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Summary of Other Articles and News - September 15, 2004

September 28, 2004 |  


Practitioners Exchange Insights and Experiences

My name is Bao Guoju and I live in Badaogou Village, Daoerdeng Town, Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province. I had congenital albinism. After I was married, I suffered from headache, inflammation of the eyes and heart disease. I obtained Falun Dafa in the fall of 1998 and all of my illnesses disappeared without any treatment. My albinism was cured and my white hair gradually turned black from the roots. After several years of practice, I have more and more black hair. One of my friends who studies medicine told me, "If you didn't practice Falun Gong, your hair would have remained white for the rest of your life as no drug can cure albinism."

Facts of the Persecution

1) Dafa practitioner Tang Bingyan, in his thirties, is the deputy head manager at the Haiying Lighting Co. Ltd. in Chongqing. In July 2004, National Security Agents followed him and abducted him outside a grocery store. They secretly held him at a National Security Bureau office near Hongqihegou in the Yubei District in Chongqing.

2) Falun Gong practitioner Lu Rui's mother recounts her son's persecution: Lu Rui has been held at the Qinduankou Prison in Hanyang, Wuhan City, Hubei Province for over six months. The prison authorities block information and do not allow me to visit my son. In late June 2004, I learned for the first time that my son is being held there. When I asked to see him the perpetrators refused and said, "According to policies from higher up, Falun Gong practitioners' families are not allowed to visit them." They deprived a mother of her right to visit her son.

3) My name is Quan Qiming, a Falun Gong practitioner in the Banan District, Chongqing. In November 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal and was sent to a detention center and held there for one month. From then on, perpetrators from the Huaxi Police Station and from the town government often came to harass me. On February 14, 2001, the police ransacked my home and took me to the Nanquan Police Station, where they beat me with a wooden stick and handcuffed my wrists so tightly that the cuffs cut into my veins. I suffered excruciating pain. Then I was held at a detention center for two months and under house arrest for two more years. The police also took away the money I had saved to open a small business. On August 17, 2001, the police came to harass me and to avoid continuous persecution I had no choice but to go into exile. I had to leave behind my paralyzed mother and my two school-aged daughters.

4) As of mid-August, authorities from the Taoshan Police Precinct in Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province arrested 12 Dafa practitioners, including Yin Guiling, Xue Jinfeng, Jia Xiuting (who was interrogated for three days and three nights, but she regained freedom with the power of her righteous thoughts), Li Guiying, Liu Fuzhen, Ma, Yu (who is currently holding a hunger strike to protest the persecution), Hou, and Sun Guangyan.

5) Zhang Xiaoying is 57 years old and a resident of Jiazhuangzi Village, Shimen Town, Zunhua City, Hebei Province. Because she refused to give up Falun Gong and had clarified the truth about Falun Gong, she was arrested and detained numerous times and was sent to brainwashing centers. She was also detained at the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City and the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City, where she was cruelly tortured. Zhang Xiaoying broke free after holding a hunger strike for five or six months.