo Fulin, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, died from persecution in 2001.

Mr. Luo Fulin was a Falun Dafa practitioner in Qianfusi Village, Puhe Town, Xinchengzi District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. He was illegally arrested at his home on April 30, 2001, and then detained in a labor camp for one year. During this period, Mr. Luo suffered cruel persecution. On January 17, 2003, he passed away at age 59.

The 610 Office in Xinchengzi District, Shenyang City and the Xinchengzi Police Station have brutally persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners. Some practitioners have been beaten to death. Some practitioners have been crippled. Many of these practitioners have been illegally incarcerated. The persecution has deprived them of their jobs, and property, and homes. The local authorities keep constant surveillance on the practitioners, and many have been forced to attend brainwashing classes.

Dafa practitioner Mrs. Qu Guizhi was illegally detained and severely tortured. When she was released from the Detention Center, she could not speak even a single word. Mrs. Qu passed away soon after.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/3/1/96371.html

An Open Letter to the Residents in Shenyang City and to All People in Society: Please Help Save Ms. Ning Yuying's Family in the Huanggu District, Shenyang City

Dear residents of Shenyang City:

Did you know that there is a family near you that has suffered persecution and separation during the Chinese New Year holiday for the past six years? It is all because they want to be good people.

The family lives at the No.2 Apartment, on the sixth floor of Unit 8, Building No. 4, Wusan Residential Community, (Ningshan Rd. No. 66-1), the Huanggu District, Shenyang City. The male head of the household is Mr. Zhang Liansheng who is very diligent and likes to help others. His wife Ms. Ning Yuying is a virtuous woman and is widely respected by her colleagues and neighbors. Mr. Zhang Ming is their only son. He is a handsome boy who gets excellent grades in school and displays virtuous behavior. The family is really well admired.

The wife, Ms. Ning used to have neurasthenia, which caused insomnia. She was becoming thinner and thinner. Her condition greatly affected her daily life and work. She also suffered from other illnesses including a protrusion of her cervical vertebra, arthritis and severe gastric ulcers. In 1994, she was told during a routine medical examination that she had cysticercosis (tapeworms), a chronic and stubborn disease caused by eating pork infected with these minute parasites. It gets into and affects one's blood stream and muscles. The eggs of these parasitic worms can travel all through one's body along the blood vessels. After an uncertain incubation period, they start to grow. The only way to treat the disease is to undergo continuous operations to remove these parasites one by one. Cysticercus (the larval stage) has a strong tendency to propagate and is difficult to bring under control. When they proliferate in the brain, one's life will be in danger. After suffering through two surgeries, a CAT scan revealed that Ms. Ning's brain had several mature cysticercus and there were many eggs in her brain. As a result, she often had headaches.

Ms. Ning's family experienced great unhappiness because of her ailments. She suffered so much that she had a very bad temper. She would throw hot food in her son's face because of a minor matter. The sensible child would hide in the restroom to cry after such unfair treatment. She often regretted her own behavior and despaired more and more, since neither Western medicine nor Chinese medical skills provided any effective treatment.

August 15, 1995, was a day Ms. Ning's family will never forget. That day, Ms. Ning stood quietly in the residential community yard, saw a banner with the words, "Free Teaching of Falun Dafa" and listened to beautiful music. A harmonious and wonderful feeling arose in her. She had not had such a feeling for a long time. She put down the vegetables she just bought at the farmer's market and joined the serene crowd. That day, an assistant told Ms. Ning that Falun Gong taught people to be kind and good, which deeply moved her. Starting at that moment, a miracle occurred.

Within four days of practicing the exercises, after suffering extreme pain for several hours, the severe gastric ulcer that she had from for years disappeared forever. One month later, her other illnesses, neurasthenia, the cervical vertebra protrusion and arthritis were cured as well. Several months passed. One day she seemed to wake up from a dream and realized the cysticercosis was gone, without her even realizing it. The smile that had been absent from her face for years returned. That smile returned because of the unbelievable miracles that happened to her after she started practicing Falun Gong.

"Haven't I said that with one person practicing, the whole family benefits?" (Lecture at the Australia Fa Conference, Sydney, May 2-3, 1999) Falun Gong founder Mr. Li Hongzhi's words are indeed true in Ms. Ning's family. After she started practicing Falun Gong, her son, Mr. Zhang, followed her to study the Fa and practice the exercises every day as well. The principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" benefited the young man's mind. He not only had excellent grades in high school but also home-studied five to eight college and university courses every year. He had a good reputation among his schoolmates and was honored as the head of the class as well as the chairman of the student association. He was awarded many honors.

On April 23, 1999, the police in Tianjin beat and arrested forty-five practitioners, which drew the attention of practitioners across the whole country. Some government officials in Tianjin advised them that, "the solution to this matter depended on the CCP Central Committee." Expecting fairness from the government, many practitioners volunteered to travel to Beijing to appeal. Mr. Zhang had just finished an exam in school and had more exams in the following days. Fifteen minutes after hearing the news, however, carrying his school bag, he left home and went to Beijing. After the "April 25" appeal incident was properly resolved, he quietly came back home. When the classmates felt pity for him because he missed the exams, what he said left some of them speechless, "If one is not permitted to be a good person, what is the use of studying well?"

On July 22, 1999, Falun Dafa was outlawed. The news was like inserting a knife into the hearts of millions and millions of practitioners. Ms. Ning and his son Mr. Zhang went to the provincial Party committee to appeal, however they were arrested and detained in the Wulihe Stadium in Shenyang City.

In October 1999, because the persecution was deepening, Ms. Ning and several other practitioners went to Beijing to appeal. She was arrested and sent back to Shenyang. The handcuffs she was forced to wear left deep marks on her wrists. The police demanded that her husband, Mr. Zhang Liansheng, pay them for their "travel expenses." Two officers from the city police department showed them a piece of paper and told Mr. Zhang that his wife had borrowed money from them and he had to pay them back. Mr. Zhang gave them the money they demanded. Later he found out that this was a lie; his wife had never borrowed any money from them. When officers from the local police station heard the story, even they felt ashamed.

Ms. Ning was detained in the Shenyang Women's Detention Center and was forced to work for long hours every day. Mr. Zhang Liansheng and his son came to the detention center to visit her but the police refused to let them see her and told them, "No visitors for her. Just leave the money and go." Her son stood in the deep snow outside of the gate and called loudly toward the inside, "Mom, Dad and I come to see you. It is not wrong to practice Falun Gong. You will get out of there soon!"

That year, the father and son spent the Chinese New Year together in silence. Five months later Ms. Ning came back home. She had suffered a lot and had become very thin. She shared with the family about what life was like in the detention center. Besides the heavy labor each day, she didn't have warm bed covers during the cold winter days. The police confiscated all of the money that the family sent. She was not allowed to talk to people and not allowed to brush her teeth or wash her face.

The mother and the son started to clarify the truth to their relatives, neighbors, classmates and colleagues. Many people resolved their doubts about Falun Gong, stopped having the hatred that the propaganda had stirred up and were therefore saved.

On November 20, 2000, officers from the Taishan Police Station in the Huanggu District in Shenyang City arrested 18-year-old Mr. Zhang because he was clarifying the truth
to people. He was detained in the Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City. The police searched Ms. Ning's home and left a big mess. They drank and ate; played poker and watched TV in her home. Before they left, using the excuse of "taking evidence," they took personal belongings worth 10,000 yuan without giving any receipts. When they were walking downstairs they complained, "This family is not as rich as the other one. In that family, we took things worth at least 20,000 yuan or more."

In April 2001, the police from the Taishan Police Station came again and sent Ms. Ning to the Longshan Forced Labor Camp. Both the wife and the son were taken away from home and the shock to Mr. Zhang Liansheng was so devastating that his hair turned white overnight.

