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Practitioners Around the World Call on the Government of Argentina to Resist the CCP's Extension of Violence (Photos)

December 25, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On December 14, Falun Gong practitioners held a peaceful protest in front of the Argentinean Parliament against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) delegation headed by Luo Gan. Hired thugs dispatched by the Chinese Embassy attacked the practitioners and snatched their banners and truth-clarification posters. The Argentinean police present at the scene did not take any action to stop the violence. After the incident, practitioners across the world condemned the CCP's extension of violence to other countries and went to Argentinean embassies and consulates to call on the government of Argentina not to bow to the CCP's pressure. They called on the Argentinean authorities to maintain righteousness and safeguard human rights.

Malaysian Practitioners Call on Argentina not Bow to the CCP (Photo)

On December 22, Malaysian practitioners handed in a petition letter to the Argentinean Embassy to protest the incident. A spokesperson for the practitioners said that incidents of violence against practitioners holding peaceful protests occurred in Argentina and Thailand. Local police treated the practitioners unfairly under pressure from the CCP. It indicates that the CCP continues to extend the persecution of Falun Gong to other countries.


Practitioners displayed banners reading, "Argentina: Do not collaborate with the CCP to persecute Falun Gong," and "Bring Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Zhou Yingkang, and Liu Jing to justice." They called on the Argentinean government not to bow to the CCP.

A practitioner said, "We are shocked and concerned at the violent incident that occurred in Argentina. People from all circles have gradually come to know about the CCP and the evil nature of the persecution. Even those who were passively involved in the persecution have come to know that Falun Gong is great, and know not to listen to the CCP's orders take part in the persecution. We practitioners hope that the Argentinean government does not bow to the CCP's pressure and will not collaborate with it to persecute Falun Gong."

The Argentine Ambassador dispatched a representative to accept the letter and said that the letter would be transferred to the government of Argentina.

Finnish Practitioners Deliver Letter to Argentinean Embassy and Request an Investigation of the Violent Incident

On December 19, 2005, Finnish practitioners went to Argentine Embassy and delivered an open letter. The letter requested the Ambassador and the government of Argentina to investigate the serious incident that occurred in Argentina.

The letter demanded that the Argentinean government investigate the violent incident quickly and attentively, stop such violence related to the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and the trampling of human rights in Argentina and bring the thugs who attacked the practitioners to justice. No democratic government should trade with the CCP by sacrificing human rights.

Two practitioners explained to the staff members who met them in the embassy about the worldwide spread of Falun Gong and the numerous awards the practice has received. They also narrated the facts of the persecution in China and told about the deaths of at least 2,793 practitioners due to police brutality. The violence against practitioners in Argentina is evidence of the CCP's extension of its atrocities to other countries. The persecution must stop. After listening to the practitioners' explanation, the two staff members expressed their concern about the incident and indicated their support for the practitioners. The practitioners presented them the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in English. The officials accepted the open letter and said they would transfer the letter and the "truth-clarification" literature to the ambassador.

Practitioners Hand in an Open Letter to the Argentinean Embassy in Switzerland

On the afternoon of December 22, practitioners in Switzerland held a peaceful protest in front of the Argentinean Embassy in very cold weather. They called on the government of Argentina to not be deceived by the CCP's lies or bow to CCP pressure to give up the principles of human rights. They hoped that the Argentinean government would help end the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. They read an open letter in English and German and handed it to the receptionist at the embassy. The receptionist said that he would transfer the letter and forward the practitioners' message to his boss.

A practitioner reads the open letter in German

Practitioners in Atlanta, Georgia Express Their Concern to the Argentinean Consulate

On December 20, practitioners in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) gathered in front of the Argentine Consulate to express their strong concern about the incident in which thugs hired by the CCP beat practitioners in Argentina. Representatives of the practitioners handed in a petition letter, the Nine Commentaries, and truth-clarification literature to Mr. Carlos Layus, the Consul, in their meeting with him in the conference room of the consulate, and expressed their concerns about the violent incident.

Mr. Layus was shocked about the CCP's persecution of such a peaceful group. He expressed his sympathy to a practitioner who suffered one and a half years of imprisonment in China and was pleased that she was able to come to the US.

Mr. Layus said that the police's duty is to maintain order and it is unbelievable that such an incident occurred in Argentina. He said he would transfer the petition letter to the Argentine Embassy in Washington and to the government of Argentina.