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Clearwisdom Weekly
( Our revered Master published an article titled "A Will That Ebbs Not" on September 18, the day of the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, in which He benevolently instructed us:
"Disciples of Fa,
"Be diligent, with a will that ebbs not
"The countless years of hardship were all for this time"
Twenty days later, benevolent Master published another article, "The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be" in which He conveyed solemn teachings regarding a small number of practitioners who have grown despondent and who are no longer diligent.
After studying the new article I realized that Master is again solemnly pointing out our shortcomings in cultivation during this last stage of Fa-rectification cultivation. He told us the Fa principles regarding the issue of diligence during cultivation. He also compassionately pointed out to us how to be solid and righteous on the last leg of this journey, so we will fulfill our predestined mission from countless years ago.
Recently, I often hear practitioners say that they are in low spirits and are not as diligent as they used to be. They feel as if many attachments and human notions still exist despite years of cultivation. They forgive themselves of their shortcomings and constantly find excuses to justify being lax.
When clear-headed though, they feel they are not in a good state, and it seems quite difficult for them to break through it. They have also demonstrated non-diligent behaviors such as placing Dafa work above Fa study. They justify not studying the Fa well with "I'm busy and don't have time." Some practitioners have trouble ensuring the quality of Fa study and merely go through the motions'. In fact, unless they study the Fa well enough, they can't truly do well with Dafa work. They can't get up at 6:00 a.m. to send forth righteous thoughts and are not as active and attentive now as they used to be when clarifying the truth, as their will to save people has eroded.
A few practitioners even devote large amounts of time and energy doing ordinary people's things and living well the ordinary people's life, such as enthusiastically watching long TV series, and other things.
Master clearly points out in the new article,
"They haven't realized that this is an attachment to the duration of Fa-rectification, or is caused by interference from incorrect, acquired notions, which results in their gaps being exploited by interfering factors that the old forces left behind early on in the surface of the human dimension, wicked specters, or rotten demons--things that have magnified and strengthened those attachments and human notions--all of which has brought about this despondent state."
"...most disciples who are in this state are that way because, at the beginning, they didn't realize that they had subtle attachments or were being interfered with by their own notions, and so the evil has exploited this gap and magnified those factors." ("The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be")
So, which of our attachments or acquired notions were taken advantage of by the evil?
Are we satisfied with what we have contributed in our cultivation and validating the Fa, thinking that we can now relax? Do we presume that we have cultivated ourselves very well and should simply wait for cultivation to end? Is it because the timeframe for the end of cultivation has exceeded what we had our minds set on, and therefore we have started to wrangle over self-interest in ordinary society? Are we attached to a comfortable lifestyle, no longer willing to make unconditional sacrifices to cultivate ourselves? Are we misinterpreting cultivation and making arrangements in a way to suit our own desires? Are we following our notions instead of always regarding the Fa as the teacher in cultivation? Are we abusing Master's compassion to forgive our shortcomings again and again, and indulging ourselves in our heart, thinking that Master will never give up on us? Are we thinking of the end of Fa-rectification with our degenerate notions about time and wrongfully conclude, "We still have time" or, "There is always tomorrow if I don't things well today?"
Master told us in the Fa that any problem that arises in cultivation is the result of human attachments and notions. If we can't follow Master's teaching, solemnly and truly look inward by judging ourselves with the Fa, firmly get rid of human notions and attachments that must be eliminated through cultivation, then we would be leaving gaps for the old forces, rotten demons and wicked specters to exploit. If we shun, cover up, make up excuses, speculate about cultivation or deceive ourselves with our own concocted imagination to comfort ourselves, we would equally permit the old forces to disrupt Fa-rectification and tolerate the evil to wantonly destroy sentient beings.
During discussions, some practitioners express dissatisfaction with their despondent state, yet they feel powerless to break through it, or that the results of their efforts to break through have been less than optimal. We understand from Fa principles that solid cultivation means cultivating in the Fa and eventually eliminating attachments. If a cultivator says, "I know this is a test, but I just can't give up my attachments;" if he doesn't have the resolve to make solid progress, pass tests and make improvements; if he is attached to or deluded by the so-called real world, full of temptations; if he looks at cultivation and cultivation principles with human notions instead of cultivating and improving according to the righteous principles of Dafa, then he will not reach consummation in Dafa.
In fact, the various attachments and notions are not from our true selves, yet they interfere with and disrupt our cultivation. So, why not eliminate them? When our righteous thoughts obtained through Dafa cultivation truly come into play, these notions will have no place to hide.
Every Dafa disciple knows that this one opportunity has come after countless years and is incomparably precious; we know that the glorious fruition we will achieve through Fa-rectification cultivation will be unprecedented and will never happen again. Only we truly walk a path toward godhood, and we do so under Master's guidance. Yet, all of this magnificence manifests through Master's Fa-rectification, through melting into the Fa, through fulfilling our mission to validate Dafa and save sentient beings, through discarding all human attachments and notions that interfere with validating the Fa and saving sentient beings, and eventually reaching godhood.
The difficulties we encounter in cultivation appear to be tribulations and things to be avoided to everyday people, but to cultivators they are,
"[...] an outstanding opportunity to remove karma, be cleansed of sin, purify the body, elevate your plane of thought, and rise in level--it's an extraordinarily good thing." ("The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be")
Only by believing in Master and Dafa and firmly following the righteous Fa principles of Dafa in cultivation, fundamentally changing our ordinary people's way of thinking'', eliminating interference, restrictions and barriers brought on by the inverse principles of human society; only then will we 'not leave behind any regrets that we will never be able to make up.
( I wrote an experience-sharing paper after Teacher published "The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be." A fellow practitioner read it and told me, "Your article doesn't have any substance. You are reprimanding fellow practitioners." I made a lot of modifications and had it reviewed by another practitioner, but this time I was told that I had failed to treat myself as one of the cultivators.
After reading my fellow practitioners' feedback, I began to ask myself, "What is wrong with me?" I decided that I must search within.
I identified a strong attachment to protecting myself. I was reluctant to search inward because I was afraid to expose my attachments to fellow practitioners. The second reason came from a recent discussion where a fellow practitioner mentioned that certain veteran practitioners in some areas have become lethargic in their cultivation practice and that some of them do not even feel like cultivating any longer. While we were on the subject, I kept thinking which fellow practitioners matched the description. On the other hand, I felt I was not one of them so I failed to examine myself whether I was lethargic in my cultivation practice.
Now that I have identified my problems, I finally realized I had studied "The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be" with a strong attachment. I felt as though Teacher was commenting on other practitioners. As a result, I had but a very shallow and partial understanding of Teacher's new article.
Studying the Fa is supposed to be immensely serious and solemn, but I studied Teacher's new article with a filthy mentality instead. In hindsight, I feel terribly ashamed of myself. I remembered Teacher's words in "Towards Consummation." Teacher said,
"Studying the Fa with attachments is not true cultivation."
("Towards Consummation" in Essentials for Further Advancement II.)
Teacher also said,
"So although it looked like he was practicing, at his core he had the intention of getting healed. Wasn't he trying to deceive me, deceive others, and deceive Dafa? He could deceive no one--he was really deceiving himself. Only real transformation of the mind counts as true cultivation." (Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Europe)
Now that I look at my own cultivation practice, I notice that I have been diligently doing the three things and I have often encouraged fellow practitioners to be more diligent so as not to miss this opportunity that comes only once in eternity. I have also been able to eliminate some attachments that surfaced during my cultivation practice. However, I continue to have a tenacious attachment to myself, and to protecting myself. I did not want to face it.
Am I not essentially the same as the man with the intention of getting healed? On the surface I may be very diligent in doing the three things, but deep down in my heart I have been desperately trying to protect myself from getting hurt. This is a sign that I have failed to be truly diligent in my cultivation practice. Teacher said,
"If you, as a cultivator, only part with things superficially while deep down inside you still stick to something or cling to your own vital interests that you don't allow to be undermined, I'd say to you that your cultivation is fake! If your own thinking doesn't change, you cannot advance even one step and are deceiving yourself. Only when you truly improve from within can you make real progress." (Lecture at the First Conference in North America)
"Because pain is hard on people, they try to, consciously or unconsciously, ward off suffering in hopes of leading a more pleasant life. And so it is that in the pursuit of happiness people form ideas about how to avoid harm, how to live well, how to get ahead in society and achieve fame and success, how to acquire more for themselves, how to come out on top, and so on." ("The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be")
While I tried to find the things in myself that Teacher talked about, I realized that I had been very cautious to "avoid harm." For example, in many conflicts I might have presented an image that I am impervious, but deep down I was merely trying to be diplomatic, tactful and sly. I prevented myself from getting harmed by avoiding engagement in the conflicts. In other times, I thought these conflicts were none of my business so I didn't want to get myself involved. In other words, I was like a slick old man in everyday society. When I saw attachments in fellow practitioners, I was reluctant to point them out to avoid offending or displeasing fellow practitioners and to prevent myself from getting hurt.
With the end of Fa-rectification nearing, the Fa has high requirements for us. We all know that the old universe is based on selfishness. In the past few years of truth-clarification work, I have indeed purged many of my attachments and done a lot of things to validate the Fa, but in essence I have been secretly hiding my attachment to protecting myself.
Teacher said that we must meet the new universe's standards to be admitted to the new universe. Using alchemy as an analogy, we may have transformed ourselves into 90%, 95% or even 99% gold. But we will fail to transform ourselves into 100% gold and, thus, fail to meet the standard of the new universe if we hesitate to eliminate our attachment to self. We may have been walking on our cultivation path while validating the Fa, but we are still in a dangerous situation if we hold fast to our attachment to self. published an article titled "Ancient Chinese Stories of Cultivation: The 'Benevolent' Mr. Wang, a Buddhist Cultivator" ( [1] The Benevolent Mr. Wang, "He was a kindhearted fellow, enthusiastic in helping people and devoted in Buddhist cultivation practice." "One day, the Benevolent Mr. Wang went to a Buddhist monastery and drew a stick from the divination lot in order to find out when he could reach Consummation. Then a monk told him, 'You must pay your respects to Buddha every day by offering incense to Buddha every day. When you accumulate nine large cauldrons of ash from the burned incense, you may take the ash to the West and present the ash to Buddha. Then you will definitely reach Consummation.'"
No one gave The Benevolent Mr. Wang any Buddha Fa lecture, so he did not know that cultivation practice is about removing 'human attachments. Naturally, he failed to meet the Living Buddha's test. He accumulated nine large cauldrons of ash by offering the Buddha incense day and night, but eventually it all came to nothing.
Today Teacher gives us Buddha Fa lectures in person and often publishes new articles to rectify the mistakes we have made in our cultivation practice. I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to cultivate myself under the tutelage of Falun Gong! Teacher's immense compassion is beyond description. The only way to avoid failing to meet the expectations of our Teacher and of sentient beings is to follow Teacher's requirements to be more diligent, to cultivate well and to walk well the path of validating the Fa.
[1] Ancient Chinese Stories of Cultivation: The "Benevolent" Mr. Wang, a Buddhist Cultivator (
( Master said in the new article "The Closer to the End, the More Diligent You Should Be:"
"A person has many tests to overcome in the course of cultivation, one reason being, from the time of birth on, a person ceaselessly forms notions of every sort as he comes to an understanding of human society, and attachments result."
After studying the new article, I realized that many of our practitioners seem to have been affected by today's people's warped notions of not being willing to suffer tribulations and wanting to live a comfortable life. We seem to have an attachment to hoping that the cultivation period will end soon. As a result, extra pressure, interference and difficulties come up in our cultivation. Fellow practitioners have talked about these lessons many times in their experience sharing papers. I would also like to share my understanding of why I think that being attached to time is a notion of today's people.