At the end of 2001, Ms. Ning was sent back home from the Longshan Forced Labor camp, having been bailed out for medical treatment. The abuse there caused total body edema. Mr. Zhang Ming was later released as well, after serving his "prison term." The whole family finally was able to be together. The neighbors came to visit one after another and felt the injustice that had been done to them.

Because of instructions from the 610 Office, the local police kept coming to their home to harass them and order them to sign a guarantee statement. Not wanting to cooperate with them, and to avoid another arrest, on that year's Chinese New Year holiday, Ms. Ning and her son went into temporary exile, living in other places, so they could not be found.

In the year 2002, before the opening of the "16th National Congress of the CCP," while only Mr. Zhang Ming was at home, Yang Min and several other police officers from the Longshen Forced Labor Camp pounded on the door and yelled, "Open the door quick. Otherwise we will break in!" The police went to Ms. Ning's work unit and arrested her there once again.

On May 8, 2003, personnel from the Zhujianlu Police Station, the Shenhe District in Shenyang City came to Ms. Ning's home. She had by then come out of the Longshan Forced Labor Camp. Several policemen dragged the only 4.9-feet-tall woman from the sixth floor to the police car downstairs. She loudly yelled out, "A good person is being arrested! What have I done for you to arrest me?" Since the police couldn't find any reason, they had to release her the next day.

Nevertheless, a few days later, several officers from the Shenyang Police Department and from the municipal 610 Office, led by Li Gang from the Chongshen Police Station in the Huanggu District broke into Ms. Ning's home. Fortunately, Ms. Ning and her son received a warning from neighbors and had already left the home.

The New Years holiday came again but Mr. Zhang Liansheng was the only one left at home, and he had to spend the holiday by himself. A news item on the Internet deeply hurt Mr. Zhang: "On December 16, 2004, Ning Yuying, the practitioner from Shenyang City, was arrested by people from the Tongle Police Station, Tongzhou District of Beijing. So far, her condition is unknown. No one knows her son's whereabouts."

Information emerged that the Beijing police had brutally tortured Ms. Ning. She was deprived of sleep and the right to use the toilet; she held a hunger strike to protest and was in very poor health. The Shenyang Police Department and Ningshan Police Station personnel had been informed of her situation; however, they did not inform the family. They wished to take over the case after Ms. Ning's sentencing in Beijing.

The list of persons and work units that were/are involved in the persecution of Ms. Ning Yuying:

The Tonglixincun Residential Committee, Songzhuang Town, Tongzhou District, zip code 101118, Phone, 86-10-89599012
The Tonglixincun Police Station, Songzhuang Town, Tongzhou District, zip code 101118
Phone, 86-10-69590859
The No.5 Detective Team, Pre-interrogation Division, Tongzhou District Police Department, Phone, 86-10-81591328
The Chaoyang District Police Precinct in Beijing, 86-10-65524936
The Criminal and Detective Team, the Chaoyang District Police Precinct, 86-10-85953570 or 86-10-64237407

Shenyang City:
The Congshan Police Station, the Huanggu District, Shenyang City, zip code 110036,
Phone, 86-24- 86842821
The Congshan Residential Committee, the Huanggu District, Shenyang City, zip code 110036
The Taishan Police Station personnel that has robbed and arrested dozens of practitioners, 86-24-86808152

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/2/18/95704.html

Exposing the Crimes in Tilanqiao Prison of Shanghai

In Tilanqiao Prison of Shanghai, Falun Dafa practitioners were formerly detained in Ward 5. Because the evil crimes of the guards at Tilanqiao Prison have constantly been exposed and Dafa practitioners resisted the persecution with righteous minds, Ward 5 has been shut down. Now Ward 2 is responsible for detaining Falun Dafa practitioners. Fu Kehu and Shen Yanrong, the former Party secretary and the former brigade head of Division 5 respectively, were reassigned to other positions elsewhere. The current brigade head of Ward 2 is Fei Chunlei; the political head of the brigade is Zhang Jian. The director of the prison is Qiao Liguo, who was appointed as delegate to the District People's Congress, largely based on his primary "achievement" in suppressing Falun Gong practitioners. The deputy head is Wang Dongsheng.

I. The Cruelty Inside Tilanqiao Prison

The brigade that detains Falun Dafa practitioners used to be the place for detaining criminals awaiting the death penalty. The original name was "Youth Experimental Brigade." It is a place with the most cruel management and punishment within the whole prison system in Shanghai. The brigade is located on a certain floor of the building with a long and narrow layout. The ends of the building are designated as the Eastern Section and the Western Section, with the guards' office placed in between the two. In an attempt to further break down Falun Dafa practitioners, the guards incarcerate those who had been "transformed" in the Western Section, where a "relaxed management" is adopted. Those who steadfastly refuse to be transformed are detained in the Eastern Section, where the so-called "strict management" is applied. In order to stir up psychological terror and to prevent Falun Dafa practitioners from sharing with one another, the staff in Tilanqiao Prison ordered three criminal inmates to monitor and abuse Falun Dafa practitioners 24 hours a day.

The guards subject firm Falun Dafa practitioners to long-term incarceration in a small cell of 3.3 square meters (35 square feet). The longest term was four years, as in the case of practitioner Zhou Bin. The detainee is not allowed to get out at all. Eating, sleeping and using the toilet are all restricted to the cell. The guards force the detainee to get up at 5:30 a.m. and to sit still with both hands behind the back. The detainee is forced to take different postures, including crouching with both hands handcuffed behind the back, being forced to listen to recordings slandering Dafa for long periods of time with earphones, sitting on the floor with both legs bound together or sitting on a small bowl. All kinds of violent ways have been used to forcibly "transform" practitioners. Criminal inmate Hu Kaifeng beat Falun Dafa practitioner Tao Xiangwei four times a day - in the morning, at noon, in the evening, and at midnight. He even dunked Mr. Tao's head in the toilet bowl. Practitioners who are still not transformed and whose prison terms are up within a month are targets of brutal beating by Hu Kaifeng. The criminal inmates resort to violence and torture practitioners who persevere in doing the exercises and go on hunger strikes to protest the persecution.

Practitioner Hua Wei had been beaten three times by a group of four to six inmates until his legs turned bluish all over. Practitioners Yang Jiuqing and Zhang Qin had been brutalized by a gang of criminal inmates to the point of their bodies swelled up and turned purplish all over. Practitioner Du Ting went on a hunger strike for 431 days. When he tried to shout out words in support of Dafa, the criminals choked him until he passed out. When he was force-fed, the perpetrator dragged Mr. Du across the cement ground, seriously abrading and injuring his skin. Practitioner Xiong Wenqi also went on a hunger strike for 431 days. His hands and legs were bound 24 hours a day. Practitioner Qu Yanlai had been beaten numerous times in Ward 8, where guards often held so-called "comment and evaluation" meetings to viciously slander and attack Falun Gong. For those practitioners who refused to listen to the slander, the guards would force them to wear earphones to listen. For those very determined practitioners, the guards would transfer them to other wards for even more brutal torture.

II. Partial List of Persecution Cases

Mr. Zhang Yiming, about 46 years old, is a practitioner from Putuo District, Shanghai. He was arrested in October 2000 and was sentenced to five years' imprisonment. Zhang Yiming upheld his belief in Falun Dafa firmly in Tilanqiao Prison from the very first day of his incarceration. Even the guards in the prison inwardly admired him. He was illegally incarcerated in the "Youth Experimental Brigade" until 2004. Because Mr. Zhang stayed firm and no one could transform him, the guards transferred him to Ward 6. He was forced to perform heavy labor every day and he also suffered from cruel mental and spiritual persecution every day.

