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Summary of Other Articles and News - January 5, 2004

January 13, 2005 |  


1. Perpetrators in Zhengzhou City Again Maintain a Brainwashing Center to Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners

Wanqing Villa, located on Xihuan Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province is used as a brainwashing center for Falun Dafa practitioners.

Quan Peijun had his sentence extended twice. Afterwards he was sent back to the brainwashing center. Fu Zhenyong, a retired teacher from Henan Province's Coal Machinery Factory was persecuted repeatedly in the same brainwashing center. Six Dafa practitioners including Zhang Yanhui, Wei Feng and his daughter Liu Sufang were held there. Cao Dawei, the owner of Wanqing Villa, is a retired public security officer. The police system rehired officer Li Shuben. Together, they conducted the forced brainwashing many times. Han Hongtao was the former head of the political team at the Baimiao Forced Labor Camp who ordered the common inmates to torture determined Dafa practitioners. Zheng Tao was an official from the Political and Judiciary Committee, the Zhengzhou City Government, and was the deputy head and later head of the brainwashing center.


2. Exposing the Crimes at the Wuchang Brainwashing Center in Heilongjiang Province

The Wuchang Brainwashing Center in Heilongjiang Province is a place where many Dafa practitioners are persecuted. The perpetrators first fake kindness with the practitioners. If the practitioners refuse to give up their belief, they handcuff them and tighten the cuffs until they cut into the practitioner's wrists. They whip them with wet triangular belts, burn the women' faces with cigarettes and kick the women's breasts and abdomen. They hang the practitioners up with their hands cuffed, torture them, deprive them of sleep and brutally force-feed them. Practitioner Miao Yanjun lost the ability to take care of herself after being beaten a few days. Although the torture was so severe that she needed surgery at a hospital, she was still sent back to the brainwashing center. The perpetrators threatened her and lied to her in an effort to make her give up her belief, and also extorted large amounts of money from her.


3. Brutal Torture at the Tangshan Forced Labor Camp

The Hehuakeng Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City, Hebei Province is a demon's den where Dafa practitioners are tortured. In July 2001, six so-called "stronghold attack teams" were established to torture around 100 practitioners. The practitioners were kept from sleeping for long periods of time. They were shocked with electric batons. They were tortured with a method called "tying the rope." [The police tie the practitioner with a thin rope, circle the rope around his neck, and tie his hands behind his back. Then the police use all the force they can muster to tighten the rope. The rope becomes tighter and tighter around the practitioner's body, and makes it more and more difficult for him to breathe. The pain is so intense that the practitioner sometimes loses control of his bladder. There are instances when the rope was tightened enough to break the practitioner's arm] The perpetrators also shocked the practitioners' private parts with electric batons and whipped them with rubber clubs. Guard Liu Weidong shocked elderly practitioner Liu Wenbo with electric batons and violently hit his arms and back. As a result, Liu Wenbo could not lift his arms, even at the time of his release.

Guard Liu Fuxing is the most vicious. On September 23, 2001, Liu Wen, Yang Aiyuan, and Zhuo Guibin were transferred from the Baoding Forced Labor Camp to the Tangshan Forced Labor Camp. Liu Fuxing slapped the practitioners' faces, deprived them of sleep and hit their heads with hard plastic cups full of water. At noon on September 24, guard Liu Weidong violently hit Zhuo Guibin's head and buttocks with a wooden stick for half an hour until the stick broke in two. Then he used one half of the stick to keep hitting Zhuo Guibin. On the evening of September 24, he shocked Zhuo Guibin's head, armpits, mouth and abdomen with electric batons for over 40 minutes until the batons ran out of electricity. Zhuo Guibin's body was covered with blisters and his abdomen turned black. The three practitioners remained steadfast, so three days later, they were sent to Division 5 to do slave labor.


4. Guard Liu Huanzhang in Panjin City, Liaoning Province Abducted Dafa practitioners' Families Numerous Times

For the past two years, Liu Huanzhang, the head of the Xinli Police Station in Dawa County, Panjin City, Liaoning Province has been threatening and harassing practitioner Jiang Xiulan and her family.

In April 2002, Liu Huanzhang arrested Dafa practitioners, so practitioner Jiang Xiulan left home to avoid arrest. She lived with another practitioner and was abducted by perpetrators from the Liaohe Oilfield Police Department. She was sentenced to one year of forced labor. After she held a hunger strike for 13 days, her sister took her home. In September 2002, Chen Baifa, the head of Xinkai Police Department went to Jiang Xiulan's home to arrest her, so she went into exile. The perpetrators from the Dawa Police Department and the Xinli Police Station continued to persecute Jiang Xiulan and her family. They detained her sister for 15 days and her sister's husband for 24 hours. Then they arrested her husband. The perpetrators were from the Wangjia Police Station. He was sent to the Dawa County Police Department and interrogated for three hours. They tricked Jiang Xiulan's nine-year-old daughter Liu Ying into finding her sister, Liu Na, who is 15 years old. They arrested Liu Na and sent her to the Dawa Detention Center where they held her for 18 days. Jiang Xiulan wrote a letter to them, but the perpetrators continued the persecution and sent her husband Liu Yuqi to the Dawa Detention Center, where they held him for 15 days. They said they would not release Liu Yuqi because Jiang Xiulan had not returned.


5. Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wu Yuzhen in Jilin City Abducted; Family Demands Release and is Threatened by Police

Dafa practitioner Wu Yuzhen is in her 40s and lives in Dongjuzi, Changyi District, Jilin City. On November 23, 2004, perpetrators from the Changyi Police Department and the Dongjuzi Police Department abducted her when she was clarifying the truth at the Xinchang morning market in Jilin City. The guards ransacked her home and abducted her husband because he resisted. They tied him up and took him to the police station. They abducted Wu Yuzhen and took her to the No. 1 Detention Center in Jilin City. She has been on a hunger strike for over 20 days. Her family went to the related police department and asked for her release, but the police threatened them. Right now, Dafa practitioners You Jinmei, Sun Jingyun, Liu Chunhua and Li, among others, are still being held at the No. 1 and the No. 3 Detention Center.


6. Perpetrators in Xinwanpian, Wutu Town, Changle County, Shandong Province persecute Dafa practitioners

The main perpetrators responsible for persecuting Falun Gong in Xinwanpian are Zhang Shibo, Yu Qinghai, Liu Songtao, Hu Fugui, Teng Xinde, Zhou Fengchang, Shao Yude, and Liu Chunxiang.

On September 28, 2000 [Chinese lunar calendar], the perpetrators illegally arrested practitioners in Xinwangpian and sent them to an office in the Xishangding Division Office, where they didn't give the practitioners food, deprived them of sleep, forced them to stand, locked them in dark rooms and didn't allow them to use the toilet. One practitioner was in her 60s; another was three-year-old Lu Lu, who was locked in a dark room with her grandmother.

Practitioner Luo Yuxia was pregnant.

Zhang Shibo, deputy head of the Wutu Town government brutally beat elderly practitioner Wang Hongfan. He also threatened practitioner Luo Deyong and his son, and hit his wife, Chen Shufen, until she lost consciousness.

Chen Xueyou and Liu Shuangqing, both village officials, said after they finished the beatings, "Beatings like this will surely get us our year-end bonus and a good standing in our performance reports!"
