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Shouldering the Same Task All Over the World

October 26, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In order to clarify the truth, we invited an old friend for dinner whom we had not seen for more than ten years. She knew that my husband and I both practice Falun Dafa, so the topic at the dinner table naturally started with Falun Gong.

Before we started, she told us, "I know the truth. My colleague sitting across from me at work practices Falun Gong as well. He often clarifies the truth to me. I now can log on your websites, and I have withdrawn from the Young Pioneers on the Internet [website set up for helping people withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its organizations]. I truly believe the CCP is a real cult. It persecutes good people who practice Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance, which shows that it promotes falsehood, viciousness and violence! Now, black market, fake brand-name products are all over China, but the government's law protects those cheaters. If a student who cheated in an exam were dismissed, the School Administration would be punished by the law. What kind of justice is this! If everyone follows Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance, ours would be such a nice world!"

We talked for a long time that evening. We talked about the staged Tiananmen Self-immolation, the wide spread of Falun Dafa in the world, etc. Our friend took a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and the Real Story of Jiang Zemin. She said she would definitely pass the books on to her friends and family after she finished reading them.

I am so happy for a life that has been saved, and deeply grateful to Master. He taught us patiently, so that we can never stray on our path to save sentient beings. A hundred million fellow practitioners are doing the same sacred task, although we do not know each other most of the time.

I want to thank our fellow practitioner who clarified the truth to my friend! Let us diligently advance more!