In ancient times, the practice of cultivation was very popular. No matter which school or sector of cultivation you chose, you had to cultivate in hardship for several decades, your entire lifetime or even several lifetimes before you could succeed in cultivation. In the past, if anybody was seen to be counting the number of days and years and waiting for the end of his cultivation, people would have thought him very ridiculous because this sort of attitude made no sense in cultivation. The result of one's cultivation depends on the realm of the cultivator and whether he or she has reached the standard required. It is not measured by time.
Since the persecution began in China on July 20, 1999, I have periodically heard practitioners say, "When will the persecution end?" Other's experiences have shown that being attached to time can have a fatal impact on a cultivator's improvement and whether he or she can ultimately reach consummation.
For example, in the early period of the persecution, some practitioners thought that the persecution would end in three months, two years, or in the coming spring or autumn. So, they did very well during that expected period of persecution. They did not compromise with the evil and they could even relinquish all the fame and self interest in the human world. However, when the expected end time came and the persecution did not end, they faced very serious tests of their confidence in cultivation.
Not only did they start to become re-attached to loss and gain in the human world, but whether or not they could continue their cultivation became a fatally urgent issue. In fact, this is due to our attachment to the notion of "time." As the notion grew stronger the attachment became greater. In the end, the evil elements of the old forces take advantage of their weakness, interfering with the mind or strengthening the attachments.
In ancient times, people who truly wished to cultivate, would only think about how he or she should cultivate better and make improvement every day. He or she did not dare to slack off and would never waste his or her time. The cultivator dared not suppose that he or she had cultivated well enough and therefore could just wait for the end of his or her cultivation. They had no attachment to time and they were not attached to reaching the end of cultivation. Rushing around and being unwilling to suffer is a characteristic of today's people.
In our cultivation in Falun Dafa, we can achieve in just a few years more than what cultivators of the past could even imagine. Then how can we be concerned about the length of time? Besides, a cultivator's achievement is not to be known by even the cultivator himself. The only way we can cultivate further, validate Dafa in our cultivation and save more sentient beings is if there is more time. Therefore, if it is still not the end, we should be grateful for and take full advantage of the great opportunity granted by the additional time.
Some practitioners have not been able to, for a long period, let go of the attachment to time or other ordinary people's notions. Even the thought of giving up cultivation forms in their minds, with the illusion that if they give up cultivation they will be able to live more comfortably. Of course this thought does not come from the true self, for who can live comfortably when he still carries karma? After you have experienced the happiness of cultivation, which surpasses the happiness of ordinary people, it would be very hard to find true happiness upon returning to the ordinary people's world filled with desires, attachments and tribulations. In the ordinary people's world, no matter how much money you earn or what sort of fame you gain, you still cannot escape the various conflicts among ordinary people. When one hundred years have passed, you will leave with nothing but karma. Cultivators suffer the same conflicts and pain as ordinary people, in return for gong and eternal happiness. Who would you say suffers in vain?
( One day in August 2004, I received a phone call from a person at my workplace. He told me that company management had decided to cease paying my salary of 800 yuan a month. I didn't hear anything he said after that.
Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, I have been illegally detained many times for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to various government departments. As a result my workplace made several adjustments to my job. They changed my position from the Military Product Research Shop to the Residential Product Production Shop and reduced my salary. In June 2000, there was no way to appeal to the government through regular channels, so I went to Tiananmen Square to unfold a banner saying "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance." Just after that, I was illegally sentenced to a forced labor camp. Management at my workplace announced my dismissal.
I had not studied the Fa enough and still had strong attachments. At the forced labor camp I enlightened along an evil path. I collaborated with the forced labor camp personnel and the 610 Office in committing many wrong deeds. After that, I was allowed to serve the rest of my term outside the camp at my old workplace as a temporary employee. Later, I realized what a big mistake that was and the serious consequences of that decision after studying the Fa with other practitioners. I decided to seize the time to study the Fa, do the exercises, and do my best to keep up with Master's Fa rectification process. I wanted to make up for all the loss incurred through my evil enlightenment. My work issue was still pending. I thought that I was paying back the debt from bad deeds committed during my evil enlightenment and was quietly enduring. My wife didn't agree with this situation. My workplace management consented to allow me to attend the university as a doctoral candidate at my own expense in 2003. Management agreed to provide me with an 800-yuan allowance during my studies. One year passed and things were going well. Then all of a sudden they changed again. Didn't it force me into a dead-end? This reality forced me to seriously look inside.
Teacher said in Zhuan Falun,
"Whenever there is interference of one kind or another in qigong practice, you should look for reasons within yourself and determine what you still have not let go."
We are currently in the Fa-rectification period and assisting Teacher to validate the Fa, and saving sentiment beings has the highest priority. However, I put my personal gain and loss as the priority, which showed my selfish heart.
Teacher said in "Non-Omission in Buddha-Nature" in Essentials in Further Advancement:
"I also want to tell you that your nature in the past was actually based on egotism and selfishness. From now on, whatever you do, you should consider others first, so as to attain the righteous Enlightenment of selflessness and altruism. So from now on, whatever you do or whatever you say, you must consider others--or even future generations--along with Dafa's eternal stability."
Those who have caused us tribulations are also the people that we are intended to save. Teacher said in "Teaching the Fa at the Great Lakes Fa Conference in North America:"
"A God comes down to save people, yet humans nail him to a cross--what a huge sin people have committed! They are still paying for it today."
I have created karma without realizing it due to my own attachments. How much do I have to pay until it is all paid back?
Master said in "Stability" in Essentials for Further Advancement II :
"The things that have transpired in recent times have already done serious harm to the many Falun Dafa students. At the same time, they have also tarnished the nation's image severely. With regard to the information the students have on how the relevant regions or the relevant departments have directly or covertly interfered with and disrupted Falun Gong students' practicing, and with regard to the situation in which some people used their power to stir up a Falun Gong 'incident,' to put a broad segment of the people and government in opposition to one another, and to thereby gain politically, the students can report these cases through the normal channels to different levels of the government or to the country's leaders."
As soon as I thought of this, I made up my mind to fundamentally break away from the evil persecution, so I decided to make use of my story to widely spread the truth and save sentiment beings. My plan was to report my situation to my workplace, the Research Group of the Corporation, the local community management committee, the district office in Beijing City, the local police officers, the district police bureau in Beijing City, the forced labor camp, the juridical bureau, and other departments. My plan was supported by many of my fellow practitioners. First of all, I went to the shop manager, who said that the decision had been made by the Research Group and that no one could intervene. I went to look for the manager of the Research Group, who, unluckily, had been on a business trip for a long time. The matter was turned over to the temporary deputy in charge. He tried to shirk the responsibility by asking me to wait. That was fine. One month passed without me getting paid, and I didn't hear anything from them, either. Therefore, I clearly indicated to the temporary deputy in charge that I had decided to appeal to their upper levels one after another. He didn't believe me and said that I was threatening him.
I started another round of appeals. I talked to the President of the Research Group and other assistants to the President. Then I talked to the Secretary to the Industrial Committee of the local Community Management Committee and the local police officer. Then the Human Resource Manager took the initiative to talk to me. I requested that he solve my salary problem. He said they were going to reinstate my monthly payment of 800 yuan, give me back the money deducted, and support me during my continuing education. My problem was resolved.
I came to realize, through this, that we must treat people who create tribulations for us benevolently. Teacher said in Zhuan Falun:
"As practitioners, you will suddenly come across conflicts. What should you do? You should always maintain a heart of compassion and kindness. Then, when you run into a problem, you will be able to do well because it gives you room to buffer the confrontation. You should always be benevolent and kind to others, and consider others when doing anything. Whenever you encounter a problem, you should first consider whether others can put up with this matter or if it will hurt anyone. In doing so, there will not be any problems. Therefore, in cultivation practice you should follow a higher and higher standard for yourself."
The requirements for us during Fa rectification continue to increase. Only if we study the Fa well and do the three things that Teacher asks us to do diligently can we succeed in our sacred mission of being "Fa-rectification period disciples."
The above is only my personal understanding. Fellow practitioners, please benevolently point out anything that falls short.
( I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. The persecution started on July 20, 1999. I went to Beijing to appeal to the central government on October 9, but I was arrested by plainclothes police officers and was detained at the Qianmen Police Station. On October 21, local police officers escorted me back to my hometown, but when we arrived, they put me in a detention center. Since I refused to say that I would not practice anymore, I was detained for seven months and three days. I was released on May 23, 2000.
During that period, local practitioners went to Beijing to appeal in large numbers and many were detained at the First and Second Detention Centers after they returned home. When I was interrogated, I wrote on the interrogation sheet: "I will be Teacher Li Hongzhi's disciple forever!"
Only eight days after I was released, my elder sister and I were illegally arrested and taken to the First Detention Center, where we were held from May 30 to June 30 simply because I refused to hand-in Falun Dafa books. Unable to withstand the pressure and abuse, my mother became sick and passed away on July 26, 2000.
After my mother died, practitioners in the city contacted me and told me that Minghui (the Chinese version of had launched on the Internet, and for important issues, we could find guidance on the website. With the help of fellow practitioners, I bought a small photocopier to make truth-clarification flyers. Due to production limitations, fellow practitioners in the city could only supply us with a few additional materials. Since then, I also have been distributing the materials. At night, other practitioners and I ride bicycles to hand them out.
In December 2000, carrying a long, doubled-sided banner with me (4.3 meters or about five yards long), my eldest sister and I went to Beijing. We planned to display the banner on New Year's day 2001. Staying with practitioners in Beijing, we distributed truth-clarification materials every day. However, my sister was arrested on December 29 while distributing materials in Wulitun, Shijingshan District. After 8:00 a.m. on New Year's Day, two fellow practitioners and I displayed my banner at the left side of a flagpole on Tiananmen Square. At that moment, my mind was almost empty. My only thought was "to validate Falun Dafa."
Police officers rushed over and knocked me down and then pushed me into a police car. Because I did not cooperate with them, they beat me very cruelly and injured my face. That night, I escaped.
On the day of New Year's Eve, I went home by train. Only one week later, on February 2, 2001, I was again arrested. I was later sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City in April 2001 for one year. At the camp, no matter what methods used by Zhang Bo, the head of Brigade 12, I rejected the brainwashing. In July 2001, the famous "Wanjia Tragedy" happened. With the help of overseas fellow practitioners, I and another determined practitioner were released when our sentences expired. I discovered that during the detention period, my father had passed away in November 2001. I had not been informed of the issue.
On April 20, 2002, only two months after I returned home from the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp, police officers started a county-wide arrest of practitioners. I went to Harbin City to avoid capture. From Harbin, I still delivered truth materials to my home county.
In May 2003, fellow practitioners who were producing truth materials and in contact with me were victimized by persecution, one after another, and my materials site had difficulties. So I obtained a personal computer at home, but I did not know how to use it. While feeling sorry for fellow practitioners who were suffering, I also worried about how to use the computer. Later, by Teacher's compassionate arrangement, I met with other practitioners who taught me how to use the Internet, assembled the personal computer and installed software. I tried my best to set up my own production site.
Now, I go shopping, buy supplies, teach production techniques to other practitioners, and download and print materials all by myself. Of course, studying Falun Dafa is always most important. I have matured in the process with reason and steadfastness. Since Teacher has offered me new life, I should follow Teachers' words and save sentient beings with all my efforts.
Now, the Chinese Communist Party is persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners in more hidden and deceptive ways. No matter how events unfold, I will follow Teacher through the final days of Fa-rectification, validate Falun Dafa, save sentient beings, and remain determined in my adherence to Falun Dafa. At the same time I will leave no loophole that would give the old forces an excuse to persecute me.
October 1, 2005
At the beginning of 1996, I went to visit my mother. I was a loyal Buddhist at that time. My mother knew I enjoyed reading books on the Buddha school, so she said, "I borrowed a book entitled Zhuan Falun. Do you want to take a look at it?" I said, "Sure." When I read it, I couldn't helping commenting, "Wonderful!" I even read it aloud. I told my mother, "This is a great book!" What I remembered from reading it the first time was that Falun Dafa is a way that cultivates both mind and body. From then on, I saw hope and eternity for my life.