Practitioner Mr. Zhou Bin is about 35 years old. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was sentenced to 12 years of imprisonment. Because he protested the persecution many times, the guards often beat him to the point that his bones were fractured in numerous places. The guards considered him to be very "stubborn" and mobilized many people to denounce him. From the first day when Zhou Bin was incarcerated in Tilanqiao Prison, he has never been allowed to go outside for fresh air, nor has he been allowed to take a shower. His legal rights to be visited by family and friends are completely denied. Sometimes, the criminal inmates broke into his cell to beat him. Zhou Bin never stops appealing to various levels of higher authority. He announces to everyone that Falun Dafa is the great law of the universe. Because Zhou Bin keeps appealing, he has become a headache to the guards. Simply because Zhou Bin curved his legs when he was asleep, the criminal inmate in charge of monitoring him reported to guards that Zhou Bin was practicing the exercises. The guards then ordered a criminal to beat him and handcuffed Zhou Bin tightly when he was detained in the small cell. This torture still continues to this present day.

Practitioner Mr. Yu Lei is around 42 years old. In order to resist the cruel persecution, he went on a hunger strike starting December 15, 2004. He has been on a hunger strike for 46 days.

Practitioner Mr. Wu Wenming is 35 years old. He used to work in the Jinshan District Court of Shanghai. In December 2002, he was arrested and was sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment. Guard Ou Ligang placed a big TV at the door of Wu Wenming's cell and installed a big speaker inside the cell. He then continuously played the slanderous videotapes so that Wu Wenming was living in a very noisy and disturbing environment day in and day out.

Practitioner Mr. Jiang Yexiang is 27 years old. In November 2004, he began a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The guard even came up with the plan to test the physical threshold of a human being using Jiang Yexiang as an experimental subject. For ten days, the guard didn't do anything and stayed indifferent. Ten days later, he force-fed Jiang Yexiang. As of now, Jiang Yexiang is still on a hunger strike.

III. Partial list of male Falun Gong practitioners imprisoned at Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison

Name Age Education Received Home Town Address Arrested by Arrest Date Sentenced by Sentence Date Prison Term Beginning Date Expiration Date
Chen Mingliang 29 College Gejiu City, Yunnan Province Room 501, No. 32, Lane 166, Feng Zhuang bei Road, Jiading District, Shanghai Shanghai Putuo District Police Dept. 2002-11-02 Shanghai Putuo District People's Court 2003-06-24 04 2002-10-05 2006-10-04
Chen Yonggen 47 High School Jiangdu County, Jiangsu Province Room 403, 2 Zizhuyuan, Lane 948, Pubei Road,

Pudong New District, Shanghai

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2001-08-01 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2002-05-15 08 2001-06-26 2009-06-25
Chen Zhengguo 57 High School Room 403, No. 44 of Lane 785, Jinyang Road

Pudong New District, Shanghai

Shanghai Pudong New District Police Dept. 2001-01-24 Shanghai Pudong New District People's Court 2001-11-16 07 2000-12-19 2007-12-18
Qiu Shen 45 College Shanghai Room 203, No. 14 of Lane 261, Taopu Road

Putuo District, Shanghai

Shanghai Putuo District Police Dept. 2001-03-24 Shanghai Putuo District People's Court 2001-11-28 09 2001-02-17 2010-02-16
Dai Liang 25 High School Shanghai Room 501, 24 Tonggang Third Village

Gaoqiao Town of Pudong New District, Shanghai

Shanghai Pudong New District Police Dept. 2001-02-16 Shanghai Pudong New District People's Court 2001-10-23 05 2001-01-12 2006-01-11
Du Ting 36 College Zhenyuan County, Gansu Province 86 Andingdong Road, North Street

Xifeng City, Gansu Province

Shanghai Minhang District Police Dept. 2001-08-17 Shanghai Minhang District People's Court 2002-03-18 08 2001-05-04 2009-05-03
Geng Zhaojun 30 College Xifeng County, Liaoning Province Room 307, 68 Longshanxin Village

Xuhui District, Shanghai

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2000-08-01 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2001-03-15 04 2000-06-29 2004-06-28
Guo Xiaojun 34 Junior College Boai County, Henan Province Room 605, No. 1 of Lane 880, Cangyuan Road

Minhang District, Shanghai

Shanghai Police Dept. 2000-09-22 Shanghai First Intermediate Court 2001-03-02 05 2000-08-17 2005-08-16
He Binggang 27 Master's degree Shanghai Room 33, 74 East Aner Village

Xuhui District, Shanghai

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2000-11-22 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2001-09-29 06 2000-10-18 2006-10-17
Hu Zhiming 30 Master's degree Shenyang City, Liaoning Province Room 195, Unit 2, Building 36, Yujia Road

Dandong City, Liaoning Province

Shanghai Pudong New District Police Dept. 2000-11-08 Shanghai Pudong New District People's Court 2001-09-14 04 2000-10-04 2004-10-03
Huang Huijun 41 High School Shanghai 4073, Group 2, Xinjiang Village

Shangyang Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai

Shanghai Jinshan District Police Dept. 2000-09-08 Shanghai Jinshan District People's Court 2001-03-27 05 2000-08-02 2005-08-01 (Detained once)
Huang Zhibao 59 Special Secondary School Siyang County, Jiangsu Province Room 204, No. 15 of Lane 180, Xinbin Road

Yangpu District, Shanghai

Shanghai Yangpu District Police Dept. 2001-07-05 Shanghai Yangpu District People's Court 2002-02-20 07 2001-06-04 2008-06-03
Zhang Yiming 45 Junior College Shanghai Shanghai Putuo District Police Dept. 2000-07-14 Shanghai Putuo District People's Court 2001-02-19 05 2000-06-08 2005-06-05
Jiang Yong 35 Junior College Linan County, Zhejiang Province 24, Lane 163, Changshu Road

Jingan District, Shanghai

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2001-02-13 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2001-11-02 08 2001-01-06 2009-01-05
Jiang Bin 27 Master's degree Guiyang City, Guizhou Province Fudan University Dormitory

220 Handan Road

Yangpu District, Shanghai

Shanghai Yangpu District Police Dept. 2001-01-11 Shanghai Yangpu District People's Court 2001-12-21 03 2001-01-11 2003-12-08
Yao Weihua 65 College Chengdu City, Sichuan Province Shanghai Baoshan District Police Dept. 2001-07-18 Shanghai Baoshan District People's Court 2002-07-01 04-06 2001-07-18 2006-01-17
Jiang Yexiang 27 College Company dormitory

100 Zhuhang Road

Xuhui District, Shanghai

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2000-12-29 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2002-03-04 04-06 2000-11-26 2005-05-25
Lan Bing 35 Special Secondary School Hubei Province Room 501, No. 58 of Lane 151, Guilinxi Street

Xuhui District, Shanghai

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2001-10-08 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2002-07-18 10 2001-08-29 2011-08-28
Li Liang 30 College Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province Room 101, 23 Tianlinshi Village

Xuhui District, Shanghai

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2002-02-10 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2002-10-11 07 2002-01-11 2009-01-10
Li Yan 23 High School Liaoning Province 047, Group 8, Xishi Alley

Goubangzi Town, Beining City, Liaoning Province

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2001-12-05 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2002-07-19 07-06 2001-10-27 2009-04-26
Liang Weilin 34 High School Shanghai Room 201, No. 3 of Lane 46, Baotong Road

Zhabei District, Shanghai

Shanghai Zhabei District Police Dept. 2001-02-19 Shanghai Zhabei District People's Court 2001-09-24 07-06 2001-01-14 2008-07-13
Lin Sen 25 High School Shanghai Room 16, No. 1 of Lane 1220, Beijingxi Road

Jingan District, Shanghai

Shanghai Jingan District Police Dept. 2001-10-30 Shanghai Jingan District People's Court 2002-06-24 04 2001-09-29 2005-08-31
Liu Jinfang 55 Special Secondary School Shanghai Room 1109, 267 Hongzhenlao Street

