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Posters or Signs Used In Public Truth Clarification Activities Should Reflect Our Message Clearly

September 04, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In some recent truth clarification activities, I noticed that practitioners were using signs reading, "China, Stop the..." I think practitioners should immediately stop using any signs that broadly emphasize "China" as being responsible for the persecution.

It is more appropriate to use signs that explain, "Please Help Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong in China." Using signs starting with "China..." is actually falling right into the evil's trap. By broadly blaming "China," practitioners are unintentionally alienating a large number of Chinese people who have nothing to do with the persecution of Falun Gong.

At a truth clarification activity I attended a couple of weekends ago, a very open-minded Chinese man approached me to complain. He was very upset when he saw the anti-torture exhibit. He insisted, "This doesn't represent China!" I agreed with him, explaining that he was right, and then used our conversation as a starting point to more deeply explain the persecution. The evil just represents itself, nothing else.

Also, some Westerners may think we are political or narrow-minded if we broadly accuse the entire country for the persecution.

My personal understanding is that it is not correct to state that China, the country or its people, are persecuting Falun Gong. Actually, it is specifically Jiang Zemin and his followers who have forced the persecution of Falun Gong on the country and the people of China. When we claim the fault lies with China we may unintentionally cause bad feelings with some Chinese people, or lead people to think we are anti-China, which is certainly not the case.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to have banners that read, "Please Help Stop the persecution of Falun Gong in China" or something similar.

In our truth clarification efforts, we must be accurate with the wording of our messages. I urge all practitioners to check their signs, banners and even T-shirts and stop using any materials that blame China for the persecution. Instead, specifically target the real people responsible: Jiang and his followers.