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Walk with Determination the Path That Teacher Arranged for Us

March 25, 2005 |   By Xinyu from Hebei Province


Recently I learned via Clearwisdom Net reports that many practitioners who died due to persecution had suffered "illness karma." Some of them developed serious illness. Some of them had an attack of a previous illness. Some were illegally arrested and then released because of their poor state of health; however, they died a few years later. In our local area, we have a few senior practitioners who suddenly became ill, paralyzed or developed mental illness. This has a negative impact on everyday people since they cannot understand how practitioners could get so ill. It makes it more difficult to clarify the truth. When we tried to help these practitioners, some of us were also interfered with.

For example, one of our practitioners often felt sore all over her body for no apparent reason. She said that it must be evil interference. She asked fellow practitioners to come over and help her send forth righteous thoughts. She has asked almost all the local practitioners to do this. It has been a while, yet she hasn't improved much. Many local practitioners didn't know what to do. Similar incidents occurred in which we sent forth righteous thoughts, but were unable to achieve any results.

Personally, I think that the root cause is that either these practitioners wrote the so-called guarantee statement and have not written a solemn declaration to nullify it, or they are still holding on to their fundamental attachments. They really need to come to realize their problems. Meanwhile, as fellow practitioners, we shouldn't give up on them. Otherwise, we are acknowledging the arrangements of the evil old forces.

Some practitioners thought that they had tried their best to help these practitioners. When these practitioners didn't seem to improve, they began to think, "No matter what, I must not let those practitioners negatively affect me." In fact, when we look at this thought more carefully, we can see that it is based on selfishness. The old forces have taken advantage of practitioners' compassionate hearts to launch their persecution. We should not allow them to do so. Otherwise, we won't be able to do a good job with the three things that Teacher asked us to do. We need to send forth righteous thoughts to completely eradicate the evil specters. Meanwhile, we should clear-mindedly know the responsibilities that we are to assume. All the practitioners should truly deny the old forces' arrangements. We cannot think that those practitioners have omissions themselves and that others are therefore unable to help. Everything is related to us as a whole body. It is a matter of cooperation and coordination. If we are hoping for some results, isn't that some sort of pursuit as well?

Teacher said in the first lecture of Zhuan Falun,

"...I have been responsible to society and practitioners. The results we have received have been good, and their impact upon the entire society has also been quite good."

As Fa-rectification disciples, we need to be responsible for the Fa and for all the positive elements in the universe. Let's send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the remaining evil. Let's help our fellow practitioners negate the old forces' arrangements from the perspective of the Fa and completely break away from the old forces by publishing solemn declarations. Let us walk down the path arranged by Teacher in a dignified manner.