Hongkou District, Shanghai

Shanghai Hongkou District Police Dept. 2001-02-22 Shanghai Hongkou District People's Court 2001-09-28 05 2001-01-23 2006-01-22
Liu Xueyan 29 Master's degree Huayin County, Shaanxi Province Fudan University Collective Household

220 Handan Road

Yangpu District, Shanghai

Shanghai Yangpu District Police Dept. 2000-11-17 Shanghai Yangpu District People's Court 2001-11-20 03 2000-12-28 2003-12-27
Mei Jianqi 26 College Jiangyin County, Jiangsu Province 1954 Huashan Road

Changning District, Shanghai

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2000-12-15 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2001-11-28 05 2000-11-06 2005-11-05
Ren Zejun 30 College Hejin County, Shanxi Province Tianjin City University Dormitory Shanghai Pudong New District Police Dept. 2002-01-25 Shanghai Pudong New District People's Court 2002-09-02 05 2001-12-24 2006-12-23
Shen Huihua 34 Junior High School 1969, Group 26, Jialu Village

Dongyuan Town, Qidong County, Jiangsu Province

Shanghai Jingan District Police Dept. 2001-10-30 Shanghai Jingan District People's Court 2002-06-24 09 2001-09-04 2010-09-03
Shen Jie 26 College Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province Room 101, Unit 3, Building 12, Zhaohui Nine Division, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province Shanghai Police Dept. 2002-07-19 Shanghai Second Intermediate Court 2003-01-16 06 2002-06-14 2008-06-13
Sun Xiaofeng 28 High School Shanghai No. 103 of Lane 1906, Sichuanbei Road

Hongkou District, Shanghai

Shanghai Hongkou District Police Dept. 2003-01-03 Shanghai Hongkou District People's Court 2003-06-18 04 2002-12-04 2006-12-03
Tao Xiangwei 52 Junior College Shanghai No. 15 of Lane 118, Jiucang Street

Huangpu District, Shanghai

Shanghai Baoshan District Police Dept. 2001-01-11 Shanghai Baoshan District People's Court 2001-11-19 04-06 2000-12-06 2005-06-05
Yang Yuhui 34 Junior College Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2000-12-15 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2001-09-29 03 2000-11-12 2003-11-11
Wang Jianping 46 Junior High School Shanghai Room 301, No. 4 of Lane 25, Qingnian Road

Minhang District, Shanghai

Shanghai Pudong New District Police Dept. 2000-12-14 Shanghai Pudong New District People's Court 2001-09-10 08 2000-11-08 2008-11-07
Wang Wenyi 34 High School 78, Group 3, Alley 15,

Qianjin District, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province

Shanghai Huangpu District Police Dept. 2002-07-01 Shanghai Huangpu District People's Court 2003-03-12 04-06 2002-05-24 2006-11-23
Wang Xudong 34 Master's degree Shanghai Talented Person Exchange Service Center

Changning District, Shanghai

Shanghai Songjiang District Police Dept. 2000-12-07 Shanghai Songjiang District People's Court 2001-05-22 04-06 2000-11-06 2005-05-05
Wu Gang 37 Junior College Shanghai Room 201, 23 Gongfu Third Village

Baoshan District, Shanghai

Shanghai Baoshan District Police Dept. 2002-09-16 Shanghai Baoshan District People's Court 2003-04-01 03 2002-08-19 2005-08-18
Wu Wenming 35 College Room 401, 314 Shihua Third Village

Jinshan District, Shanghai

Shanghai Jinshan District Police Dept. 2002-03-25 Shanghai Songjiang District People's Court 2002-11-25 06 2002-02-22 2008-02-21
Xi Xiaocheng 47 Junior High School Shanghai 3 Xijiazhai, Yaohua Road

Pudong New District, Shanghai

Shanghai Pudong New District Police Dept. 2002-10-21 Shanghai Pudong New District People's Court 2003-06-13 05 2002-09-16 2007-09-15
Yan Bin 28 College 16 Liaowang Street

Baidishi Town, Qidong County, Hunan Province

Shanghai Huangpu District Police Dept. 2002-07-01 Shanghai Huangpu District People's Court 2003-03-12 07 2002-05-24 2009-05-23
Tang Renya 50 Junior High School Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province Shanghai Baoshan District Police Dept. 2000-11-24 Shanghai Baoshan District People's Court 2001-04-26 03 2000-10-18 2003-10-17
Yang Jiuqing 53 Junior College Shanghai 8 Caijiazhai, Guangmang Village

Yangyuan Town, Pudong New District, Shanghai

Shanghai Pudong New District Police Dept. 2000-08-15 Shanghai Pudong New District People's Court 2000-12-08 04 2000-07-08 2004-07-07
Yang Weifeng 35 High School Shanghai 254 Danshui Road

Luwan District, Shanghai

Shanghai Luwan District Police Dept. 2001-01-23 Shanghai Luwan District People's Court 2001-08-30 04 2000-12-27 2004-12-26
Ye Xiaoping 36 Junior High School Wuhan, Hubei Province Room 302, 5 Baogang Nine Village

Baoshan District, Shanghai

Shanghai Baoshan District Police Dept. 2001-07-18 Shanghai Baoshan District People's Court 2002-07-01 05-06 2001-07-18 2007-01-17
Yu Lei 40 High School Room 503, No. 32 of Lane 990, Zhongyuan Road

Yangpu District, Shanghai

Shanghai Yangpu District Police Dept. 2002-09-20 Shanghai Yangpu District People's Court 2003-05-23 05 2002-08-19 2007-08-18
Zhang Lu 28 College Unit 1408, No. 18 of Lane 60, Lancun Road

Pudong New District, Shanghai

Shanghai Pudong New District Police Dept. 2000-11-03 Shanghai Pudong New District People's Court 2001-09-17 04 2000-10-02 2004-10-01
Zhang Nanping 32 Junior High School Jiangxi Province Zhangjia Group, Zengjia Village, Zhanxu Town

Dongxiang County, Jiangxi Province

Shanghai Pudong New District Police Dept. 2002-05-23 Shanghai Pudong New District People's Court 2002-12-24 05 2002-03-19 2007-03-18
Zhang Qin 48 College Nantong, Jiangsu Province Room 403, 23 Changshun Road

Changning District, Shanghai

Shanghai Xuhui District Police Dept. 2001-02-09 Shanghai Xuhui District People's Court 2001-09-29 04 2000-12-31 2004-12-30
Zhang Zhanjie 36 Master's degree Juancheng County, Shandong Province Xinyuan Village, Fengxian Branch Campus of Shanghai Normal University

Fengxian County, Shanghai

Shanghai Fengxian County Police Dept. 2000-09-20 Shanghai Fengxian County People's Court 2001-07-02 04-06 2000-08-17 2005-02-16
Zheng Kang 33 College Shanghai Room 504, No. 37 of Lane 251, Guannong Road

Putuo District, Shanghai

Shanghai Putuo District Police Dept. 2002-11-02 Shanghai Putuo District People's Court 2003-06-24 05-06 2002-09-29 2008-03-28
Zhou Bin 35 High School Shanghai Room 405, No. 6 of Lane 1715, Tianshan Road

Changning District, Shanghai

Shanghai Changning District Police Dept. 2001-03-20 Shanghai Changning District People's Court 2001-09-06 12 2001-01-18 2013-01-17

In addition, incarcerated Falun Gong practitioners also include:
Cai Jun (Unit 102, Building One, Zhoulianxin Village, Shangnan Road, Shanghai)
Liu Shunming (Unit 301, Building 4, Maqiaoxin Village, Minhang District, Shanghai)
Guo Shihao (Unit 501, 6 Fuyan Road, Mazhenyiqiao, Minhang District, Shanghai)
Zheng Jian (Unit 103, Building 169, Sitang No.1 Village, Baoshan District, Shanghai)
Xie Heng (Unit 101, No. 67 of Lane 600, HuaJiangzhi Road, Jiading District, Shanghai)
Zhang Xichuan (on a hunger strike for 288 days)
Yu Zujun, 39402
Jiang Bin, 39259
He Honghai, 30091
Pan Haoliang, 30156
List of practitioners who were transferred to other wards from Ward 5
Ye Xiaoping (to Ward 4)
Chou Shen (to Ward 1)
Chen Mingliang (to Ward 9 )
Zhang Yimin (to Ward 6 )

