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Who Fears Whom?

December 22, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Almost every day I have come across articles and reports published on the Clearwisdom website about how Falun Dafa practitioners were illegally arrested or harassed in different areas. Each time, I sent forth righteous thoughts for them. However, I felt sorry for them at the same time. In his lectures, Teacher repeatedly talked about our origin and missions. We are not here to bear the persecution. Instead, we are here to assist Teacher in this world. We are the main characters and now is the time that we should show people how magnificent Dafa practitioners are. How can we be affected or even controlled by the evil?

I remember an article I read about the deeds of a practitioner who started to practice Dafa in 2005. When he was clarifying the truth, the police tried to shock him with an electric baton. However, with the practitioner's strong righteous thoughts, the electric shock went back to the police. I came to realize that Teacher has equipped us with various kinds of supernormal abilities and gong potency in order for us to help save sentient beings. We can use them at will as long as it's for saving the world's people since everything in this world came for the Fa and needs to be assimilated to the Fa. We only need to rectify them and then we can use them at will to save sentient beings. The point is whether or not we did "...fundamentally change their way of thinking." ("Lun Yu," Zhuan Falun) If not, then "... the reality of the universe will forever remain something of a myth to mankind, and ordinary people will forever grope around inside the box created by their own ignorance." ("Lun Yu", Zhuan Falun)

We need to truly believe that the righteous is incomparably powerful and the evil fears the righteous. How can it dare to persecute us! It would be eliminated right away if it didn't run away quickly enough. Who fears whom? This is a question that we need to think about using righteous thoughts instead of human notions. During critical times, whether we use human notions or righteous thoughts is extremely important. Even when we are not sure whether we have acquired such powerful abilities, we need to know that "Disciples having enough righteous thoughts, Teacher would use his boundless power" (Hong Yin II, a provisional translation subject to improvement)

In fact, it is also a question to test whether we think of ourselves as common everyday people or Falun Dafa disciples, whether we want to save sentient beings first or ourselves first, and whether we ask for help from the world's people or Teacher. It can show whether we truly believe in Teacher and the Fa and where our basis is.

Fellow practitioners, let the part of us that has obtained the Fa wake up. Let us save sentient beings using the compassion and dignity that we get from cultivating the Fa. Let's show the world's people the Fa's greatness and magnificence. We should bring people the Fa's dignity and splendor. We should plant "Wonderful Falun Dafa! Wonderful Truth, Compassion, Forbearance" into people's hearts. We should not die or disappear because of fear or illnesses or torture since these are immeasurable losses for saving sentient beings. Let our righteous thoughts shine brilliantly and purely during the final stage of the Fa-rectification.