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Dafa Has Given Me a New Lease on Life

March 26, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I have been taking medication since I was 29. First it was for bone hyperplasia, chronic ulcer, urinary tract infection, followed by heart disease, blood deficiency to the heart muscle, lack of blood supply to the brain, dizziness, and nephritis. Three years later, my ailments got worse by the day. One day I went to visit my mother, who was staying at the hospital (my mother suffered from serious illnesses and had to be treated by staying in the hospital once or twice a year). I had a physical checkup at the same time. Unexpectedly, the doctor warned me after the physical, "Every part of your body, except your hair, has a serious ailment. You must receive medical treatment immediately. If you delay for another month, you could lose consciousness every 2-3 days."

Ever since that day, I started taking Traditional Chinese Medicine, receiving IVs, and taking the best medicine and nutritional supplements the doctors could prescribe for me. The first medical treatment lasted for an entire month. I spent a lot of money, yet my condition did not improve. Later, I went to the county hospital. A fairly well-known doctor examined me and told me that I had a serious heart condition. There was nothing that I could do but take more medicine. My heart condition did not improve after I finished the medication, and instead it became worse. Seeking an alternate approach, I went to a Traditional Chinese Medicine hospital. I asked for the specialist to check me out. Two specialists examined me, and their conclusion was that I showed no pulse. They did not even bother to prescribe medication for me. I just cannot describe my feeling at that time. I did not know how long I could live. Knowing that if my children could not find their mother after school and my husband could not be cared for after work, it just overwhelmed me. I told myself I must live. I visited even larger hospitals, spent more money, and took more medicine and injections. But my ailments did not change for the better.

On January 3, 1999, I went back to visit my mother for the New Year holiday. I heard that she had learned Falun Gong. She told me that she learned Falun Gong the year before during the winter. After just one month of practice she could feel drastic improvement in her physical well being, and she felt energetic. She told me to give it a try. In an attempt to cure my illness, I learned how to do the exercises from my mother that very evening. After I returned home, I practiced consistently every day. Gradually, I felt I no longer had shortness of breath when talking with others. I felt energetic while walking and working. I was very happy. Falun Gong was truly healing me.

I shared this fabulous news with all my relatives and friends. They were all very happy about the positive results. Some of them learned the Falun Gong exercises at my home. However, before long, on July 20, the evil old forces started to persecute Falun Dafa. The TV and newspapers carried programs slandering Dafa. My neighbors no longer joined me to do the exercises. At first I still continued to practice by myself, but because I did not study the Fa thoroughly and could not look at issues from the perspective of the Fa, I gradually became complacent. With that, various ailments returned and I started taking medicine again. But the medicine did not help, and more symptoms of illness appeared. In the summer of 2003, I felt severe pain around my chest and abdominal area. I went to the hospital again for a check up. The first sentence the doctor said was, "Why didn't you go earlier for treatment? Do you know how bad your physical condition is?" My mother came to visit me after I got home. After seeing me holding the new prescription medicines, she said, "Look at me, after practicing for five years I have not taken any medicine or injections. All my illnesses are gone. Why don't you practice?"

My mother took me to the home of another practitioner who had previously suffered late- stage terminal cancer but was completely cured after practicing Falun Gong. The practitioner patiently told me that Teacher emphasized that we must cultivate and raise our xinxing throughout our practice. From that very day onward I made up my mind that I will cultivate as a true practitioner.

Ever since that day, I study and practice every day, and have never stopped, even when my body felt miserable. I never even thought about stopping. I studied the Fa and practiced the exercises for four months before experiencing my first karma elimination. I suffered for three days and nights. I knew that it was Teacher purifying my body.

I cannot express my immense gratitude for Teacher's profound grace and kindness. I can only study the Fa well and do well the three things so as to be worthy of Teacher's benevolent salvation.