IV. List of Supervisors and Guards at the Tilanqiao Prison

Director: Qiao Liguo
Deputy Director: Wang Dongsheng
Head of brigade: Ou Ligang
Team leader: Fei Chunlei
Deputy team leader: Li Jingmin
Political head: Zhang Jian
Group leaders: Guo Hai, Ni Wenbin, Dai Wenlong, Lu Bin
List of Guards in Ward 5:
Head of Ward 5: Ou Ligang
Deputy head of Ward 5: Xue Chun
Political head: Fu Kehu (plotted and implemented the "transformation" of Yang Yuhui by means of beating )
Head of branch in "Youth Experimental Ward": Shen Yanrong (planned and implemented corporal punishment of new detainees)
Political head: Zhang Jian
Group leaders: Ni Yongbin, Dai Wenlong, Lu Bin, Xu Guang
Head of Sub-ward 1: Ni Ling
Newly appointed supervisors in Ward 5:
Team leader: Fei Chunlei
Group leader: Guo Hai

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/2/4/94841.html

Practitioner Huang Yonghui Tells of His Ordeal in Chishan Jail, Hunan Province

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Yonghui is 45 years old. On December 5, 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was arrested and locked up for four days. He was later detained for 15 days. He held a hunger strike to protect his Dafa books and was released after three days. After he was released from jail, he was fired from his job for not giving up Dafa. His telephone was monitored and his personal identification card was confiscated. Huang Yonghui was arrested again in November 2000. In December 2001, he was illegally sentenced to a three-year jail term. He was detained in Chishan Jail in Hunan Province. The following is the story of his ordeal in Chishan Jail, in his own words.

* * * * * * * * *

I was arrested and sent to Changsha No. 3 Jail for being a Falun Gong practitioner. In the middle of December 2001, I was transferred to Chishan Jail in Yuanjaing (Hunan Province No. 1 Jail). My physical body had been healthy before this.

On September 4, 2002, guard Yang Yong at Chishan Jail did not allow Dafa disciples Xiao Huisheng and I to study the Fa. Guard He Yong wanted to set Master's articles on fire. I warned He Yong not to burn the articles, as retribution would surely follow for such an act. He Yong said that I was cursing him so he starting beating me. I said my intention was good, and it was for his good that I asked him not to burn the articles, and I was not wrong. He Yong continued fiercely beating me. He slapped my left and right cheeks with both hands several dozen times, and he punched my chest with his fists. He kicked my shins with his leather boots, and kicked my body with full force. My face was swollen, my chest, back, and legs were injured, and my nerves were hurt. Many people saw the beating, including inmate Chen Gong of Ward 5 (now transferred to Ward 7), Yang Yuanyou (now transferred to Ward 7), Zhao Aiping (now transferred to Ward 7), Zhao Zhishuang, Li Jun, Xiao Huisheng, Zhao Moxiang, and Daitu (nickname). Those who knew of this incident include Chen Zhaohui, Chen Hui, Tang Guoping, political head Duan Po, and several other people.

In mid-March 2003, I was hospitalized in the jail due to the tortures. My body was swollen, painful and numb. I could not move my left hand, and both of my legs could not be straightened. My condition has not improved as of today. During the hospitalization, I lay in bed for days. I could not move or change body position, eat, drink, or use the toilet by myself. From August 2003 to April 29, 2004, the day I was released, I had been illegally detained in the jail's hospital within the disabled and senior group, accompanied by inmates.

Since my release from jail, I am unable to walk smoothly. I am classified as having third degree limb disability by the City Disability Association. I am unable to find a job and get only 100 yuan each month, on which it is difficult to survive. My condition was caused by Chishan Jail's persecution, and I asked Chishan Jail to compensate me 150,000 yuan for the damage to my body. However, Chishan Jail refused to acknowledge this undeniable fact. On October 24, 2004, I requested Hunan Province Jail Administration Bureau to look into the case, but with no results so far.

Huang Yonghui

Room 101, Unit 2, Building 20, Donggua Shan No. 1 Village, Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

Telephone: 86-731-5151779, Zip code, 410002

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/2/18/95705.html

More Information about the Persecution of Practitioner Ms. Ding Yan in the Taihang Prison, Baoding City Prior to Her Torture Death

Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ding Yan (tortured to death on the night of August 18, 2001 in Chengde Prison) was transferred from the Chengde Prison to the Taihang Prison in Mancheng County, Baoding City, Hebei Province in the summer of 2000. Because she believed that she was innocent, she refused to do the forced labor, nor would she take orders from the prison police. As a result, she was subjected to ruthless persecution.

In the beginning, they locked Ms. Ding up in an isolated cell with four criminal prisoners. One day, the four inmates forcibly took her downstairs to answer roll call. In front of several hundred prisoners, Ms. Ding clarified the truth about Falun Gong. She told them that Falun Gong and the practitioners were unjustly accused.

In the following three months, police officers and eight prisoners took turns tormenting her. Each morning at about 6 o'clock, four prisoners pulled her hair, grabbed her hands and dragged downstairs with her head facing downward. Her body fell heavily on each staircase landing. Her clothes and shoes were torn and she had bruises all over her body. They dragged her into a group of prisoners and then, with policemen giving orders from the sidelines, several of them violently beat her.

Next, Ms. Ding was forced to stand still in a freezing cold courtyard. There were four prisoners surrounding her: one in front, one behind and two by her sides. Even shifting her weight from one foot to another would invite a savage beating. She was forced to stand still for over 10 hours. It was the dead of winter. Even with a mere half an hour shift, the prisoners could hardly bear the cold. Ms. Ding's legs and feet were severely swollen and she couldn't put on shoes. Most of her hair had been pulled out. Her back and legs were injured and she was not able to walk straight. She was often subjected to violent group beatings at the hands of prisoners.

The entire winter was like that for Ms. Ding. One day, after a round of savage beatings and electric shocks at the hands of policemen and several prisoners, no one ever saw Ms. Ding again. One prisoner who knew the circumstances said, "They lost control while beating her that time."

Meanwhile, another practitioner also suffered the same persecution resulting in severe injuries of the lower back, kidney area, legs and feet. In the end, no one knew that practitioner's whereabouts, either.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/2/27/96272.html

Situation of Shi Wenbo, Surviving Son of Jilin Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Shen Shuhua

Name: Shi Wenbo
Date of Birth: May 1, 1981
Jurisdiction: Xindihao Police Station in the Changyi District of Jilin City, Jilin Province
Jurisdiction: Changchun Road Police Station in Chuanying District, Jilin City

Shi Wenbo presently lives at the home of Ms. Shen Shuhua's second younger brother. He is unemployed.

Information on Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Shen Shuhua

Ms. Shen Shuhua, 47, was a Falun Dafa practitioner from Jilin City, Jilin Province. She lived in the Changyi District of Jilin City. In September 1999, she was detained by the Xindihao Police Station in the Changyi District for adhering to the principles of Falun Dafa. Ms. Shen suffered a mental collapse during her detention as a result of loss of freedom and contact with the outside world. The authorities did not spare her. On June 25, 2000, she was forced to clean the window glass of the neighborhood administration office building and forgot to bring back the water bucket. She went back to get the bucket, fell off the building and died. The exact cause of her fall is unknown.