The night after I started to practice the Falun Dafa exercises, my lower abdomen felt very hot after I finished the meditation exercise and was about to go to bed. I clearly felt something enter my lower abdomen and then immediately start to rotate quickly. I came to realize that Teacher had planted a Falun in my body.
Ever since I started to practice Falun Dafa, I have felt my body being cultivated every day. There is a Falun rotating above my head that rotates nine times clockwise and then nine times counterclockwise. Sometimes it even brings me a cool breeze. Driven by energy, my hair and pigtail are even ruffled. When I practice the standing exercises, it seems as if my whole body is turning with the Falun in my lower abdomen if I don't try to control my body. I have truly experienced how supernormal and profound the Buddha Fa is in my life.
I have read many books. Yet I had never seen the characters or letters in any other book jumping. But the characters and letters in Zhuan Falun and other Dafa books are alive. Sometimes all of the characters move, sometimes only part of the characters move. They jump at a very high speed and look extraordinary. I've also seen how Falun exists in other dimensions. I can't describe how magnificent and beautiful it was. I've experienced many things during my personal cultivation in Dafa. I can't tell about them all, especially because there are no words to describe what I saw or experienced. Here, I'd like to share one story. I hope people can learn something from it.
Before I practiced Dafa, my bottom would tear whenever I had a bowel movement. It often bled and medications could only alleviate the symptoms for a while. No medicines or medical techniques could cure it permanently. This condition made me very nervous, and I could not relax since it was torture for me each time I went to the bathroom.
My health worsened after 1994. My bottom was so painful that I couldn't sleep at all. Although I was afraid of surgery, I had no choice but to have an operation during the Chinese New Year. The results, however, were not good. It was still painful and it still bled. I had to continue to take medication every day.
After I had practiced Dafa for some time, I suddenly realized that the problem was gone. There was no more pain or bleeding. I didn't take any medicine and I didn't spend one penny, yet I had become a healthy person. I wouldn't be this healthy if I hadn't practiced Falun Dafa. I wouldn't be a truly good person if I hadn't practiced Falun Dafa.
September 30, 2005
( Through cultivation, I gradually came to remember a previous life. It was the time of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) so-called "Great Airing of Views" campaign. I, in my previous life, spoke about my true feelings and as a result, was sent to a labor camp. The "Great Leap Forward" campaign started a few years after that. The "Great Leap Forward" caused the largest famine in one hundred years in China. We in the labor camp faced the same fate. Everyone was made to do hard labor even though we were all starving. We made large baskets using branches from low-growing trees. We then used the baskets to carry soil to landfill sites. It was very tiring work. We were only given a small amount of food each day and were so hungry and weak that we had difficulty walking. Besides being forced to move the dirt, we also had to suffer many kinds of inhuman treatment.
The nearest village was about 10 miles (16.7 km) from our camp. The man who is my father in my current life, a farmer, lived in this village. He was well built and strong. We met one day while working. He was a young fellow then and he admired my literary talent. When he saw how I suffered from hunger and weakness, he gave me a piece of bread he had brought for his lunch. I was very moved as the bread wasn't even enough to satisfy his own hunger and yet, he had given a part of it to me. I was very grateful, but didn't have anything to give him in return. I tried to give him my shovel, but he refused, saying that I would be punished if I didn't have a shovel. Although I wanted to repay his kindness, I had no way to do so. Soon, the prisoners in our camp started dying, one after another, from starvation, fatigue, or torture. Not long after, I died too, a victim of CCP persecution.
Because of that encounter with the kindhearted farmer, I had formed a predestined relationship with him and was born as his son in my present life. At that time, China went through waves of political movements instigated by the CCP. The whole country was destitute--our family was extremely poor. We didn't have enough food to eat or adequate clothing to keep warm in the winter. To pay back the debt of gratitude to my father, I didn't complain or cry, afraid that I would disturb him. Once, during a particularly severe winter, when I was a baby, I wet my cotton pants. My mother removed the pants and left me there without any undergarment, since I didn't have any other clothing to put on. Mother became busy with other things. It became so cold that I couldn't help crying out. Mother rushed over and found that my hands and feet showed signs of frostbite. The scars caused by the frostbite remained visible for the rest of my life. When I was old enough to walk, I would fetch chopsticks and a chair for my father. When I learned how to start a fire, I would boil hot water and heat food for my parents when they came home for meals. I did everything I could to help my father.
When I reached school age, my parents didn't send me to school, but I went to school anyway and made up a name for myself so that I could attend. While going to school, I still helped my parents with the work required of them by the "production team." I worked until very late each night. Since we didn't have a clock, I didn't know the exact time. I didn't go to bed even though I was very tired. To keep from falling asleep, I would stand up to do the work. When I went to school during the day, I had to take my younger brother with me.
Because I didn't get enough sleep, I frequently fell asleep in class. I didn't do the assigned homework because I didn't have time. My teachers were angry with me because I would frequently oversleep and be late for school. In class, I would sleep by resting my forehead quietly on the desk. When the teachers saw that I had fallen asleep, they would make me stand up to answer questions. When a teacher suddenly called my name, I would stand up reflexively. If a teacher called my name before asking a question, I would be able to answer the question. If the teacher asked the question and then called on me, I wouldn't able to answer the question, because I wouldn't have heard the question.
At that time, students could work part-time and go to school part-time. In this way, I was able to finish middle school without costing my family a penny. When I was about to enter high school, the country started to promote education. I was admitted to an excellent high school due to my high preadmission test score, which surprised many of my classmates and teachers. Actually, much of my knowledge was gained from my previous life. I then left my parents to attend school at a young age. When I eventually started working, I frequently sent money home to my parents to help them. After I started practicing Falun Dafa, I knew that the most precious thing I could give my family was to introduce them to Falun Dafa.
When the persecution of Falun Dafa began, my work unit leader called me and asked me if I still practiced Falun Gong. I told him that I did. He then told me I would be fired. Soon after, he and other leaders were forced to retire. It was the first time this kind of thing happened in our unit.
There was a leader in charge of persecuting Falun Gong in our unit. Whenever he said something bad about Falun Gong, his heartbeat would become irregular and he would suffer chest pain. He would also suffer swelling under his skin and unbearable skin rashes. He could neither sleep nor work; even ten days of medication and shots didn't seem to help. When he stopped arresting Falun Gong practitioners, his illness went away by itself. If he began arresting practitioners again, his symptoms would return.
I knew that Teacher was protecting me and preventing this man from committing more crimes. The evil forces tried to harm me several times, but Teacher protected me. I was thus able to maintain my job while validating the Fa.
( On September 19, 2005, about two dozen police officers from the 610 Jingkou Police Station, in Shaqu District, Chongqing City broke into the home of practitioner Ms. Zhang Bangrun at the dormitory of Jingkou Agricultural Chemical Factory. They arrested her, in spite of her husband's protest and resistance. On September 18, Mr. Lei Zhengxia, about 60, a retired teacher from Fengmingshan High School, lives in Xinqiao, Chongqing. He was taken away by police, and is now illegally held at Jingkou Brainwashing Center. In early September, practitioner Jiang Changlan's mother, who lives in Shapingba, disappeared after going to Suangbei Dongfeng Chemical Factory. Her whereabouts is unknown.
On September 19, practitioners Jin Yu and Xiao Fang from Rongchang were taken away by police from work. Practitioner Ms. Chen Deju was also arrested from home on September 15. Her child tried to prevent police from doing that, but was pushed away by the police. It is said that they are illegally held in Rongchang Detention Center.
Ms. Liu Chenggao, 60, is a retired worker of Chongqing Light Bulb Factory. On the morning of September 17, Ms. Liu was arrested by police while going out to buy vegetables. Her whereabouts is unknown.
1. Ms. Chen Tingfen, Ms. Chen Meng , and Other Practitioners arrested
On the afternoon of September 24, a dozen police officers from Dadukou District jumped through the window and arrested Chen Tingfen and Chen Meng, mother and daughter, searched their home and confiscated some Dafa books and truth-clarification materials. Meanwhile, practitioners Huang Guangming, Zhang Zhengwei and Deng Yangsen (over 60) were also arrested. Currently six practitioners are held at Dadukou District Detention Center. Other participants of the arrest are police officers from Yuejin Village Local Police Station, from Chunhui Road Local Police Station, from Xinshan Village Local Police Station, and all members of the Resident's Committees as well as the secret agents of National Security Section No. 1.
Dadukou District Detention Center:
Officer observation room: 86-23-68832945
Command room: 86-23-68830238
Supervision room: 86-23-68904540
Politics section: 68904556
2. Three Practitioners from Yuzhong District Arrested
At noon on September 24, three practitioners from Yuzhong District: Qiu Zhumin, Qi Ping and aunt Han were arrested. More than ten police officers rushed into their houses and ransacked their homes. Police also confiscated Dafa books and materials, a computer, and many other items. Qiu Zhumin's son , not a practitioner, had his neck injured from the arrest. Qiu Zhumin is now being held at the Liziba Detention Center.
Responsible units and telephone numbers:
Yuzhong District Public Security Department
Secretary Section: 86-23-63843647, 86-23-63841521
Politics Section: 86-23-63842764
Supervision room: 86-23-63841000
Detention Center: 86-23-63601210
Bridewell: 86-23-63612660
Forceful Drug Rehabilitation Center: 86-23-63612850
Computer Security and Supervision room: 86-23-63830053
Criminal Police Team: 86-23-63842136
Patrol brigade: 86-23-63507482
Patrol squadron No. 1: 86-23-63601461
Patrol squadron No. 2: 86-23-63507464
Patrol squadron No. 3: 86-23-63726724
Patrol squadron No. 4: 86-23-63736616
3. Practitioner Mr. Gao Xiaobo from Duzhou Town, Changshou District Arrested
On June 30, 2005, after the officials from Changshou District, Chongqing frenziedly arrested practitioners, practitioners of Duzhou Town continued to clarify the truth to people, and distributed truth-clarification material to every official of the town government. The town officials were quite frightened. In early September, many banners defaming Falun Gong were hanging out on the streets of Duzhou Town to intentionally deceive people. Early on September 6, practitioner Mr. Gao Xiaobo tried to remove the banners, and was arrested and beaten by police officers who were lying in wait. Mr. Gao is held at Changshou District Detention Center.
Duzhou Town Government duty officer observation room: 86-23-40420066
Huang Zhengqiao, Party Committee Secretary: 86-23-64083300
Tang Xianming ,Party Committee Assistant Secretary: 86-23-40243016(Home)
Town 610 office: 86-23-40429280
Cheng Yi , director of the Town 610 office: 86-23-40429281(Home)86-13883968967(Cell)
Fan Chuanheng: 86-23-40420984(Home)86-13193705746(Cell)
Duzhou Town Local Police Station:
Che Kui ,Manager: 86-13350386666(Cell) Assistant Manager: Yuan Bibo
Zhang Zhenquan, Instructor:
Zou Yong: Police
Yang Cunlin, Director of National Protection Unit, Changshou District Public
Security Department
4. Practitioner Bai Tianshi from Guojiatuo, Jiangbei District Arrested When Clarifying the Truth
On September 13, practitioner Mr. Bai Tianshi from Guojiatuo, Jiangbei District, Chongqing was reported to the police while clarifying the truth. Police officers from Guojiatuo Local Police Station illegally arrested Mr. Bai and ransacked his home.
Lu, Manager of Guojiatuo Local Police Station: 86-23-67100948
Liao Jiping, Office Secretary of Guojiatuo Resident's Committee: 86-23-67101864
Zhang Ronghua, Director of Jiangbei District Wangjiang Public Security
Department: 86-23-67100631
Fan Xia , Manager of Guojiatuo Wangjiang Factory persecuting "Falun
Gong": 86-23-67100014
5. Practitioner Li Xiao from Danzishi, Nanan District Arrested
On the afternoon of September 7, 2005, practitioner Li Xiao from Danzishi was arrested by police of Dafoduan Local Police Station while walking on the street. A witness claimed that Zhang Shujun, a police officer, personally took Li Xiao into the car. Li Xiao is held at Xiangang Happy Farmhouse (i.e. brainwashing center) in Nanshan.
