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Sydney, Australia: Practitioners Participate in Penrith Spring Celebration (Photos)

October 07, 2005 |   By practitioners in Sydney

(Clearwisdom.net) On October 1, 2005, practitioners in Sydney were invited to participate in the annual spring celebration in Penrith. They set up an information table, participated in the parade and gave a performance. They demonstrated the five exercise sets to local people and performed dancing that they composed themselves, which were welcomed by local people.

Practitioners in the parade

The practitioners' entry was the largest group in the parade. Spectators warmly applauded. Through the one-day event, people in Penrith, a city about 60 miles from Sydney and with a population over 200,000, had the opportunity to witness the grace of Dafa. Practitioners distributed many truth-clarification materials. Especially noteworthy were the little practitioners who distributed many postcards calling for help to rescue children practitioners being persecuted in China. Local people learned the facts about Falun Gong and came to understand the cruelty of the persecution.

More and more Australian people have come to know the nature of Chinese Communist Party and stand out to safeguard righteousness.

Falun Gong exercise demo

Little practitioners distribute postcards calling for rescuing children practitioners being persecuted in China

Practitioners dancing

Practitioners dancing

Practitioners dancing welcomed