Organizations responsible for the persecution which resulted in Ms. Shen Shuhua's death:
Country code: 86, area code: 432
Xindihao Police Station in the Changyi District of Jilin City: 2585516
Office of the Party Secretary of the Xindihao Neighborhood Administration: 2454581
Office of the Deputy Party Secretary of the neighborhood administration office: 2454881, 2456120, and 2456129
Xindihao Neighborhood Administration: 2493316
Address of Changyi District Police Department: East Section of Jiefangda Road, Jilin City, Postal Code: 132041
Dispatch Office of Crime Response Unit: 2485162
Office of the police department: 2485940
State Security Unit: 2485537
Legal Section: 2485279
Command Center: 2459110
Office of chief of the police department: 2485301
Office of commissar of the police department: 2499302
Office of deputy chief of the police department: 2485303
Political Division: 2485943
Disciplinary Office: 2458306
Crime Response Unit: 2485378

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/2/4/94837.html

News From China

Latest News from China - February 5, 2005

  1. Changdejin City, Hunan Province] He Xuezhao Is Tormented and Near Suffocation in Changdejin City Prison
  2. Longnanli County, Gansu Province] Cao Qiang and Pu Jianping Receive Three-Year Sentences
  3. Gansu Province] Hei Huiyu and Zhang Run Are Still Imprisoned
  4. Shanghai] Jiang Yong Sentenced to 8 Years by Xuhui District Court
  5. Shandong Province] Several Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested and Six Material Sites Destroyed
  6. Xuyong County, Sichuan Province] Chen Qihua Arrested for Telling Her Experience
  7. Handan City, Hebei Province] Liu Ling On Hunger Strike for Nearly Two Weeks
  8. Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Six Falun Dafa Practitioners Still Detained
  9. Chongqing City] Du Rencheng Arrested for Announcing "Falun Dafa is Great"
  10. Changchun City, Jilin Province] Zhang Guibiao and Two Other Falun Gong Practitioners Are Put on Trial
  11. Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Wang Zhongcheng and Wife Liu Ailing Are Detained
  12. Langfang, Hebei Province] Lu Caixia Is Secretly Taken to a Forced Labor Camp
  13. Nanchong, Sichuan Province] Du Bihua and He Suzhen Arrested for Posting Truth-Clarification Materials
  14. Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Recent Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners
  15. Nanyang Zhenping County, Henan Province] Song Guangping Arrested for Clarifying the Truth
  16. Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Dai Jiawen Arrested and Zhan Xingmao Is Hunted Down

1. [Changdejin City, Hunan Province] He Xuezhao Is Tormented and Near Suffocation in Changdejin City Prison

Mr. He Xuezhao, who is in his 30s, was a teacher at the Liyujiang Power Factory Children's School of Zixing, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province. In mid-October 2002, he was arrested when clarifying truth about Falun Gong, and was given a seven-year prison sentence. He is currently detained at Changdejin City Prison in Hunan Province. It is heard that he has been brutally tortured, and has become feeble. He can no longer walk upright or talk clearly. The hospital diagnosed him with pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, and saw a black shadow in his chest. After He Xuezhao's wife learned of the situation, she requested a medical release, but the prison refused to release him.

Changdejin City Prison telephone number: 86-736-4298220

2. [Longnanli County, Gansu Province] Cao Qiang and Pu Jianping Receive Three-Year Sentences

On the night of October 28, 2004, Cao Qiang from Yanguan Town, Longnanli County, a teacher at Li County No. 2 High School and a painter, along with Pu Jianping, 26, distributed Falun Gong truth-clarification materials at Caoba Township. On their way home, policemen from the Yanguan Police Station arrested them and took them to the Li County Detention Center the following day.

On December 17, 2004, they were sentenced to three years of forced labor, and sent to Pingantai Forced Labor Camp in Lanzhou on the morning of January 10, 2005.

Yanguan Police Station: 86-939-4432485

People responsible for the persecution:
Li County Police Station Manager Tian Xingjia
Police officer Zhao Zhuge (temporarily employed)
Li County Public Security Bureau Director Li Minping
Politics and Security Section Chief Su Zizhen
Detention Center Manager Tian Hai

3. [Gansu Province] Hei Huiyu and Zhang Run Are Still Imprisoned

On August 10, 2004, Hei Huiyu was arrested at work by ten plain-clothed policemen from the Zhangchuan Public Security Bureau, Beidao Public Security Bureau, and Tianshui City Public Security Bureau, and taken to Zhangchuan Detention Center, where they are still detained.

During the detention, Hei Huiyu's family visited Zhangchuan Politics and Security Section and Ma Xiaowu of the National Protection Unit many times requesting his release. Ma intimidated and harassed them. On December 15, Zhangchuan Court held a trial, but because Hei Huiyu and Zhang Run resisted with their righteous believes, the trial was put on hold.

4. [Shanghai] Jiang Yong Sentenced to 8 Years by Xuhui District Court

Mr. Jiang Yong is about 35 years old and a Falun Gong practitioner in Xuhui District, Shanghai. In January 2001, Jiang Yong was arrested while he clarified the truth of Falun Gong in the Xuhui District. Policeman Ding Guangming pulled off all his clothes during an icy-cold January day and poured large buckets of cold-water over his head. Ding also beat, kicked and tortured him with an electric baton. Ding made Jiang stand for a long time, and deprived him of sleep for more than ten days. After obtaining a confession through torture, Jiang Yong was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment by the Xuhui District Court. His prison term ends in 2009.

5. [Shandong Province] Several Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested and Six Material Sites Destroyed

On January 16, 2005, Zhuang Xinli was arrested while picking up Falun Gong truth-clarification materials at Qingzhou Highway Service Area in Shandong Province. Following this arrest, police arrested Wang Guiyu, Li Guiling, Zhu Guifeng, Zhou Lijun, and others. Their homes were ransacked, and six Falun Gong truth-clarification material sites were destroyed. A computer, printer, model-sealing machine, and tape recorder were confiscated.

6. [Xuyong County, Sichuan Province] Chen Qihua Arrested for Telling Her Experience

On the morning of January 25, 2005, Ms. Chen Qihua, an over 60-year-old retired employee of Porcelain Clay Company in Xuyong County, Sichuan Province went shopping at the food market. She told people of her experience and the benefits she derived from practicing Falun Dafa. She was subsequently arrested and taken by a police car to Xuyong County Detention Center. This is the fourth time she was arrested.

Home phone number of Guo Dingyi, from the National Protection Unit of Xuyong County Public Security Bureau, Sichuan Province: 86-830-6225761

7. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Liu Ling On Hunger Strike for Nearly Two Weeks

Ms. Liu Ling, 22, is from Hanshan District, Handan City, Hebei Province. She has been on a hunger strike for two weeks at the Handan City No. 2 Detention Center, demanding her unconditional release. It is said that she has been force-fed by policemen in the detention center. Due to more than four months of detention and force-feeding, she is in a dire situation and her life is in danger. But still, the policemen threatened to sentence her.

The main work units and responsible people in the persecution:
610 Office chief Cao Zhixia: 86-310-7413519 (Office), 86-13803101111 (Cell),
86-310-3158028 (Home)
Handan City No. 2 Detention Center: Tel: 86-310-4157160, 86-310-4156952

8. [Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Six Falun Dafa Practitioners Still Detained

Acheng City No. 2 Detention Center is detaining six Falun Dafa practitioners. They are:

Zhang Cuixin, who was arrested at home in August 2004.

Wang Jincai, who is disabled, and was arrested at home in August 2004.

Wu Yanchun (disabled), Gou Lijun, Wang Zhongming, and Meng Qingjun were arrested in August 2004 while they distributed Falun Gong truth-clarification materials.

The aforementioned six practitioners were all sentenced. Prior to New Year's Day of 2005, they had three health-checks, which they failed every time. Therefore, they could not be sent away. Generally, if a person doesn't pass a health check, he should be released, but these practitioners are still being held. The police officers have been looking for a reason to send them to the forced labor camp.