Danzishi Dafoduan Local Police Station, postcode: 400061
Xiang Yiping , Instrutor of Police station office: 86-23-62501328
Zhu Hong, Manager and Yang Chaoping, Assistant Manager:
Zhang Shujun, area police: 86-23-62517178
6. Chen Zhiquan, Zhang Jidong, Zhao Xiaoqun and Other Practitioners from Jiulongpo District Arrested
Mr. Chen Zhiquan is a teacher of foreign language in No. 2 High School of Chongqing City Construction Industry (Group) Limited Liability Company. On September 15, he was taken to Baihe Village Brainwashing Center of Jiulongpo District for persecution. On the night of September 15, Zhang Jidong, a former employee of Xinan Vehicle Factory, was dragged from his home by unknown people, and is currently detained at Jingkou Town Brainwashing Center in Chongqing.
Ms. Zhao Xiaoqun, 62, lives at Xiejiawan Culture Village in Jiulongpo District, and is a retired employee of the Construction Group. In early September, she was deceived by police and went to Xiejiawan Local Police Station, and then was sent to Baihe Village Brainwashing Center of Jiulongpo District for persecution. Ms. Zhao was arrested many times, and her home searched. On May 21, 2001, Chen Gang and a few police officers from Jiulongpo Public Security Section No. 1 summoned her for trial. They did not let her eat, drink or sleep for two days. Moreover, they talked her into making a confession. She was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor. Ms. Zhao became critically ill from the persecution in the labor camp, and was released on November 29, 2001.
In early September, practitioner Wei Hua from Jiulongpo District Culture Village and another practitioner were arrested when clarifying the truth. On August 4, Ms. Liu Anbin from Wutaishan residential area in Shipingqiao and other practitioners were posting self-made truth-clarification material "Heaven Destroying the Communist Party, Quitting CCP to be safe" in Chongqing Staff Medical College (Yuanjiagang). She and a practitioner surnamed Huang were taken away by the security guards. Ms. Liu was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor, and is held at Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp in Jiangbei, Chongqing. Practitioner Huang's whereabouts are unknown. Ms. Liu began to practice Falun Gong in 1998, and benefited physically and mentally. When she went to appeal in 2000, she was detained for fifteen days. She was arrested many times, and once detained in the brainwashing center.
Around 9 a.m. on August 15, practitioner Huang Qunxiang, a retired worker of the Construction Group, was arrested by police at Xiejiawan Food Market, and detained and tortured at Huayan Detention Center.
Chongqing City Construction Industry (Group) Limited Liability Company:
Chen Yongqiang (male), General Manager, Party Committee Secretary:, 86-23-
68810556 ext 2598
Lu Hongxian (male), Party Committee Assistant Secretary, 86-23-68810556 ext 2318
Li Lisen (male) , Former Party Committee Secretary, "610" officer:
ext 2364
Wu Jiuke (female) , Former Diretor of Office for persecuting Falun Gong :
86-23-68810556 ext
Deng Qingwei (male) , Director of Office for persecuting Falun Gong:
86-23-68810556 ext 2321
Liu Guizhen , Assistant : (has done many things to persecute Dafa)
Construction Industry (Group) Limited Liability Company armed security office,
Director's Office: 86-23-68810556 ext 2105, secretary: 86-23-68810556 ext 2450
Jiulongpo District Xiejiawan Local Police Station:
Guo Xiaochun, Manager, Wang Ke, Instructor.
Chen Ken, Wang Song, Jiang Zhiquan, and Li Hongping, Police
Jiulongpo District Public Security No. 1 section police:
Chen Wei (national security), Chen Gang, and Qin Bo, Police Officers
Qiu, Section Chief.
( On July 22, 2004, the county 610 Office illegally arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Huifen and sent her to the detention center. They also tried to extort a ransom of 20,000 yuan from her family. To protest this persecution and to discourage them from making further claims, her family refused to pay. On August 18, the authorities sent Ms. Liu to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp's Fifth Division for one year.
Since former president Jiang Zemin's regime started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, the methods that the Gaoyang Labor Camp officers have used again Falun Gong practitioners have been extremely brutal, obscene and despicable. Besides the usual physical punishments, they have used snakes, lizards, heated irons and suffocation in the form of burying practitioners alive for a period of time. Practitioners that refused to be "transformed" in labor camps from areas including Shijiazhuang, Tangshan, Zhangjiakou, Beijing, Xinjiang, and Heilongjiang, were commonly sent to Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. Therefore Jiang's regime favored this labor camp and awarded it a certificate of "achievement," and rewarded the warden with a large sum of money.
When Liu Huifen arrived, there were about 100 practitioners at the camp but there weren't many non-practitioner prisoners.
Practitioners have protested the persecution ever since it began, and have endured pains that ordinary people could not. With righteous thoughts and actions, the environment in the labor camp has been constantly changing. The warden and deputy warden of the labor camp have since been arrested for "abuse of power" and for making "unconstitutional arrests." Although their cruelty has decreased, they are still committing evil acts.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Junhua, from Zhangjiakou District, was sent to Gaoyang Labor Camp for forced "transformation." Three team leaders beat her simultaneously with electric batons until she lost consciousness. A practitioner from Zhangjiakou, Ms. Li Cuilian shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" Deputy team leader Li Xuejun beat her with an electric baton. When he got tired, he made a prisoner beat her. He told the prisoner to remove Ms Li's sock and stuff it in her mouth if she shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" again. Once, a prison guard put shackles on a Beijing practitioner, and tried to inject him with unidentified substances. Li Cuilian stopped him and said, "We practitioners have no sickness." For saying this, they took her to the pig farm and beat her on the face with leather boots until her mouth was black and blue and swollen. Her body was covered in mud, and one of her shoes was missing. Another female practitioner who had to feed the pigs witnessed a prison guard taking a male practitioner to the field and beating him to the ground with an electric baton. He was screaming horribly and lost control of his bladder.
Five or six practitioners in cells on the second floor, including Ms. Cao Jinhua, who is almost 60 years old and Ms. Zhao Suiying, who is 37 years old, were very weak from the relentless abuse and could not get up. During this year's Chinese New Year, the prison guards lied to them, saying they were going to be given a medical checkup, and ordered several prisoners to carry them out. Some practitioners were not even allowed to put on an overcoat. Instead of being taken to a clinic, the practitioners were left on a dunghill for a day. Their clothes were filthy as a result of this abuse.
The torture methods that prison guards have deployed are unimaginable.
At mealtimes, everyone is sent to the cafeteria. They give people very little time to eat and start hustling them to finish up. Often, one has to leave before finishing eating. No food is allowed to be taken back. The prison guards claim that they are wasting money "supporting" the practitioners. In the labor camp, practitioners do not get to eat vegetables. Sometimes when the practitioners were sent to the field to work, they harvested a few plants of a very bitter vegetable and let everyone chew a few leaves. The main food they serve is a very salty noodle that's almost inedible. Regardless of the food, there is usually not enough cooking gas and so the food cannot be cooked. Therefore, we practitioners were often given dried food and water, or a few pieces of preserved vegetable. During summer they cooked a "green bean soup," but you couldn't find any beans in it. There was so little to go around that sometimes people could only have a little bit while others didn't even get any. Sometimes we were served dumplings on Chinese New Year, but they weren't cooked thoroughly. Since they are often stuffed with pork, they could not be eaten.
The Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp uses various deceptions to cover their crimes to the outside world. For example, they serve a few pieces of carrot, radish, rice noodles and few greens in the soup (no salt) and claim this as serving "four dishes and a soup."
The prison guards and team leader's family members as well as retired guards have opened little shops inside the camp and charge exorbitant prices.
When officials from supervising organizations come to "inspect," the labor camp authorities make the non-practitioners prisoners lie to them and hide practitioners who aren't feeling well. In reality, the supervisory officials are just as corrupt as the guards and have their own interests at stake. So the officials and guards deceive each other and hide their own transgressions.
As of late June 2005, there are still 70 to 80 practitioners at the labor camp. A handful of practitioners have been "transformed" but they are not able to do much harm. Also, in various cells and lunchrooms there are now fewer banners that slander Master and Dafa.
The prison guards had been receiving phone calls and flyers from practitioners on the outside that clarify the truth. They had been shaken tremendously, and they cannot relax at any time of the day or night. Some of them have read the "Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party" and asked outside people to help them withdraw from the CCP on the Internet.
August 30, 2005
( On April 26, 2003, the Lixia District Court of Jinan City in Shandong Province secretly sentenced seven practitioners: Mr. Xu Xun, Ms. Li Chengxiang, Ms. Tian Ran, Ms. Liu Hongmei and Ms. Wang Wei. In court, Ms. Liu Hongmei warned the judges, "Your trial is illegal and violates human rights. Someday, you'll be held responsible for what you have done." Ms. Wang Wei told the court that citizens have a right to freedom of belief and that clarifying the truth about the persecution is legal. The trial came to an end quickly because of practitioners' righteous thoughts. Ms. Liu was determined and refused to be brainwashed. She was sentenced to 7 years in prison.
The following is an excerpt from Liu Hongmei's appeal after sentencing. In it, she explains the facts of the persecution she suffered.
I, Liu Hongmei, want to describe my suffering over these past years. I want others to know who is really damaging the application of Chinese law and how Chinese law is currently improperly applied.
On January 28, 2000, Jinan City's Keyuan Street Police Station fined me 5,500 yuan and seized my I.D. They didn't follow any legal procedures or give me a receipt. This was all against basic accounting practices. The police officers have fined citizens at will, withheld citizen ID cards, harassed practitioners' employers and family members, denied use of computers and Internet access, coerced promises to give up their constitutional right of appeal and prevented them from going to Beijing to make an appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. There was no legal basis for doing any of these things. They took away my rights given to me in the Chinese Constitution. The 610 Office made their own "law" and took control of the government institutions, just like they did during the Cultural Revolution. This seriously disturbs citizens' normal lives, while violating their personal freedoms and human rights.
On October 24, 2000, officers from the Keyuan Street Police station tricked me into coming to the station. Once I got there, they detained me at the Licheng Detention Center. The detention center took our food allotments, gave each of us one blanket and forced us to sleep on ice-cold concrete. We were already cold and uncomfortable, yet the officers still tortured us in other ways at the same time. When we asked them why, they replied, "We have orders from upper levels. It's OK as long as you are not starved to death." We suffered a lot, mentally and physically during the persecution.
On November 24, 2000, the detention Center asked me to sign a release notice, but I was not released. They detained me for another month before moving me to a brainwashing center set up at Guodianyi Sports School Hostel. At the brainwashing center, we were deprived of our personal freedom and our family members were forced to pay 3,000 to 10,000 yuan for our room and board. That is over 100 yuan per day. This is organized robbery. Young men monitored us 24 hours a day. They came into our living quarters at will and took away our quilts at will to see how we positioned our legs. This insults us and violates a woman's basic privacy. The officers frequently curse and beat us to keep us terrorized. All of those officers have committed serious crimes by doing so.
Near the end of November, police officer Zhang Guisheng of the Keyuan Street Police Station arrived. He cursed us fiercely and ordered the use of more violence and torture during the brainwashing sessions. Police officer Liu Feng asked me, "Do you choose Falun Gong or your family?" I said, "Practicing Falun Gong does not conflict with my family." He jumped up saying, "No! You can choose only one!" I was totally confused. Who gave him the right to force me to make such a choice? Police officers forced citizens to get divorced and involved their family members as a means to threaten us. Such mental abuses are illegal.
On June 8, 2001, police officers from the Tianqiao District Police Station in Jinan City arrested me and beat me very cruelly. They handcuffed my hands tightly by twisting them. This caused my hands to swell terribly. A physical checkup at the detention center showed injuries to my nose and knees.
