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Rescuing Fellow Practitioners and Further Clarifying the Truth (Photos)

November 15, 2005 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) About two years ago, around the time when Teacher commented on the article, "Expose the Evil Happening Locally to the Local People," we in our local area joined the effort to rescue practitioners who had been illegally detained. We exposed the facts of the persecution to the public in a timely manner; posted and distributed pertinent truth-clarification materials in large quantities, and sent letters and made phone calls to the detention centers. In two to three months, many detained practitioners were sent home. Some of them were illegally sentenced to forced labor; some finished serving their terms in the forced labor camp, but had their sentences extended; some were persecuted at brainwashing centers for extended periods of time; and some were illegally sentenced to long prison terms.

Despite our efforts, there are still many practitioners who are being illegally detained. We need to persist in our efforts to rescue them. Normally, when a practitioner is first arrested, other practitioners participate in the rescue efforts. However, after a period of time, if we don't see any direct "results," we slack off in our efforts, and we don't actively seek news about the detained practitioners. Especially for practitioners who have been detained for several years, if nobody mentions them, other practitioners almost seem to forget about them.

Some practitioners suggested that we persist in our rescue efforts. Practitioners should work as one body. The persecution of one practitioner is the persecution of the whole body, and consequently, the persecution of each member of this body. We should not let the ruthless persecution go on like this. On the other hand, the rescue efforts are not just to help free fellow practitioners from illegal detention (if this were the sole purpose of our efforts the outcome would not be good since we would be acting out of human qing and attachment to the end results. Such behavior deviates from the fundamental basis of saving sentient beings). We use these rescue cases to expose the persecution, suffocate the evil, save sentient beings, and continue our cultivation. In this way, we let go of our selfishness, coordinate with each other, and improve as one entity. If we can form a well-coordinated entity, expose the persecution in a timely manner, eliminate the evil, and think of ways to let more people understand the truth about Falun Gong, the field of righteous thoughts will be stronger; and the places where practitioners are persecuted will be disbanded. Consequently, the persecution of practitioners is suppressed and stopped. Practitioners' righteous thoughts and actions complement each other and can lead to positive results.

First, we need to obtain details about how the detained practitioners are being treated. Then, we need to expose the facts and make pertinent truth-clarification materials. Practitioners can use various ways to clarify the truth and rescue the detained practitioners: hand out flyers, mail and put up truth-clarification materials, make telephone calls, and send forth righteous thoughts in close proximity to the evil.

Paying attention to and sorting out news related to the persecution of practitioners are the first steps in all truth-clarification activities and are thus very important. For example, in our area, the article, "Nine-Year-Old Ma Fan Dreams about Her Parents, Locked Up in Forced Labor Camps" revealed what happened to two practitioners. The article, "Grandma Shi Shengying Tortured to Death in Shenyang Prison" disclosed the brutal torture death of a practitioner. "What Kind of People Were Sent to Prison by the Dadong Courthouse in Shenyang City" recorded how the staff of the local courthouse participated in the persecution of practitioners. All these facts were collected and documented by practitioners who are proactively disclosing the persecution and taking responsibility in Fa-validation.

Look around, there are still many persecution cases that have not been disclosed. There are still many persecution facts that need to be collected and made into truth-clarification materials. If only one or two practitioners are involved in this work, it will be time-consuming and difficult. If everybody participates, it will be much easier. Of course, we should not just help out for the sake of doing it; that is, we should not turn such sacred tasks of validating Dafa and saving sentient beings into a job. Only if we study the Fa well and keep in mind the overall goal of saving sentient beings, can we prevent ourselves from becoming numb and giving up halfway through the task.

There are many ways to validate Dafa and save sentient beings. The above are some of my thoughts on how to clarify the truth through rescuing local practitioners. Please correct me if there is anything inappropriate.

What follows is a summary of the information we have about detained practitioners, organized according to the institutions in which they are being detained. It is only a partial listing.

  1. Shenyang Prison Complex

Shenyang Prison Complex (encompassing several prisons in Dabei) was completed in November 2003; it cost Liaoning Province over 500 million yuan, and is China's first prison complex. It spans 2,000 Chinese acres. Several of the prisons are located in Baixintaizi Village, Pingluo Town, Yuhong District, Shenyang City. Subordinate prisons include the No. 1 Prison of Shenyang City, Lianoning Province, the No. 2 Prison of Shenyang City, Lianoning Province, Liaoning Province Women's Prison, New Inmates Prison of Liaoning Province, and the Hospital of Liaoning Province Prison Administration Bureau. They all participate in the persecution of Dafa practitioners. The No. 2 Prison of Shenyang City detains the most practitioners. Detained practitioners are forced to do slave labor such as sewing and making handicrafts.