Responsible units' telephone numbers:
Acheng City 610 Office assistant chief: Wu Da 86-451-53720170
No. 2 Detention Center:
Manager Ma Huaiqiu: 86-451-53714265, 86-451-53846829, 86-13945119872 (Cell)
Vice- Manager Li Xiaoguang: 86-451-53714265, 86-451-53720608, 86-13704841511 (Cell)
Manager Zhou Xiaozhang: 86-451-53714265, 86-451-53749178, 86-13945161665 (Cell)

9. [Chongqing City] Du Rencheng Arrested for Announcing "Falun Dafa is Great"

On January 29, 2005, Du Rencheng from Shuijiang Town, Nanchuan, Chongqing City announced "Falun Dafa is great" and other Falun Gong information using a trumpet. Policemen from Nanchuan Public Security Bureau arrested Du Rencheng. He has not been released.

Relevant telephone number:
Nanchuan Public Security Bureau director, Zhang Xiaohua: 86-23-71905736 (Home)

10. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Zhang Guibiao and Two Other Falun Gong Practitioners Are Put on Trial

Zhang Guibiao, Changchun Technical University teacher Ms. Zhang Yufen, and Ms. Liu Jinli have been arrested and held in detention for eight months. At 8:30 a.m. on February 3, 2005, they were put on trial at Chaoyang District Court. They displayed their righteous faith and announced: "We request unconditional release! We are not guilty!" The court then hastily terminated proceedings after about thirty minutes.

11. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Wang Zhongcheng and Wife Liu Ailing Are Detained

At around 8:00 a.m. on January 28, 2005, Mr. Wang Zhongcheng and his wife Ms. Liu Ailing from Guangzhou were arrested at home. Their computer, printer, Falun Gong books and literature, truth-clarification materials, mobile phone, and address book were confiscated. They are being held at Fang Village Detention Center.

12. [Langfang, Hebei Province] Lu Caixia Is Secretly Taken to a Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Lu Caixia from Langfang, Hebei Province was taken to a brainwashing center in mid-December 2004. She refused to be "transformed," and went on a hunger strike. Around the end of January (exact date is not available), she was sent to a forced labor camp. Her family was not notified, and her family members still do not know where she is being held nor the exact time she was taken to the labor camp.

13. [Nanchong, Sichuan Province] Du Bihua and He Suzhen Arrested for Posting Truth-Clarification Materials

On the night of February 3, 2005, Ms. Du Bihua and Ms. He Suzhen posted Falun Gong truth-clarification materials at the municipal government newly developed area. They were arrested, and detained at Jialing District Detention Center.

14. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Recent Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners

At the end of January 2005, several Falun Dafa practitioners of Nanchang City were arrested as they were hanging Falun Gong banners at 81st bridge in Nanchang.

Ms. Ge is in her 40s, and is a former employee of Jianglian Corporation in Qingyunpu District. After she was arrested about six months ago, she was tortured. She bled profusely and suffered mental trauma. She died at the end of January 2005.

Ms. Yu Cuihua from Jiangling Corporation in Qingyunpu District is in her 50s. While she was distributing Falun Gong truth-clarification materials at her hometown in 2004, she was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison. We believe that she is detained at Jiangxi Province Women Prison. Details are not available.

15. [Nanyang Zhenping County, Henan Province] Song Guangping Arrested for Clarifying the Truth

On January 26, 2005, Song Guangping from Zhenping County, Henan Province clarified the truth of Falun Gong to people at Duye Temple. Erlong Village Police Station in Zhenping County notified the Politic and Protection Section of Zhenping County Public Security Bureau. Policemen Li Jin and Dou Dengyun from the Politic and Protection Section arrested Song Guangping, and detained him at Zhenping County Detention Center. Song Guangping has a child under 16 years old who is still in school. This young child is without a guardian.

16. [Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Dai Jiawen Arrested and Zhan Xingmao Is Hunted Down

It is believed that Jiangdu City Public Security Bureau has arrested Dai Jiawen from Zhenwu Town, Jiangdu City (belongs to Yangzhou City). Zhan Xingmao from Binhu Town, Jiangdu City escaped from Jiangdu City Brain Branch Hospital, and is being hunted down by the 610 Office.

Dai Jiawen had been detained for more than three years, without legal process, at Jiangdu City Detention Center, Yangzhou City Wutaishan Hospital (Mental Hospital), and Jiangdu City Brain Branch Hospital (a mental hospital). Dai Jiawen renounced the practice in 2004, and began to practice again after returning home.

Zhan Xingmao has been to Beijing to appeal many times, and detained and sent to a forced labor camp. He was in the forced labor camp for two years, including one additional year. The 610 Office did not allow him to keep his freedom after his release from the forced labor camp, but kept him detained at Wutaishan Hospital (a mental hospital), and Jiangdu City Brain Branch Hospital (a mental hospital) for more than three years. He was given neurosis medication and suffered electrotherapy.

Some of responsible people in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners in Yangzhou:
Yangzhou City 610 Office:
Xu Yiming, Ji Rengui, Li Zhibin, Xia Xinping, Wang Linggen, Wang Guohua, Liu Jian, Lu Zhengding, Hu Changqing, Gao Fenqiang, Yuan Zhensheng, Jiao Jin, Jiang Xueping

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/2/6/94946.html

Latest News from China - February 17, 2005

  1. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Mr. Wang Kaibo and Ms. Wang Xiaohua Are Sentenced to Prison Terms. They Are Appealing the Decision
  2. [Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yang Huibin Is Arrested and Sentenced to Prison Because He Played a Truth Clarification Video for Students
  3. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Bai Junjie Is Put on Trial
  4. [Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Proince] Ms. Song Shirong of Ganyu County Is Imprisoned
  5. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Ms. Chen Jie Is Imprisoned in Lanzhou City Detention Center
  6. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Mr. Wang Kaibo and Ms. Wang Xiaohua Are Sentenced to Prison Terms. They Are Appealing the Decision

1. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Mr. Wang Kaibo and Ms. Wang Xiaohua Are Sentenced to Prison Terms. They Are Appealing the Decision

In June and July of 2004, the State Security Department of Kaifeng City, Henan Province arrested Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Wang Kaibo and Ms. Wang Xiaohua. At the beginning of February 2005, the Suburban Court of Kaifeng City sentenced Mr. Wang to seven years in prison. The Longting District Court of Kaifeng City sentenced Ms. Wang to five years in prison. They have both filed appeals.

2. [Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yang Huibin Is Arrested and Sentenced to Prison Because He Played a Truth Clarification Video for Students

Mr. Yang Huibin, 29, was a Physics teacher at the Nongken No. 2 High School in Beian City, Heilongjiang Province. At the end of September 2003, in order to let more innocent students know the true facts about Falun Gong and thus save them, he played the truth clarification video "Tiananmen Staged self-immolation." Later, the Nongken Police Department of Beian City arrested him. After being imprisoned for 3 months, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison at the Beian City's Xinsheng Prison. He suffered enormously there. He succumbed to the torture and brainwashing and was "transformed". Then his prison term was reduced by 2 years. Currently he is still in prison.

3. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Bai Junjie Is Put on Trial

At 9 o'clock in the morning on February 16, 2005, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Bai Junjie was put on trial at the Qiaodong Court of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. From the time Mr. Bai was arrested, it took the authorities less than 20 days to put him on trial. They completely ignored the legal procedure. This is a persecution against human rights.

4. [Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Proince] Ms. Song Shirong of Ganyu County Is Imprisoned

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Song Shirong of Ganyu County, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, was putting Falun Gong truth clarification materials into the pockets of clothes that would be sold to customers at the "Ganyu County Farmer Industrial Commercial Supermarket." The security guard discovered this and did not understand the purpose, so he reported her. Presently she is imprisoned in a detention center.