On July 8, 2001, after they had detained me for one month, the Keyuan Street Police Station continued to detain me even though a release notice had been written. What's amazing is that they detained me in a secured room overnight with a man who was hired temporarily to monitor me. Is this the way Chinese laws should be applied?
On September 28, 2001, a police officer from Huaiyin arrested me without having a reason. They severely injured my arms, my face and temple. It took over 20 days for the injuries on my face to heal. On September 29, police officers from the Keyuan Street Police Station forced me to have a physical checkup at the Provincial Women and Children's Center. I insisted that they should tell me why, but they did not. Later, they sent me into the Shandong Province First Women's Forced Labor Camp without using any legal procedures. They did not inform my family until ten days later.
Police officers detained me many times. Although it is required that they notify my family within 24 hours, they never did. Sometimes it would be a month before they informed my family of my whereabouts. I was on a hunger strike for about half a year and still groups of people continued to try to coerce and brainwash me. I was not allowed to sleep until well past mid-night and for over 8 months, I never saw the sun.
On May 26, 2002, police officer Yang Jiazhong came from the Keyuan Street Police Station to ask me to sign a notice. I refused. Later, Director Tian of the Management Section had Yang sign it for me and dated it as the end of 2001. The judgement said, "Released from forced labor camp on February 4, 2002." I did not get any notice. They made up entrance documents after I had been detained in the forced labor camp for over four months. They did not release me after a release decision had been made. Throughout all of these procedures, where was the law?
On June 14, 2002, police officer Song from the Lixia Police Station talked with me. During our meeting, the people in the forced labor camp packed up my belongings. They told me that I was being transferred. I asked brigade captain Niu Xuelian of the 5th Brigade where I was being sent. She said, "For people like you, it is not going to be a good place!" A police officer from the Lixia Police Station then asked me to go. I refused. They said they would ask their boss where I should go. After about 40 minutes, they said, "Just moving you to another place." I still refused. Director Jiang of the forced labor camp and Yang of the management section pushed me. They said angrily, "Liu Hongmei leave here as quickly as possible. We never accepted you over here." They pushed me into a police car and drove me to the Jinan City Detention Center. They told me that I was under arrest. They didn't tell me at the forced labor camp because they didn't want me to resist.
How sad it is! Police officers did not abide by the law and then used weird statements to cover up their illegal acts. They know that how they handle the Falun Gong issue is wrong, so they have no right thing to say. Once a police officer said, "Even if you receive redress in the future, that has nothing to do with me. I am only a lowly police officer following orders. So I can deny responsibility when that day comes."
From September 28, 2001, to March 29, 2002, for half a year, I did not eat any food. Since those officers beat, punished, arrested us illegally and did not follow any legal procedures, I went on a hunger strike in protest. I have appealed through legal channels and spoken face to face with the authorities. This did not solve the problem. The persecution has become more and more violent. Because I was on a hunger strike, they brutally force-fed me, injuring my mouth, nose and stomach. They often caused me to bleed or they choked me, almost killing me. While I was on a hunger strike, they still forced me to do cleaning, did not allow me to sleep and forced me to sit 19 to 20 hours a day. For over 8 months, two people monitored me and they did not allow me to leave the room. Police officers ordered the inmates to beat me, curse me, and keep the newspapers and other people away from me. They deprived me of all basic human rights. I began to understand why people detained during the Cultural Revolution committed suicide, because living is no better than death.
Jiang's regime, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party), and forced labor camp staff have committed huge crimes in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. Those are bad memories I do not want to think about. I hope the appeal court will make a fair judgment based on the law and investigate who is really damaging the application of the law.
I also want to remind you that my appeal will be recorded and will be evidence in the future. What choice will you make? The decision you make will affect your fate in the future. That is your personal issue.
October 1, 2005
( The Jiang regime and the Chinese Communist Party continue to persecute the kind Falun Gong practitioners in China. Zhang Yuhui, a farmer from Wangjiabai Village, Anping Township, Xianghe County, Hebei Province, was illegally arrested and detained by the local police. The police extorted money from his family. In order to get the demanded sum of 40,000 yuan, his family had to borrow money everywhere. In May 2005 the National Security Brigade of Xianghe County Public Security Bureau said to Zhang Yuhui, "The money was confiscated and you are not able to get back a penny."
On March 8, 2004 the Political and Protection Department of Xianghe County Public Security Bureau harassed people they targeted as "key persons," using the excuse of "protecting social stability" while the two conferences (the National People's Congress Conference and the National Political Consultative Conference) were being held in Beijing. In the late afternoon of that day they rushed to the home of a couple, Zhang Shun and Yan Fengxia, who lived in the family compound of the Xianghe County Industrial and Commercial Bureau. Zhang Shun was a former employee of the Bureau. He was fired from his position because he practiced Falun Gong and was sent to a forced labor camp. His wife Yan Fengxia was previously employed by the Xianghe County Industrial Bureau. She was put into the Custodial Center and illegally sentenced to a forced labor camp several times for practicing Falun Gong. Because they were previously persecuted quite a few times, the couple did not open the door when the police came this time. But the next day the Political and Protection Department of Xianghe County Public Security Bureau ordered a locksmith from the street stall to pry open their door. Thus the couple was arrested again. It was said that this whole process was videotaped.
Several months after Zhang Shun and Yan Fengxia were arrested, the Political and Protection Department of Xianghe County Public Security Bureau arrested Yan Yunxia (a farmer from Shuyang Township, Xianghe County), Meng Shuling (a teacher from Baimiao School in Shuyang Township, Xianghe County), An Shuqin (unemployed, from Xianghe County), Li Wensheng (a retired worker from Xianghe County Water Conservancy Bureau in Xianghe County), Wang Jianming (an employee of the Xianghe County Chinese Medicine Hospital), Zhang Yuhui (a farmer in Wangjiabai Village, Anping Township, Xianghe County), Zhang Xian (previously a policeman of the Xianghe County Public Security Bureau but was fired from his position because of practicing Falun Gong - found a job later on in the Xianghe County Community Office.), and Cao Jiner (from Biancheng Village, Anping Township, Xianghe County).
The Political and Protection Department of Xianghe County Public Security Bureau and the local 610 Office extorted money from the above practitioners in the name of expenses for their staying in the brainwashing class on remand. The sum they charged each person is as follows:
Zhang Shun: 5000 yuan
Meng Shuling: altogether 10,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan for remand, later on
confiscated, the whereabouts of the other 5,000 yuan was unclear
An Shuqin: altogether 10,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan for remand, later on confiscated,
the whereabouts of the other 5,000 yuan is unclear
Li Wensheng: 10,000 yuan as on remand fee, then was confiscated
Wang Jianming: 5,000 yuan as on remand fee, then was confiscated
Zhang Yuhui: 40,000 yuan as on remand fee, then was confiscated
Zhang Xian: altogether 7,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan as on remand fee, then
confiscated; no receipt for the other 2,000 yuan
Cao Jiner: illegally sentenced to the forced labor camp
Following are some of the perpetrators and their phone numbers:
Zhang Zilai, 39, Chief of the National Security Brigade of Xianhe County Public Security Bureau (aka the Political and Protection Department of Xianghe County Public Security Bureau)
Wang Haixiu, 38, Deputy Chief of the National Security Brigade of Xianhe County Public Security Bureau, phone: 86-316-8625642
Phone number for the National Security Brigade of Xianhe County Public Security Bureau (previously located in Xihetou Village, Qukou Township, Xianghe County): 86-316-8625642
This article is continued from Part 1:
In April 2000, Sun Yan's husband, Lu Kaili went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor. He was held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Before his term expired, he was transferred to the Dalian Forced Labor Camp. Upon arriving at the Labor Camp in the afternoon, he was tortured by guards and inmates who tried to force him to give up Dafa. He endured the fanatic persecution, and the perpetrators unconstitutionally extended his sentence by six months. After he was released, he was followed and monitored.
In November 2001, Sun Yan was sent to the Yaojia Detention Center, and later transferred to the Dalian City Forced Labor Camp. Lu Kaili was held at the Guanshan Forced Labor Camp.
Sun Yan was held at Division 3 at the Dalian Forced Labor Camp. She refused to "reform" and clarified the truth to the division head. She was held in solitary confinement and savagely tortured. Wan, the female division head shocked her with electric batons. Division head Han and political head Tan incited the inmates to beat her. They stripped her naked and rubbed a knotted rope back and forth against her genitals; blood dripped on the floor. They hung her in a metal cage, forced her legs apart and inserted hot peppers into her vagina. Yuan Lingyue, head of Group 3 beat Sun Yan and other Dafa practitioners many times. They tortured Sun Yan in the solitary confinement cell because she refused to write a guarantee statement to renounce Dafa.
In early 2002, many Dafa practitioners including Sun Yan held a group hunger strike to protest the persecution. The guards were furious and ordered the inmates to torture the practitioners with a method called "splitting the legs."
Splitting the legs: the practitioner is hung up. The inmates tie the top of a boxing helmet on the practitioner's head with a rope or strips of bed sheets, then to the top of the cage. The practitioner's hands and one leg are pulled up straight and chained or tied to the side of the cage, and the other leg is left hanging in the air. The inmates would pull on the other leg until it's 180 degree apart from the other leg. They would let go of the other leg when the practitioner loses consciousness, and repeat it when he or she comes to. While administering the torture, the inmates would ask the practitioner, "Will you reform?" and they screamed, "If you don't reform, we'll split your legs until they break!" The practitioner feels as if her body is split in two, and she often loses feelings in her legs or even loses consciousness. The inmates would say, "She can't feel anything now; let's wait for a moment and do this again." Some practitioners could not walk for weeks, a month or even six months after the torture. Practitioners Wang Lijun, Man Chunrong, Zhong Shujuan, Sun Yan, Wang Shuhong, Wang Binhua and Wan Xiaohui were tortured with "splitting the legs." Perpetrators Zhang Xiujuan, Gao Binling, Sun Bo, Guo Ling, Zhao Hui, Wang Xin, Ge Hong and Zhang Yang administered this torture.
Below are reenactment photos demonstrating the tortures used on Sun Yan and other female Dafa practitioners at the Dalian Forced Labor Camp
Re-enactment Photo: force-feeding hot pepper water and feces
Many practitioners held a group hunger strike to protest the savage abuse under the persecution, and the guards ordered inmates to torture the practitioners with "splitting the pelvis:" they hang the practitioner up and pull up their arms and legs so they form a straight line, then they insert a stick or hot pepper into the practitioner's vagina and brutally beat them. They also pour boiling water on the practitioner, don't allow the practitioner to sleep, force her to stand barefoot in the winter with the windows open; they purposely leave the feeding tube inside the practitioner's stomach for a long time and handcuff the practitioner to a bed. Practitioners Wang Lijun, Sun Yan and Man Chunrong were savagely tortured. Zhang, head of the labor camp, division heads Han and Wan and group head Yang personally beat Falun Gong practitioners. Zhang said, "So, you want to talk about evil? I am evil!"
![]() ![]() Reenactment photo: boiling water poured on feet |
![]() ![]() Reenactment photo: hitting the feet with nails fastened to a wooden board |
Sun Yan and Man Chunrong were tortured numerous times while holding hunger strikes and refusing to cooperate with the perpetrators. Sun Yan was hung in a cage for six days and six nights with her hands and feet stretched out in a straight line. The guards incited the inmates to insert hot pepper and powdered pepper into her vagina and stab her vagina with a mop handle. They hit her genitals with the edge of a chair until blood ran down her legs. They rubbed her genitals back and forth with a knotted coarse rope until her vagina hemorrhaged and swelled up. She could not urinate and was crippled for over a year. Her fingers were so deformed from torture she could not make a fist. Despite her condition, she was still forced to process kelp and meet the assigned daily quota.
