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My Thoughts on Collecting Experience Sharing Articles from China

November 04, 2005 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I have some thoughts on how to look at the issue of the call for experience sharing articles among practitioners in China. I think that we all need to actively cooperate, as it is another precious opportunity to work together as a whole, all the while improving as individuals in cultivating our xinxing and our understanding of the Fa. We need to emphasize participation and care less about the results. In fact, the process of writing experience-sharing articles is a process of improving and ascending to a higher level. It will help us to expose and eliminate our human notions and, therefore, improve ourselves.

Last year during the collection of articles for the first Written Experience Sharing Fa conference for practitioners in China, I submitted my article with confidence. Because I could access the Minghui/Clearwisdom.net websites, I looked forward to seeing my article in print. I watched closely every day and I saw published articles by many other fellow practitioners, but not mine. I was very frustrated. Later, all of the articles were published, but my article was still not there. I was truly depressed.

Later, I calmed down and thought it through carefully. Didn't I have an attachment of gain and fame? I thought of myself as having little attachment to gain and fame. However, such an attachment was fully exposed during the process of submitting my article. I was truly shocked. When I realized my attachment, I no longer had the feeling of loss. I also came to understand that if I wrote the article with such an impure mindset, the purpose was to validate myself. Practitioners' responsibility is to validate the magnificence of Dafa, not oneself. If all practitioners participate, righteous thoughts and deeds will manifest the magnificence of Dafa. This is to validate that Dafa is "a correct and true science, rather than preaching or idealism ". ("Validation" in Essentials for Further Advancement)

Meanwhile, the experience of one practitioner is part of the wealth of all practitioners. The lessons of one practitioner can be learned by all practitioners so that we can avoid unnecessary mistakes. We can then walk our paths more righteously and avoid losses, use more energy to save sentient beings, and maximally meet the requirements of Teacher.

In fact we cannot have the attachment of having it published when we write experience-sharing articles. When we do what we are supposed to do, we will find that we can only gain. What we lose are the various notions and attachments developed over time - and those are the true obstacles in our attempt to assimilate to the characteristics of the new universe: "Truth, Compassion and Forbearance."