Practitioners who are illegally detained in this complex of prisons (unable to determine in which prison they are detained):

Ma Ronghua -- sentenced to 10 years
Ha Li -- sentenced to 10 years
Pei Yuanbo -- sentenced to 5 years
Fu Guixiang -- sentenced to 3 years

No. 2 Prison of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

Practitioners illegally detained at the No. 2 Prison of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province:

Zhao Yuanji -- sentenced to 7 years
Li Yanzeng
Hu Guoping
Yan Haizhi

The No. 1 Prison of Shenyang City, Lianoning Province

A truck full of raw materials for the handicrafts is parked in front of the No. 1 Prison of Shenyang City (the picture was taken in September 2005)

Liaoning Province Women's Prison

Practitioners who are illegally detained at Liaoning Province Women's Prison:

Chai Shijin (Tiexi District) -- 4 years
Li Dongqing (Heping District) -- 5 years
Li Shuzhen (Yuhong District) -- 9 years
Zhang Lijuan (Yuhong District) -- 7 years
Chen Xiufan (Yuhong District)
Yu Xiaoqing (Huanggu District)
Jiang Shumei (Huanggu District) -- 8 years
Wang Jie (Shenhequ) -- 9 years, No. 9 Ward
Cai Shaojie (Shenhe District) -- 7 years, No. 1 Ward
Qi Xiangru (Kangping County)
Guan Suli (Liaozhong County) -- 4 years
Zhu Mingqi (location unknown)
Sun Yuying (location unknown)

New Inmates Prison of Liaoning Province

General Hospital of Liaoning Province Prison Administration Bureau

Liu Yantao (Tiexi District), male -- 15 years
Huang Xin (Heping District) female -- 8 years
A practitioner with the surname Gao
A practitioner with the surname Zhang

  1. Masanjia Forced Labor Camp of Liaoning Province (currently named "Ideology Education School of Liaoning Province")

The residential area for guards working at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp is called "Riverside Community" and is located on Xijiang Street (formerly Huaihe Street), Huanggu District, Shenyang City, across from the Nujiang Park. It is on the north bank of North Canal. This compound consists of about 10 buildings. Several policemen also live here.

Practitioners who are illegally detained at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp:

Wang Yu (Tiexi District) -- 3 years
Xu Jing (Tiexi District)
Shang Xiaoyun (Tiexi District)
Zhang Lirong (Heping District) -- 3 years
Dong Jingya (Heping District) -- 3 years and 4 months
Sui Hua (Heping District) -- one year
Fan Hua (Heping District)
Yun Yan (Heping District)
Zhao Lijun (Huanggu District)
Wang Xiaoning (Huanggu District) -- has been brainwashed and is acting as a "collaborator" in the First Brigade
Han Junxian (Huanggu District) -- has been brainwashed
Xu Shuyun (Huanggu District) -- has been brainwashed and is acting as a collaborator in the First Brigade
Li Lanying (Huanggu District)
Qu Yanhong (Dadong District) -- has been brainwashed
Hu Xiuyan (Dadong District) -- 2 years
Du Guiyuan (Dadong District)
Kong Fanzhen (Dadong District)
Miao Fengzhen (Dahong District)
Li Fengling (Dahong District) -- 3 years
Zhang Ying (Shenhe District) -- 3 years
Zhang Xiuzhi (Donglin District)
Zhang Peiying (location unknown)

  1. Shenxin Forced Labor Camp

Practitioners who are illegally detained in Group One (males):

Ma Yuping (Tiexi District) -- 3 Years
Zhu Yuxiang (Tiexi District) -- 2 Years
Liu Qingming (Xinmin City)
Wu Junde (Xinmin City)|
Zhang Xudong (Yuhong District) -- 2 years
Liu Zhongping (Yuhong District) -- has been brainwashed
Lin Zhichun (Dadong District) -- has been brainwashed

  1. Shenyang Detention Center (new location)

Shenyang Detention Center (originally located in Wangshi Village, Hunnan New District, Shenyang City) moved to its current address on August 19, 2005. Practitioners can send forth righteous thoughts in proximity to this facility. Please use the following new mailing address: Gaoli Village, Zaohua Town, Yuhong District, Shenyang City, Post code 110148. Several female practitioners are detained here.

    Shenyang Detention Center

Practitioners who are illegally detained here:

Liu Ping, female (Dadong District)
Wang Jing (Xinmin City)
Zhang Changfeng (Xinmin City)
Sun Xiaoqin (Xinmin City)

  1. Liaoning Huazi Prison

Address: Huajia Village, Huazi Town, Dengta City, Liaoning Province, Post code 111312
Practitioners who are illegally detained here (males):
Xie Changbao (Tiexi District) -- 7 years
Dong Weijia (Tiexi District) -- 10 years
Cui Jian (Tiexi District)
Jing Yu (Yuhong District) -- 10 years
Qu Deren (Yuhong District)
Zeng Xianzhi (Xinchengzi District)
Liu Shiwei (Sujiatun District)
Cao Yang (Xinmin City) -- 7 years
Wang Jiangning