Practitioner Chang Xuexia had her vagina repeatedly scrubbed with a shoe brush until the water in a basin underneath her turned red with blood. She lost consciousness. Practitioners Chen Hui, Fu Shuying, Man Chunrong, Wang Lijun, Fan Yue and others were also tortured this way.
![]() ![]() Reenactment photo: scrubbing practitioner's vagina with shoe brush |
![]() ![]() Reenactment photo: rubbing practitioner's genitals with knotted coarse rope |
In 2003, Sun Yan shouted, "Falun Dafa is Good" when officials from Liaoning Province Judicial Bureau went to the labor camp to inspect work. The guards and inmates dragged her to a solitary confinement cell and tortured her for more than ten days, until her feet were severely injured and she couldn't walk.
Sun Yan refused to give up her belief in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. Group head Yuan Lingyue took her to a solitary confinement cell and tortured her with the Death Bed. They stretched her arms and legs to cause excruciating pain. They inserted hot pepper into her vagina and scrubbed her vagina with a shoe brush until she lost consciousness. Sun Yan's body often received new wounds on top of old ones. Her face was often black and blue when she was dragged out of the solitary confinement cell, and she was extremely weak. During more than two years at the labor camp, Sun Yan was crippled and she could not bend or stretch her fingers. The guards wrote Falun Gong founder's name on Sun Yan's body and insulted her with extremely vulgar language. They sent Sun Yan and two other practitioners to the Longshan Forced Labor Camp. Perpetrator Yuan Lingyue planned the transfer.
![]() ![]() Reenactment photo: Death Bed |
![]() ![]() Reenactment photo: Tying with rope and hanging up |
Aside from personally persecuting the practitioners, the guards at the Dalian Forced Labor Camp also encourage the inmates to torture the practitioners by promising sentence reductions. Inmate Zhang, nicknamed Spike, is very vicious and specializes in torturing Falun Gong practitioners in solitary confinement cells. She became more cruel and cold-blooded after being trained by labor camp authorities. Other inmates including Sun Bo, Guo Ling, Wang Xin and Ge Hong also used the aforementioned methods to torture practitioners. The guards would blame the inmates for whatever happened to the practitioners.
The CCP goes to great lengths to present its prisons and labor camps in a favorable light, in an attempt to cover up the atrocities committed there. The CCP has invited foreign media to visit certain prisons and labor camps after they had been decorated.
Sun Yan persisted in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance, despite the fanatic persecution, and the guards and inmates could not destroy her will. In the end, the guards extended Sun Yan's term by 50 days and sent her to the Guanshan Forced Labor Camp.
( Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Hua from Tongnan County, Chongqing City was "illegally arrested" by six to seven policemen headed by Zhang Liang when she went to visit her mother on the afternoon of July 21, 2005. Before the abduction, in the past two years, she had been forced to be homeless in order to avoid being persecuted. Ms. Zhang Hua began a hunger strike as a form of peaceful protest against her incarceration. Her hunger strike has been going on for more than 40 days and she is now in critical condition.
Ms. Zhang Hua, 43 years old, originally worked at the Tongnan Farm Machinery Company but had been unemployed for several years. Due to her practice of Falun Gong she has always been a prime target of the authorities that were attempting to pursue and capture her.
It was learned that policeman Zhang Liang and his men tried to extort a confession from Ms. Zhang Hua by cruel torture. The process lasted for more than ten days (the details of the torture are unknown), after which she was escorted to the Tongnan Detention Center. Zhang Liang wanted to find out which of her relatives Ms. Zhang Hua had visited when she was wondering from place to place so as to avoid arrest. He was attempting to collect evidence in order to sentence Ms. Zhang Hua to a long prison term. It was said that Zhang Liang rented a house just opposite Ms. Zhang Hua's mother's house so as to trace the whereabouts of Ms. Zhang Hua and then capture her.
Since her abduction Ms. Zhang Hua has been staging a hunger strike to protest against the persecution for over 40 days and is now in critical condition. Ms. Zhang is currently being held in the surgical ward of the Tongnan County Hospital. Her hands and feet are tied up and she is guarded 24 hours a day. Zhang Liang also phoned the authorities in Chongqing City enquiring what he should do if Ms. Zhang's state of health declines even further. The authorities in the city requested Zhang to send her to the hospital, stating that they would rather see her die in the hospital than have her released.
Ms. Zhang Hua's parents are over 70 years old and were employees for the Tongnan Taian Canned Food Factory. Ms. Zhang's mother is not in good health and has to live on a very limited pension because the factory they worked for has been closed for so many years. Ms. Zhang's son, Mr. Tong Zijia, is in his 20s. He served in the army and is now working somewhere in Chongqing City. On hearing the news that his mother was arrested, he cried in a state of deep grief. Ms. Zhang Hua's parents were worried about her safety during her detention, so they frequently visited with changes of clothes for her; however, they were not allowed to see their daughter. Under the fear of further persecution they dared not visit the police station to see Zhang Liang and ask him to release their daughter.
Policeman Zhang Liang has spared no effort in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners over the last six years as the captain of the local State Security Brigade. His wife Li Juan works at the Tongnan Post and Telecommunication Department. Zhang Liang treats the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners as a lucrative business for his personal promotion and money making.
We call on people all over the world to help rescue Ms. Zhang Hua and stop the killing of innocent lives that is now happening in China!
Country code: 86, Area code: 23
The Tongnan County Police Department: (On-duty room: 86-23-44551138; Fax: 86-23-44551138)
Address: Zhengxing Street, Tongnan County, Postal code: 402660
The On-duty Room of the Tongnan Police Department: 86-23-44551762
The Office of the Tongnan Police Department: 86-23-44551138 (It is used very often in the news reports.)
The switchboard of the Tongnan Police Department: 86-23-44551129,
86-23-44551432, 86-23-44551743, 86-23-44551330
Yin Jiangzhong, Head of the Police Department: 86-23-44555178 (Office),
86-23-44556679 (Home), 86-13908348968 (Cell)
Zhu Wanjun, Political Commissar: 86-23-44582004 (Office), 86-23-44552853 (Home), 86-13808305699 (Cell)
Tao Kai, Deputy Head of the Police Department: 86-23-44582002 (Office),
86-23-44552666 (Home), 86-13709428699 (Cell)
Li Mingxing, Deputy Head: 86-23-44582003 (Office), 86-23-44552669 (Home), 86-13908354919 (Cell)
Wen Yong, Deputy Head: 86-23-44582006 (Office), 86-23-44551228 (Home), 86-13709428263 (Cell)
He Zhiguang, Political Instructor of the Criminal Police Division:
86-23-44582007 (Office), 86-23-44554053 (Home), 86-13808305687 (Cell)
Yang Caiyue, Deputy Head of the Police Department and the Head of the Criminal Police Division: 86-23-44582005 (Office), 86-23-44551680 (Home), 86-13709428088 (Cell)
The Criminal Police Division: 86-23-44551124
Xu Ming, Patrolling Police Division: 86-23-44582020 (Office),
86-23-44555660 (Home), 86-13018357888 (Cell)
Tongnan State Security Brigade:
(Explanation) In 2000, reports usually described it as the "First Section of the Police Department." At that time, Zhang Liang was the Head of the Section. Zhong Ming, male, around 50 years old, was the Deputy Head. At the beginning of 2001 when Zhong Ming retired, Zhang Liang arrogated all the power to himself and is using his position of power to commit many evil deeds..
The State Security Brigade: 86-23-44582011
Zhang Liang, male, 44, is the Captain of the brigade. Since the persecution
against Falun Gong officially started in 1999, he has always been involved in
persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Almost all the practitioners in the
Tongnan area who were arrested, sent to forced labor camps, or sentenced were
either arrested by him or by men working under his orders. He also fabricated
accusations and reported them to the higher authorities. As a result, 61 Falun
Gong practitioners from the area were sent to forced labor camps and he has
committed many flagrant crimes. It is said that his wife Li Juan works at the
Tongnan Post and Telecommunications Department. 86-23-44582011 (Office),
86-23-44552429 (Home), 86-23-44553568 (Home), 86-13709428300 (Cell), Zhang
Liang's phone at his restaurant (he is the owner): 86-23-44569059,
86-23-44900206 (Cell).
Responsible policemen at the State Security Brigade: Zhang Liang, Li Hengyi, Luo Yonghong, Li Yonghong, Zhang Shimao, Liu Yong and Yuan Xueping. In 2005 Shu Lin and Gao Xiang (Deputy Captain of the Brigade) were also added.
Li Hengyi, male, about 40 years old, is a policeman from the State Security Brigade. He has been involved in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners since 1999 and took part in harassing and arresting Falun Gong practitioners, ransacking their houses, extorting money and the fabricating charges against the practitioners.
Luo Yonghong, male, about 32 years old, is a policeman of the State Security Brigade. He has been involved in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners since 1999. He took part in harassing and arresting Falun Gong practitioners, ransacking their houses, extorting money and fabricating charges against the practitioners. He used cruel torture to extort confessions from Falun Gong practitioners Yang Bin and Fu Xiaohong. People said, "He can afford a house worth several hundred thousand yuan thanks to his persecution of Falun Gong practitioners."
Li Yonghong, female and about 30 years old, is a policewoman at the State Security Brigade. She has been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners since 1999. She has carried out almost all the searches of female Falun Gong practitioners.
Address: 18 Xinsheng Lane, Tongnan County. The county police department, the detention center and the drug rehabilitation center all have the same address.
Tongnan County Detention Center: 86-23-44551213, 86-23-44571988
Zhou Jun, Head and Xu Xiangyang, Deputy Head of the Tongnan Detention Center: 86-23-44551213, 86-23-44571988, 86-13709428783
Zhou Jun, male, was formerly the station chief of the Guxi Township Police Station and involved in arresting practitioner Mr. Tang Deliang and others. He was transferred to Tongnan Detention Center in the latter half of 2002 and has been the head ever since.
Chen Jian, male, about 30 years old is a prison guard at the Tongnan County Detention Center. He was promoted from the Tongnan Detention House to the Tongnan Detention Center. He formerly lived at the Xiaodu Township, Tongnan County. His wife works at a unit in Xiaodu Township.
Yang Shenghua, over 50 years old, is an accomplice of the 610 Office. He implemented various forms of torture normally used on those on death row to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. In August of 2001 he was diagnosed as having a tumor near his heart. He received immediate retribution in this lifetime. Other accomplices include He Hua and Yan Mi.
Liu Guanghai, male, about 50 years old, is a prison doctor and Deputy Head of the Outpatient Department for the Tongnan County Hospital. Since 1999, he has concurrently been a prison doctor (earns two salaries). He force-fed over ten Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Zhang Hua and Ms. Wu Yongmei. He also instructed other doctors in the outpatient department to force-feed practitioners. When his crimes were exposed he was very shocked. 86-23-44563155 (Office), 86-23-44554793 (Home), 86-13500318508 (Cell).
Address: No. X, Xinsheng Lane, Tongnan County. Telephone: 86-23-44582026. The detention house next to the Tongnan Detention Center.
The practitioners who were held there were all forced to pay 5 to 10 yuan in living expenses per day (if the practitioner really couldn't pay he/she would have to sign a bill in acknowledging the debt). A lot of Falun Gong practitioners were illegally detained in the detention house under the title of, "Living at home under surveillance." They could be detained for several months or even as long as half a year.
Huang Quansheng, Head of the Tongnan Detention House: 86-23-44582026 (Office), 86-23-44555345 (Home), 86-13709428631 (Home)
The prison guards at the detention house: Secretary Liu, Deng Guoxing, Chen Jian, Dai Tingyin, Gong Fuchun, Liao Suochang, Lu Guangyou and Zhang XX. Some of them have retired or were transferred. The main forms of persecution at the detention house are forced feeding and extorting living expenses.
Address: No. X, Xinsheng Lane, Tongnan County. The Center is located near the county detention center. Telephone: 86-23-44551109
Falun Gong practitioners who were illegally held at this premise were also extorted of their living expenses.
