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Summary of Other Articles and News - February 26, 2005

March 09, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution - The Brutality at the Zibo Labor Camp in Shandong Province

Falun Gong practitioners were cruelly tortured by the police at the Zibo Labor Camp in Shandong Province. Their evil deeds are countless. The Labor Camp guard Liu Jicao fiercely pinched the neck of Falun Gong practitioner Shao Chengle at the labor camp hospital. Policeman Xu of the health section hit Shao Chengle's waist with his knee, and also used a pair of iron pliers to pry open Shao Chengle's mouth to force food down it, causing much bleeding. Another practitioner, Zhang Guangbao, was handcuffed for the whole summer and was often beaten and kicked. The prison guards handcuffed Chu Liwen to an iron bed and then instructed Yang Hongjun to tie up Chu's legs and brutally torture him.

Seven or eight collaborators were assigned to brainwash every newly abducted Falun Gong practitioner. They did not allow practitioners to sleep, but kept brainwashing and torturing them. As a result, many practitioners became muddle-headed and felt dizzy as they walked. In the coldest winter, the labor camp only allowed Falun Gong practitioners to wear light garments. The guards even used needles to stab practitioners' faces.