  1. Wafangdian Prison of Dalian City, Liaoning Province

Address: P. O. Box 055, Fugong, Wafangdian City of Dalian, Liaoning Province, Post code 116300. Telephone number: 86-411-85676634

Practitioners who are illegally detained here (males):
Yu Miao (Dadong district)
Liu Huayu (Dadong district) -- 4 years
Cong Ming (Dadong district) -- 9 years
Tan Xinyu (Shenhe district) -- 8 years
Tan Kaiyu (Shenhe district) -- 8 years

List of Wafangdian Prison personnel (country code: 86, area code 411)

Main Division Chief, Cong Zheng; assistant, Zuo Xiao; Office telephone number: 85676311

Policeman Lu Chuangui (head of the Direct Subordinate Unit, No. 2 Section; Lu is getting a promotion for persecuting practitioners and is currently studying in another city), Office number: 85676634, 85676311

Inmate Du Gang (a criminal who was prompted by police to beat practitioners), Phone numbers: 5676630, 567661, 85676641

Warden, Liu Miaozeng, Tel.: 85676999, 85676818
Warden, Chang Guoyue: 85676618, 85676688
General Office, Pu Shengjun: 85676666, 85676966
Zhang Yude: 85676988, 85676277
Chu Xinwei: 85676168
Yu Guocai: 85676568
Zhao Jianwei: 85676699
Zhang Zejiu: 85676899
Xie Shurong: 85676998

Policy Office of the prison:
Division chief, Song Lujun, telephone number: 85676630
Head of No. 1 Penalty Section, Hou (given name not known)
Head of No. 2 Penalty Section, Cong Zheng (very vicious)
Deputy Head of No. 2 Penalty Section, Zuo Xiao

Brigade Captain, Lu Chenglin (very vicious), Police Badge No. 2124281, telephone number: 85676631, 13304116857 (cell phone)
Captain of Team One, Liu Weidong: 85676630, 13130497967 (cell)
Captain of Team Two, Li Xu: 85676634, 13322237630 (cell)

  1. Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou City

Address: 86 Nanshan Road, Taihe District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, Post code 121013

Practitioner illegally detained here (male):
Zhang Huiyu (Shenhe District) -- 15 years

Nanshan Prison Personnel:
Vice Division Chief, Su Xudong: 13941664202
Clerk, Li Tiegang: 13841680320
Clerk, Guo Shouli: 13941627075
No. 2 Division Chief, Zhang Qing: 13904964461
Head of No. 2 Ward, Li Yue: 13804169727
Head of Discipline and Education Ward, Zhang Baozhi: 13841615820

  1. Panjin Prison of Liaoning Province
  2. Address: Mailbox 033 3-4, Panjin Prison, Liaoning Province, Post code 124111

    Practitioner who is illegally detained here (male): Zhang Xianting (Tiexi District) -- 7 years

  3. Kangjiashan Prison
  4. Nanhuayuan Prison of Fushun City, Liaoning Province
  5. Practitioners who are illegally detained here (male):

    Dong Tingyuan (Tiexi District) -- 4 years
    Liu Wei (Tiexi District)
    Jing Suo (Xinmin City) -- 4 years

  6. Luotai Shanzhuang Guanai School (Brainwashing Center)
  7. Practitioner who is illegally detained here: Yan Hongwei, male (Dadong District)

  8. Zhangshi Forced Labor Brainwashing Center in Shenyang City (also called "Shenyang City Institute of Jurisdiction and Law")
  9. Practitioner who is illegally detained here: Guan Zhiyong, male (Dadong District)

  10. Shenyang Donglin Prison
  11. Practitioners who are illegally detained at Shenyang Donglin Prison:

    Wang Hong, male (Dadong District) -- 4 years
    Zhao Zhong, male (Dadong District) -- 5 years

  12. Practitioners who are illegally detained but their exact locations are unknown:

Li Zheng, male (Tiexi District)
Jin Dewei, male (Heping District)
Wen Linran (Heping District)
Wang Jinping, female (Dadong District) -- 8 years
Bai Min, female (Dadong District), female -- 4 years
Tian Xiuqin (Shenhe District)
Ning Yuying, female (Huanggu District), was arrested in Beijing, and her whereabouts are unknown right now
Cheng Zhongqiang (Tiexi District)
Shi Guirong (Tiexi District)
Li Xiupei (Tiexi District)
Tang Yusong (Dadong District)
Li Yuping (Dadong District)
Xue Zhanxing (works for the Qianjin Chorus)
Li Ying (Huanggu District)
Liu Yongming
Zhao Liping
Wang Wanning
Qi Mingli
Wang Hengfu
Feng Enke
Gao Hujie, female (Huanggu District); she is illegally detained at the Taigezhuang Detention Center in Chaoyang District, Beijing