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Thoughts about the Recent Interference Experienced by Practitioners Outside of China

March 11, 2005 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, there has been much interference experienced by practitioners outside of China. This interference not only happened in North America, but also in small towns in Europe. Practitioners have been harassed by phone calls from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This has never happened before in the Fa-rectification period.

Actually, we all understand very well that this is a trick that the CCP is using to save their evil head and strengthen their power, like they did before. They continue to deceive the people, even as their "great, glorious and correct" image is failing, especially after the publication of The Nine Commentaries. The biggest, worst cult in all of human history - the CCP - has been completely exposed. The more hysterically it behaves, the faster it will be destroyed. However, in this process it can sometimes create relatively complicated situations.

Let's look at ourselves from another side. For those of us who live in China, due to the fact that we are in an environment of direct persecution, we are extremely busy with Fa-rectification and truth-clarification activities. At the same time, we have to study the Fa well and also use our time well to make a living. Having been in this circumstance for a long time, we have taken the help we receive from overseas practitioners for granted. Whenever we have difficulties, we hope and expect to get support from overseas. Have we taken the Fa-rectification projects going on overseas as our own projects and tried to help them with our hearts and righteous thoughts? Examining our consciences, we have not been really considerate of the fellow practitioners outside of China, nor have we treated Fa-rectification projects with righteous thoughts. Many times, we just "ask for" something from the overseas practitioners and expect that they can help us.

Although the environment overseas is looser, there are difficulties outside of China as well. Those people who have worked overseas all know that they have to expend much time and hard work just to make a living. Even if they are the bosses themselves, free time is still quite limited. In western society, prices of commodities and living expenses are very high. The differences in the language and the culture cause our Chinese fellow practitioners to encounter various types of resistance when they are doing Fa-rectification projects.

Jiang Zemin's political gang exports this unprecedented persecution to other countries. It has interfered with and persecuted practitioners through the Chinese embassies, by their use of spies, and by taking advantage of the newspapers. Thus, the environment is very difficult for overseas practitioners.

Although the environment is different in Mainland China, our goal is the same. We all hope to end this unprecedented persecution as soon as possible and to fulfill our mission during the Fa-rectification period. Why do we not take all the Fa-rectification projects as our own? Although we cannot directly interact with practitioners outside of China, our hearts are connected together as are our righteous thoughts. If we can really accomplish this, the interference from the evil spirits and rotten ghosts will melt in the face of our strong, unified power!

This is my personal understanding and just for your reference. Please correct me if you see any shortcomings.