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Korean Embassy's Website in Beijing Corrects Misleading Article at the Request of Dafa Practitioners in Korea

September 03, 2004 |   By a Korean Dafa Practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Not long ago, a Korean Dafa practitioner, while surfing the web, discovered that there was an article with the title "Current situation and future hopes of China" on the website of the Korean Embassy stationed in China. In the article, Falun Dafa was not only slandered with a derogatory name, but was also mentioned in the same breath with terrorist organizations. After reading the article, it would be very easy for one to be misguided into thinking that "Falun Dafa" was one of the factors contributing to social instability. With respect to this, the Korean Falun Dafa Association immediately sent an email on August 10, 2004 to request the relevant authorities to correct the inappropriate sections.

However, the Korean Embassy only corrected the derogatory name in the article on August 17, so the Korean Falun Dafa Association once again sent a reminder letter on August 19 to the Korean Embassy and related authorities to urge them to correct all the articles that defame Falun Dafa on their websites before August 31.

Recently, while browsing through the website of the Korean Embassy once again, it was discovered that all the articles that had content defaming Falun Dafa have been removed. Before this, there was an incident in which, upon discovering that the website of "Korean Foreign Affairs and Trade Department" had referred to Falun Dafa with the same term other such inappropriate references, the Korean Falun Dafa association managed to get the contents of this website corrected through negotiations.

According to what Master has told us, we should take the initiative to clarify the truth in the areas that have problems, point out the mistakes and thus let them understand the truth about Falun Dafa. Through this matter, we feel, first hand, that it is necessary to actively clarify the truth to government agencies and intensify the depth and breadth of our truth-clarification efforts to government officials.

August 28, 2004