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Practitioners Shot At in 2002, Then Seized and Tortured in the Liaoyang City Detention Center, Liaoning Province in 2003

April 08, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On October 12, 2002, Dafa disciples Wang Jingchun and Wang Jinping, a couple who lived in Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province, rode on a motorcycle to post truth-clarification materials along a highway. The police spotted and decided to arrest them. During the illegal arrest, the police shot at them twice (orders from higher authorities are that when the police see Dafa disciples posting truth-clarifying materials, the police can shoot right away). Wang Jingchun escaped danger with righteous thoughts, but the police confiscated the motorcycle, two helmets and the materials that the practitioners had not finished posting. The motorcycle is in the Liaoyang City Police Bureau.

At 5 p.m. on December 27, 2003, Dafa practitioners Wang Jingchun, Wang Jinping, Tian Weijun and Wei Guojun were arrested at the home of Xiao Zhuang in Liaoyang City. At first only Tian Weijun was at home. The Liaoyang City Police Bureau sent out more than ten police officers. They jumped over the gate, broke in, trussed up Tian Weijun and bound his mouth tightly by using a handkerchief to prevent him from speaking or warning the others. When Wang Jingchun, Wang Jinping and Wei Guojun arrived, the policemen immediately attacked them and brutally beat them. Several policemen used bricks to hit Wei Guojun's head, causing lacerations. The blood gushed from his head immediately and splashed all over his face and clothes. The policemen then brought the Dafa practitioners inside the home. They handcuffed the Dafa practitioners and continued beating them. Policeman Wang Qingyou used a large stir-fry spoon to hit Wei Guojun's head. Tian Weijun asked them to stop the brutality and warned them that by persecuting Dafa disciples they would bring retribution upon themselves. They replied that they did not care. A few other policemen headed directly to Wang Jinping and knocked her to the ground--beating and kicking her. They handcuffed her and dragged her to another room. After a while, Wang Jingchun was dragged back to the room. The policemen then handcuffed the Dafa practitioners together and a few policemen stayed to watch them. The others went to arrest Yao Mei and then went to Dafa practitioners Huang Yongjiu and Wang Yongsheng's place to illegally arrest them. Later these policemen sent the practitioners to the Liaoyang City Police Bureau for intimidation, interrogation and extortion. Each practitioner was kept in a separate room and all that people could hear were the sounds of people being beaten. The policeman Gao Fenghua held Wang Jingchun's head to hit against the wall and threatened him saying, "We don't need any law to treat people like you. If we kill you, we can just bury you right away." Another police chief said, "Wang Jingchun, let me break your leg and then let you run this time."

In order to intimidate Wang Yongsheng, four policemen split his legs apart. Two of them held him and the other two stretched his legs apart. Afterwards, his legs were heavily bruised and swollen and he had difficulty walking. Wang Jinping's face was also beaten and her face was bruised and swollen. Policeman Gao Fenghua forced her to run and if she stopped Gao would brutally beat her. She was then kicked down to the ground and could not stand up again.

At three to four o'clock in the morning, the Dafa disciples were successively sent to the detention center of Liaoyang City for continued illegal detention. When she was sent to the detention center, Wang Jingchun's eyes were so swollen that she could not see. She felt very dizzy and could not stand up. Wei Guojun's face was full of blood. Wang Jinping's lower back was beaten and hurt and she couldn't walk. Yao Mei could not even lift her own arms because of being hit. Later the policemen also arrested Dafa disciples Guo Xueguang, Zhang Xiulian and Wang Hongwei.

Wang Jingchun, Wang Jinping, Yao Mei and Zhang Xiulian started a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention.

According to information known at the present time, the two Dafa practitioners, Mr. Wei Guojun (from Tieling City, 37 years old) and Mr. Wang Yongsheng (from Liaoyang County, 32 years old) were illegally sentenced to 9 years in prison.

Some items were illegally confiscated from Wang Jingchun's room, including one color TV, one VCD machine, two motorcycles, one bicycle, 5300 yuan in cash, one cell-phone, one small recorder, two walkmen, one short-wave radio, all Dafa materials, cassettes of Master's lectures, truth-clarifying materials, one paper cutting machine, two staplers and one CD writer.

March 19, 2005