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A Cyber Policeman Reports on a Sinister Secret Meeting of Public Security Officials

April 29, 2005 |  


It has been made known to us that a provincial Public Security Office recently held a meeting of cyber policemen (security personnel in charge of monitoring the internet). None of the attendants was allowed to take records of the meeting. Our source, who is himself a cyber policeman, claims to know the truth about Falun Gong and the facts relating to the persecution. For example, he has read the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" published by the Epoch Times.

According to his report, three points were discussed at the meeting the day before:

1) All e-mail addresses must be checked. Any e-mail accounts with overseas connections must include background information on the account holders. New software is being installed to detect Falun Gong practitioners and their relatives.

2) Zeng Qinghong ordered stricter surveillance. From now on, intellectuals and artists who have overseas contacts will be background-checked at least once. Therefore, we urge everyone who sends truth-clarifying materials through the Internet to pay extra attention to security. Currently, a large number of cyber policemen are blocking the information flow through the Internet. Do not stay at an Internet caf¨¦ for over ten minutes to send out e-mails. Otherwise, any suspected sender could be easily located by the new software.

3) A group of so-called "intellectuals" were selected from the central government, provinces, cities, and districts to once again write articles slandering and commenting on Falun Gong. The purpose is to incite hatred towards Falun Gong.

All of this censorship and attempts to restrict people's human rights, however, will not work in the long run. Pulitzer Prize winning author Ian Johnson gave a talk about the CCP's persecution of the Falun Gong spiritual movement at the University of Missouri recently, and specifically talked about how Falun Gong's peaceful resistance to the persecution has exposed the brittle nature of the CCP's power.

April 3, 2005