Related telephone numbers:
Li Qiming, Associate Director of the Ganyu County Police Sub-Department, 86-518-6223549 (Home)
Li Jiale, core member of the local 610 Office, 86-518-6283040 (Home)
Wu, Director of the Lianyungang City 610 Office, 86-518-5298335 (Office)
Qian Guangyu, 86-518-2392646
Ma Mingbiao, Chief of the Security Section, 86-518-5292089 (Office), 86-518- 5293351 (Home)

5. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Ms. Chen Jie Is Imprisoned in Lanzhou City Detention Center

On December 8, 2003, the State Security Department of Lanzhou City detained Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chen Jie because she was making truth clarification materials. Later, she was imprisoned in the Detention Center of the State Security Department of Lanzhou City. This detention center is a place of extreme violence. This is where the police tortured Mr. Yuan Jiang, a 29 years old graduate of Tsinghua University, to death.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/2/18/95707.html

Summary of Other Articles and News - February 25, 2005

1. Elementary school teachers in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province are persecuted for their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance"

Mr. Li Yatian, a teacher of Chinese at Xiangzhou Second Elementary School in Zhuhai City, has been arrested and jailed several times for practicing Falun Gong. He has been jailed in Shanhailou Building in Zhuhai, the Education Building, the reception center of Bureau of Water Resources, the reception center of the Bureau of Forestry, and other places. He was unlawfully detained three times, from December 16-30, 1999, February 15-29, 2000, and May 8-23, 2000. On November 18, 2000, Li Yatian was arrested by policemen, and was unlawfully sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp for distributing and mailing flyers.

Yan Hongzhuan, a Physical Education teacher at Xiangzhou First Elementary School in Zhuhai, was forced to quit in October 2000 because of her belief in Falun Gong. From April 2001 to April 2002, she was unlawfully jailed and tortured at the Provincial Women's Forced Labor Camp in Sanshui, Guangdong Province. She was unlawfully arrested again and has been detained in the Provincial Women's Forced Labor Camp since the end of 2004. http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/2/25/96136.html

2. The persecution of Liu Jianguo's family in Baoqing County, Heilongjiang Province

On April 12, 2002, for distributing truth-clarifying materials, Liu Jianguo's wife, Wang Aifang, and his second daughter, Liu Guihua, were arrested. The arrest was conducted by policemen led by Chen Xiangjun, from the police station of the 8511 Farm and Xiao Zhizhong, from the 610 Office of the 8511 Farm. The mother and daughter were jailed at the police station of the 8511 Farm. They were transferred to Nongken Detention Center, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province on April 13. For the same reason, on April 21, Liu Jianguo's son, Liu Qiliang, and Liu Qiliang's wife, Zhang Xiuying, were abducted from their home by policemen. In December 2002, Liu Guihua, Liu Qiliang, Wang Aifang, and Zhang Xiuying were sentenced to jail by Ren Yingwu, the judge of Nongken Intermediate Court, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, for 3 to 4 years each. Liu Qiliang was sent to the 14th Division of Mudanjiang Prison in Heilongjiang Province, and forced to work in a toxic environment for a long time. He was severely injured both physically and mentally. His eyes were filled with blood, his ears were damaged and much of his hearing was lost, his legs have become paralyzed, and his spine was also injured. Liu Guihua, Zhang Xiuying, and Wang Aifang were jailed in the Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province. Liu Qiliang and Zhang Xiuying are now detained in the 5th Division, and Wang Aifang is jailed in the 8th Division. Liu Qiliang has partial hearing loss due to beatings.


3. Tiexi District Court in Shenyang City unlawfully sentences 65-year-old man to 4 years in jail for clarifying the truth

Shi Shengying, 65, was unlawfully arrested by Tiexi District police on the night of November 30, 2004, because he was clarifying the truth of Falun Gong in Xinghua Park, Tiexi District, Shenyang City. He is currently jailed in Shenyang City Detention Center. He was tried by Tiexi District Court on January 31, 2005. Because of the condemnation from his family and the audience, the court secretly sentenced him to 4 years in jail without any written documents.

Shi Shengying went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in October 1999, and was unlawfully detained in the Ziqiang Women's School, Shenyang City, and Longshan Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City. In 2000, he was unlawfully detained twice for going to the 610 Office and Tiexi District Police Station to clarify the truth of Falun Gong. Since January 2001, he had been jailed in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for two years, and his sentence was extended twice because he refused to renounce his belief. In the labor camp, he suffered all kinds of torture. He was forced to stand for long time, he was locked on an iron frame, and he was tied on the tiger bench. His mouth was gagged with dirty cloth and tape, and policemen grabbed him by the hair and banged his head against the wall. He was beaten with an electric baton and jailed in a solitary compartment. Due to harsh conditions at the labor camp, he developed scabies and his skin bled and discharged pus. When the policemen banged his head against the wall, he suffered a concussion and vomited. He developed serious heart disease, so the labor camp released him to avoid bearing the responsibility if he were to die. On August 25, 2003, Shi Shengying was abducted from home and taken to the brainwashing class in Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp, Shenyang City, by authorities from Yunfeng Street Committee and Yunfeng Police Station in Tiexi District.


4. The situation of practitioners persecuted in Wangcun Forced Labor Camp, Shandong Province

There are five steadfast practitioners in the Second Women's Labor Camp in Wangcun, Zibo City, Shandong Province.

Cui Huiting, 40 is from Qingdao. Her hair turned gray and her body became emaciated due to the torture. She was forced to wear thin clothes in the winter of 2001. She was beaten, kicked and insulted. Guards poured cold water down the neck of her shirt. She always faces the evil persecution calmly and speaks out from her heart.

Sun Aiqun, from Fushan County, Yantai City is very brave and dignified. Many people have benefited from her. She always points out the crimes of the guards and collaborators, making them speechless. The guards forced her to stay awake and stand for three months.

Dai Fulian, from Laiyang City, was tortured for so long that her feet became too swollen to walk. Guards sent her to the third male labor camp and forced her husband to try to "transform" her, but she refused to renounce her belief.

Jiang Cuie, 60, is from Rushan County, Weihai City. She was jailed and tortured in the solitary compartment. Her own sister was assigned to monitor and brainwash her. Her spine was injured so that her back had to bend to a 90-degree angle due to starvation, long-term forced-standing, and sleep deprivation. Her sister, under the evil control, viciously beat her. She was released and her body recovered after she returned home.

Xue Yuchun, 40, is from Huangdao. Her hair turned gray and her body became emaciated due to the torture she suffered. Her toenails turned gray and bent upwards due to the long-term forced-standing. Policemen had asked the most capable collaborator to pressure her, beat her, and malign Dafa in front of her, but she remained calm, and faced the evil persecution with her righteous thoughts and wisdom.


5. The persecution of practitioner Zhang Luchan in Lanzhou

Zhang Luchan, 32, is a Dafa disciple from Qilihe District, Lanzhou City. He has been unlawfully jailed in the 5th Group of the First Detention Center in Lanzhou. Zhang Luchan and his wife went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in November 1999, and were sent back to Lanzhou by the local government's liaison office in Beijing. They were unlawfully jailed in Yanjiaping Detention Center for fifteen days. He was sentenced to 18 months in a forced labor camp in July 2000 for posting some truth-clarifying photos. He was sent to Pingantai Forced Labor Camp in Lanzhou. In the labor camp, he was jailed in a solitary compartment and hung up for 20 days. His hands were so badly injured from the torture that the scar is still visible. He was released in January 2002, but police continued to go to his house to harass him. He was eventually forced to leave home to avoid the persecution. In January 2004, Xi Mingjie, a policeman from Qilihe Police Station, followed his wife and found Zhang Luchan on Caochang Street. He was unlawfully arrested and sent to Hualinshan Second Detention Center of Lanzhou, and transferred to a brainwashing class a month later. He was sent to Xiguoyuan Detention Center of Lanzhou six months later. According to reliable sources, the Qilihe District Court will hold a trial for him in February or March 2005.