Huang Shengxue, Head of the Center: 86-23-44551109 (Office), 86-23-44554864 (Home), 86-13609428672 (Cell)
Wei Shouming, Party Secretary: 86-23-44559166 (Office)
Ning Guangxian, Standing Deputy Party Secretary and County Magistrate:
86-23-44562168 (Office)
Lai Rengang, Standing Deputy Secretary: 86-23-44559966 (Office),
86-23-44551079 (Home), 86-13908303408 (Cell)
( Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Fan Dacheng from the Electric Power Station of Manasi County, Changjizhou City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region started to practice Falun Gong in 1998.
Since the persecution against Falun Dafa began, the staff from his work unit has persecuted him outside the law and he has not received even a single yuanof his salary.
Mr. Fan was unlawfully sentenced to two years in a labor camp, served from March 2001 to March 2003. During that time, Mr. Fan was tortured by inhumane means in Changji Labor Camp, Wujiaqu City, Xijiang Autonomous Region.
At the end of 2003, he was detained for 15 days for displaying a banner reading, "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in front of the gate of the Manasi family quarters.
In April 2004, Mr. Fan was unlawfully sentenced to three years simply for displaying a "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" banner.
In late June 2004, when he was tortured to the brink of death in the Changji Labor Camp, the authorities made his family take him home. By that time, he had lost the ability to eat. Fan Dacheng passed away on September 13, 2004.
September 9, 2005
( Ms. Li Xiaomei, a Falun Gong practitioner from Yulin City, Guangxi Province, suffered persecution repeatedly. As a result, she was devastated both mentally and physically. While she was still in prison, her health was poor. After returning home, her health deteriorated further, and she could not take care of herself. She passed away on April 10, 2005. More details of her story follow.
Li Xiaomei, 48 years old, used to be on the staff of the Yulin Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plant (currently Yulin Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Ltd. Co.). Since she started practicing Falun Dafa in 1996, her previously poor health dramatically improved.
After the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, Ms. Li was persecuted by individuals from her work unit and transferred to a workshop. She was sent to a brainwashing center, and her monthly 1,000 yuan bonus was deducted from her pay.
Li Xiaomei once went to Beijing to clarify the truth. Afterwards, she was detained and persecuted illegally by the Yulin Detention Center.
Her husband also went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa and he too was illegally arrested. Both of them were fired from their jobs at the plant.
Personnel from the Yulin City 610 Office, Xijiu Police Station, and Yulin Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plant often dropped by her home to harass them and also to monitor their phone calls.
In July 2000, Li Xiaomei was abducted and sent to a detention center for persecution a second time. On February 8, 2001, agents climbed up their balcony, broke down the door and forced their way into the residence. They intimidated the couple, ransacked the residence, and abducted both of them, sending the couple to the Yulin Detention Center again.
Because of this unrelenting and long-term persecution by the government agents acting under the control of the evil forces, Li Xiaomei was seriously injured both mentally and physically. When she was still in detention, her health was not good. But after returning home, her health seriously deteriorated, and she was too weak to care for herself. She passed away at 2 a.m. on April 10, 2005.
September 2, 2005
( From October 3rd through the 7th, Falun Gong practitioners in Malaysia rented a stall at the local temple fair to introduce Falun Gong and tell people about the persecution. Practitioners used a large-screen TV to play a truth-clarifying film entitled "Traveling between Heaven and Earth Amidst Wind and Rain." The practitioners also displayed photos and distributed materials. Thousands of people had an opportunity to learn about the facts of Falun Gong.
Many people have an opportunity to take Falun Dafa truth clarification materials
![]() Reading truth clarification display boards |
![]() Watching film entitled "Traveling between Heaven and Earth Amidst Wind and Rain" |
![]() Little children follow practitioner to do the exercise |
![]() Clarifying the facts |
( On October 9, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners participated in the Columbus Day Parade in St. Louis, Missouri. The parade went through the Italian community and the passionate spectators met first-time participant Falun Gong with warm applause and cheers.
Falun Gong entry in the parade
Exercise demonstration wins applause and cheers.
Seeing the exercises demonstrated on the float, many people felt a strong interest in this ancient Chinese practice. Because most of the spectators wanted to get a flyer about Falun Gong, the practitioners passing out the materials fell way behind the float. Even when the parade finished and the practitioners walked back, they were stopped by spectators asking for introductory materials about Falun Gong.
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People show strong interest in Falun Gong
Practitioners also had a booth at the celebration to clarify the truth about the persecution in China and ask for help to rescue the Falun Gong orphans in China.
( A Columbus Day parade was held in San Francisco October 9. This American-Italian holiday event has 137 years of history. This year, 150 groups participated in the event including Falun Gong, the only group representing Chinese culture. The organizer welcomed Falun Gong to come again next time.
It was a bright sunny day in San Francisco with a fresh breeze. In order to celebrate Columbus Day, the city government permitted local Italian restaurants to move their tables out so the tourists could enjoy delicious Italian Food while watching the parade. Year after year, this has been a something to look forward to on Columbus Day.
The parade started from Fisherman's Wharf, along Columbus Parkway, through Italian Town and China Town, finishing at Washington Plaza. It usually has a few hundred thousand spectators and is one of the larger parades in northern California
Exercise Demonstration: Showing the beauty of Falun Dafa
The organizer stated that they invited groups from all nationalities to celebrate the traditional Italian festival.
As the only group to represent Chinese culture, the Falun Gong entry was very eye-catching. Some practitioners wore golden yellow exercise suits, some wore heavenly maiden costumes, and there was also a waist drum group.
When Falun Gong group arrived at the stage, the host first introduced Falun Gong in the microphone. Then he said, "Let's welcome Falun Gong to come again next year!" The nearby spectators gave Falun Gong warm applause.
Falun Gong was invited to the event for the past two years and won a few awards every time. This year, an invitation hadn't come two weeks before the parade, so a practitioner called the organizers to enquire about it. The organizers said one of the committee members mentioned Falun Gong had some political purpose. The practitioner clarified the truth to him, and the invitation was mailed.
Before the parade started, one of the organizers at the stage answered question about why the invitation to Falun Gong was late. He said, "We invited Falun Gong. They will definitely be in the parade." Later he explained that a few individuals had some concern because the Chinese government said Falun Gong was doing politics, but they were clear that it was not like what Chinese government said.
To sustain the persecution of Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party has spread lies overseas. The Chinese Consulate in San Francisco has done many bad deeds, including buying support from people in favor of the unist Party, spreading lies about Falun Gong, instigating hatred and deceiving people to misunderstand Falun Gong.
However, in the face of practitioners' persistent truth clarification during the six year long persecution, more and more people now understand the truth, and Falun Gong has become more popular.
1. Ludao Prison Holds the Second Nine-Day Falun Gong Lecture Study Camp
From July 29 to August 5, 2005, Ludao Prison held a Nine-Day Falun Gong Lecture Study Camp for the detainees. This was the second time Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners came to Ludao Prison. Nineteen prisoners voluntarily participated in the study camp. Several of them had been practicing Falun Gong since last year. Every morning, they spent two hours watching Teacher's lectures, and two hours in the afternoon listening to practitioners' experiences in cultivation and learning the five sets of exercises. By the time the camp was over, everyone had gained in different ways.
![]() ![]() Learning the second set of exercises |
![]() ![]() Learning the fifth set of exercises |
At the beginning of the study camp, Falun Gong practitioners briefly introduced themselves. Then they showed the prisoners a VCD of Teacher's lecture. Those who had already been practicing sat up and earnestly listened with respect during the entire lecture. Their dedicated look showed they understood the preciousness of their chance to cultivate!
2. Sharing Ones Own Experience; Encouraging the Prisoners
On the second day, a Falun Gong practitioner from Sanxia came by plane to help in Ludao. He shared his experience that he had actually learned Falun Gong from a practitioner who was a doctor who introduced Falun Gong in a prison where he had been serving time. He had been sentenced to life imprisonment. Although he had the opportunity to be released on probation, he missed out because of his irritable temperament, and because he often violated the rules. When he learned Falun Dafa, he realized the value and meaning of life. After that, his entire personality changed.
During his cultivation process, he also encountered defiance from others. When somebody slapped him in the face, he was able to hold himself to the standard of a practitioner. In any situation, he strives to achieve "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." When he was not thinking about parole, he actually was let out on parole.
3. Person in Charge at the Prison Praises Prisoners' Rapid Xinxing Improvement
The prisoners here do not have a steady environment in which they can exchange views like normal Falun Gong practitioners have. It is not difficult to see from their expressions that they cherish Dafa. On the last day, everybody felt reluctant to leave. During the sharing, a practitioner said he had many bad habits before, but from now on, he would use the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" to speak and act cautiously every day, and to get rid of all of the bad thoughts in his mind. Another talked about a stomach illness that he suffered from for many years. He recovered after practicing Falun Gong. Yet another practitioner said he would really cherish this god-given chance.
![]() ![]() Secretary Xin Mengna of Ludao Prison Awarded an Acknowledgement Certificate to the Falun Gong Practitioners |
![]() ![]() The Acknowledgement Certificate |
4. Pay Attention to the Persecution Happening Across the Strait
In Taiwan, Falun Dafa changed prisoners' hearts, letting them retrieve their lives from the wrong path they had followed and to hold themselves to the standard of a practitioner all the time. In Mainland China, practitioners are imprisoned, even tortured to death, because they are not willing to give up their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance." The Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners sincerely hope the Mainlanders soon will have a peaceful environment so they can practice freely.
I am just entering into junior high school. During the summer holidays, I went to my aunt's home to teach my cousin English. The next day, my aunt explained the truth of Falun Dafa to me. She said that Falun Dafa, "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance," is a universal Fa. She also told me about the evil nature of the CCP and Jiang Zemin. She said that the evil nature suppresses good people who believe in the universal law, and is intolerant of heavenly principles. Gradually, I was convinced by what my aunt said and began to believe that Falun Dafa is a universal law.
Several days later, I read the pamphlets and other materials regarding the truth of Falun Dafa. Then I closed my eyes, did the meditation with my hands pressed towards each other, and shouted "Falun Dafa is good!"
Immediately, a ray of white light appeared and I saw Master sitting on a lotus flower. I also saw scenes of Master giving a lecture on the Fa. Some Dafa disciples were sitting on lotus flowers, others were eliminating the evil. Suddenly, many demons saw me and tried to approach me. However, there were Falun around me, and the demons were afraid of coming close. There was a svastikam symbol in the middle of my hand (1). I turned my hand towards the demons, some of them fell down and some were scared away. I also saw light with seven colors and Falun turning around my body. I saw two Falun on the faces of my two cousins, and small Falun on my aunt's body. My aunt's house was also covered with red light.
(1) see for more info on the svastikam symbol
September 21, 2005
1. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Sun Shaomin, in Poor Health, Being Force-Fed at Hulan Prison
At around 3:00 p.m. on September 20, 2005, a prison guard and two inmates from the No. 1 Division, the No. 5 Ward of Hulan Prison carried Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Shaomin - two holding his arms and one holding his feet - to a hospital for force-feeding. They only carried him a few steps and then dragged him the rest of the way to the hospital. Mr. Sun is now extremely weak, but the police still force-feed him.
2. [Muleng City, Heilongjiang Province] Thirteen Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested
During the morning of June 23, 2005, personnel from the National Security Team, the Mudanjiang Police Department and National Security Team, and the Muleng City Police Department, arrested 13 practitioners from the Bamiantong District of Muleng City. They were: Ms. Liu Huidi, Ms. Gu Yan, Sun Shiwei, Ms. Zhang Yanfen, Liu Yan, Ms. Wang Limei, Lu Laosi and spouse, and Kou Qiang, who is severely paraplegic. All practitioners except Liu Huidi and Gu Yan are being detained at the Bamiantong Detention Center in Muleng City. Liu Huidi and Gu Yan are probably being held at the Mudanjiang City No. 2 Detention Center.
3. [Jilin Province] Wang Huilian and Zhao Shuqin are Extremely Weak Due to Torture at the Jilin Province Women's Forced Labor Camp
For the past few years, personnel from the Jilin Province Women's Forced Labor Camp have been persecuting practitioners and carrying out the inhumane policy of so-called "reformation," inciting inmates to monitor practitioners and torture them around the clock.
The morning of July 12, 2005, inmate Yan Shuyan from the No. 4 Division beat practitioners Li Yongjun, Zhang Xiuling, Jin Min and Ms. Wang Huilian, a lecturer at Northeastern China Normal University. She was tortured the most severely. Since April 21, 2005, Ms. Wang has staged a hunger strike. To date it has been five months. Ms. ang has become extremely weak. Her term expired on September 8. When her family members came to pick her up, however, the personnel at the labor camp refused to release her. A few days later Yang Shuyan beat Ms. Wang badly again. At present, Wang Huilian's life is in peril.
Policeman Liu Zhiwei handcuffed practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuqin, in her 50's, put pills in her mouth, hung her up and shocked her with electric batons. Ms. Zhao Shuqin has become extremely weak.
4. [Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wang Rongyuan Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor at the Jiamusi City Forced Labor Camp
Practitioner Ms. Wang Rongyuan from Dongfeng County, 26 years old, graduated from the Computer Department at Jilin Province International Language & Culture University in 1999. On April 11, 2005, she was arrested in Qixingpao Town, Baoqing County, Shuangyashan City and later sentenced to one year of forced labor. At present she is being held at the Jiamusi City Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province.
Ms. Wang's father used to be quite healthy. When he heard the bad news about his daughter, he was so shocked that he collapsed immediately, couldn't get out of bed for days, and was sent to a hospital.
5. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Yan Hongwei from Shenyang City Taken to the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Class in Fushun City
6. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Li Hua Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Dafa to Coworkers
During the afternoon of July 15, 2005, personnel from the Security Section at the Xi'an Electrical Capacitor Factory and from the National Security Team in the Lianhu District Branch Police Department accosted practitioner Ms. Li Hua, an employee of the factory. They took her to the Security Section of the factory and threatened her. Their justification for this action was that Ms. Li was clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa and showing Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials to her colleagues. They put her into the Xi'an Switch Factory Hotel for interrogation the whole night. The next morning they took Li Hua home and ransacked her home. They didn't notify any of her family members and none of her family was present during the illegal search. Her husband came back afterwards. People who ransacked the house told Li Hua's husband that they didn't find anything. They took Ms. Li to the Lianhu District Detention Center that same day. On August 18 Ms. Li called her husband and told him that she had been transferred to a forced labor camp for three days and she was sentenced to one year of forced labor.
Persons responsible for this act of persecution (Country code: 86, area code: 29. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers):
Zhang Xinlin, Security Section chief of the Electrical
Capacitor Factory: 13991140898 (cell)
Electrical Capacitor Factory: 84243193
Liu Changqi: 13591962602 (cell)
Yang Anrang, an officer at the Lianhu District Taoyuan Police
Station: 13319219736 (cell)
Zhang Guisheng, chief of the National Security Team, the Lianhu District Branch
Police Department: 13319183354 (cell)
National Security Team, the Lianhu District Branch Police Department: 88484096 (office), 89276516 (Policeman Huang)
Wang Desheng, Lianhu District Taoyuan Police Station deputy chief: 13359235719 (cell), 84201683 (office)
Wen Ning, Xi'an City 610 Office staff member: 87231637
7. [Leqing City, Zhejiang Province] 610 Office Personnel Put Chen Wenying into a Brainwashing Class
Around 7:00 p.m. on August 23, 2005, over 30 people, including Qu Jifu, deputy secretary of the Leqing City Political and Judiciary Committee and head of the city's 610 Office;" Chen Jingsheng, head of the National Security Team of the City Police Department; police officer Wen Wu from the National Security Team; Zhao Wangzhi, the Secretary of Political and Judiciary Committee for Hongqiao Town; Guang Feng, head of the 610 Office; and others came to the home of practitioner Ms. Chen Wenying at 10 Dongyangfuqian Lane in Hongqiao Town. They took Ms. Chen to a brainwashing center run by the Wenzhou City 610 Office that same night. Personnel from the 610 Office ransacked Ms. Chen's home and confiscated many Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials.
Persons directly responsible for these acts of persecution:
(Country code: 86, area code: 577. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers)
Qu Jifu: 62550896 (office); 62522966 (cell)
Chen Jingsheng: 62507796 (office); 62531315 (home); 62535326
(office); 13706777115 (cell)
610 Office: 62521354
Wen Wu: 13587715188 (cell)
Zhao Wangzhi: 62363411 (office); 13506555576 (cell)
Guang Hui: 62352419 (office); 13868796395 (cell)
8. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Police from the Chaoyang District Arrest Practitioner Ms. Sun Shuying
Personnel from the Chaoyang District Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Sun Shuying from Changchun City and put her into the city's No.3 Detention Center. Police interrogated her with torture. They confiscated a large amount of cash from her home. (Of note, Ms. Sun's mother is in critical condition).
9. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Three Practitioners Held at the No. 3 Detention Center
On September 17, 2005, personnel from the Yihe Street Police Station arrested practitioners Ms. Yang Bailian, Ms. Gong Lianfang and another practitioner surnamed Li from Changchun City and put them into the City No.3 Detention Center in the Shuangyang area. Police officers Du Yi and others from the Yihe Street Police Station took part in the arrest.
Yihe Street Police Station in Changchun City:
Intersection of Jiefang Street and Changqing Street of Changchun City, Jilin Province, PRC Zip: 130021
Tel: 86-431-5636739, 5626148
Wang Baozhu, head of the police station: 86-431-5662751 (office); 86-13304301858 (cell); 86-431-2762216 (home)
10. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Mr. Liu Yongwang Detained Once Again
On August 24, 2005, personnel from the Beijing National Security Team arrested practitioner Mr. Liu Yongwang from Baoding City. Later they transferred him to the Hebei Province State Security Department and then to the Baoding City Detention Center. On September 24 Mr. Liu was taken to the Baoding City Legal System Hospital for a transfusion due to a hunger strike. He was released because of insufficient evidence, but the police still kept him under surveillance. They sent Mr. Liu to the city's Qingyuan Brainwashing Center that night. On September 26, personnel from the City Police Department arrested him again and took him to the City Detention Center.
11. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Baoding Forced Labor Camp Authorities Enslaved Detained Practitioners
All female practitioners detained in the Baoding City Forced Labor Camp were forced to work overtime at night after a full day of work. The authorities claimed that the practitioners didn't finish their work in the daytime, so they had to work overtime. The authorities showed a fake timetable to the leaders who came to inspect and said that practitioners only worked six hours a day, but in fact the practitioners were forced to work over 10 hours. The police guards in that camp threatened the practitioners that they would extend their detention terms by one day for every day the practitioners refused to work. Thus, the guards would profit from the additional work.
Seven practitioners are being held in the "Restricted Administration Class," including Ms. Zhang Lanfen, Ms. Guo Guiju, Ms. Dong Chunling, Ms. Dang Huiying, Ms. Liu Huiyun, and two others. One of them is a senior practitioner from Baoding City. They were forced to work from 5:00 a.m. till 11:00 p.m. The guards don't allow practitioners to talk to each other. A few months ago a female practitioner from Yi County was sent to the Baoding City Forced Labor Camp. Nine people tried to brainwash and reform her, but this fellow practitioner went on a hunger strike to protest her illegal detention. The guards force-fed her and tortured her with the "dead-person's bed."
12. [Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Hongmei and Ms. Li Hua Arrested
At around 4:30 a.m., personnel from the Wangkui County Police Department and from the Suihua Area Police Department arrested practitioners Ms. Zhang Hongmei and Ms. Li Hua from Wangkui County in the Suihua Area and ransacked their homes. Though they found nothing, they still put the practitioners in the Wangkui County Detention Center.
13. [Laixi City, Shandong Province] Qu Yunfeng Arrested For Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong
Practitioner Qu Yunfeng is an elder in Bei Village and lives on Shuiji Street. During the morning of September 23, 2005, Qu and another practitioner named Cui went to buy food at a market and clarified the truth of Falun Gong to people. Personnel from the Shuiji Street Police Station arrested them. The police searched their houses at the same time and sent them to the city's detention center the next day.
Some of those responsible for this persecution:
(Country code: 86, Area code: 532; Please do not dial the area code before cell phone numbers)
Wang Jianzhi, Laixi City 610 Office head and also the Laixi
City Police Department deputy chief: 13954287766 (Cell), 88405586 (Office)
Shen Tao, chief of the Security Section (now known as the "Anti-cult Recon
Section"): 13793229166 (Cell), 88483613 ext. 7387 (Home), 88483613 ext.
8654 (Office)
Yu Dechen, Laixi City Detention Center warden: 88463902 (Home), 13806396286
(Cell), 8483613 ext. 8627 (Office)
14. [Beijing] Practitioner Mr. Suo Sixin and His Wife Jin Shuying Arrested
At about 12:00 p.m. on September 23, 2005, personnel from the Daxing District Police Department suddenly broke into the home of practitioner Mr. Suo Sixin and his wife Ms. Jin Shuying in Libao Village, Daxing Country. They searched the house and confiscated some truth-clarifying materials and a copy machine. At about 3:00 a.m. they took the couple away. A 70-year-old mother and their underage son are left to take care of themselves.
15. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhu Huanmei and Her Daughter Arrested
At about 3:00 p.m. on September 26, 2005, police officers arrested 68-year-old practitioner Ms. Zhu Huanmei in front of the Xingyu Garden Residential Area in the Luyuan District of Changchun City. When her daughter was on her way home, officer Wan from the Sijianfang Police Station in the Luyuan District arrested her. Immediately, Wan called a police car manned by three policemen. They carried her into the car. Ms. Zhu Huanmei is currently being detained at the Daguang City Detention Center.
16. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Ms. Ding Chunxia Arrested for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong
On September 15, 2005, practitioner Ms. Ding Chunxia from Tonghua City was sent to the City Changliu Detention Center for clarifying the truth. It is reported that Ms. Ding is staging a hunger strike and has been force-fed. Her nose bleeds when police put in the feeding tube. Ms. Ding has severe disease symptoms. She is currently in the process of being bailed out for medical treatment.
September 27, 2005
( A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practice again. Also, as more and more people in China learn the truth about how they have been deceived and lied to by the Jiang regime, many non-practitioners are also submitting "solemn declarations."
Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:
Please click here for more Solemn Declarations.
Facts of the Persecution
1. Former Shangshui County Police Department Head Liu Guoqing's Crimes
Liu Guoqing (male) was the former Shangshui County Police Department Head in Henan Province. During his term, he cruelly tortured Falun Dafa practitioners in Xiangcheng City, and caused nearly one hundred practitioners to be abducted, their homes ransacked, sent to forced labor, and tortured. Falun Dafa practitioners Guo and Yang (both gender unknown) were arrested by police out of town because they were clarifying the truth, and were extorted of money. Liu Guoqing refused to release them, and sent local police to bring them back to be locked up for more than two years in prison. One senior practitioner (gender unknown) was sentenced to forced labor, but the forced labor camp refused him due to high blood pressure. Liu Guoqing would not release the old citizen, but put him in detention for three years!
2. Crime Committed by Shijiazhuang City 610 Office Head Liang Jianbin Leads to
Shijiazhuang City 610 Office Head Liang Jianbin
(male) has been involved in almost all Falun Dafa practitioner persecution
cases, be it arresting, home ransacking, sending to forced labor camps,
sentencing to prison terms, torturing to death, or forcing to become homeless in
order to avoid being illegally arrested at home. His crimes harmed his family.
On September 23, 2005, his wife Wang Ruiqin died of cancer at age 45.
The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong
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