(Clearwisdom.net) In September when Nuremberg holds its annual festival, the streets of the old city are filled with people. On September 11, 2004, practitioners from Bavaria obtained permission to hold an "information day" to introduce Falun Gong and expose the ongoing torture of practitioners in China. They also collected signatures in support of suing Jiang Zemin for his genocide against Falun Gong practitioners.
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Falun Gong Practitioners Hold An Anti-Torture Demonstration, Passers-by Stop and Learn about the Facts about Falun Gong
Nuremberg was a Nazi base during World War II. After World War II, Nazi war criminals were put on trial here by the allies. The citizens of Nuremberg are therefore not unfamiliar with the word "Genocide."
Many passersby stopped to read the information boards, ask for information, and learned the facts about Falun Gong in detail. They thought it was unthinkable and shocking that cruel means of torture such as force-feeding with concentrated salt solutions are used to try to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief.
They signed a petition to express their support for bringing the prime culprit in the persecution of Falun Gong to court. Those who wanted to donate money were told that Falun Gong does not accept donations. After signing the petition, many asked what else they could do to help. They were encouraged to tell others about Falun Gong or take more Falun Gong materials to give to their friends and family. They were very happy to take more leaflets and VCDs with them.
One elderly gentleman took a few leaflets and said he wanted to give them to people in the nursing home. A teacher asked for a copy of a poster with pictures and illustrations and the information about the disfigurement of practitioner Gao Rongrong's face. He wanted to use them as teaching materials.
One lady who cried uncontrollably and wrote down her name and address on the petition after seeing the force-feeding torture and illustrations of the torture methods. With tears in her eyes, she asked practitioners if such tortures are really being carried out every day in China. After she signed the petition, her husband signed, too. Because so many people were waiting to sign the petition, another petition board was set up.
One local had just returned from visiting China. He said when he saw the big modern cities, he thought China was progressive. But when he heard personally from a Chinese teacher that students had to bribe him to get good scores, he was appalled at the degree of corruption. Not only was the teacher unashamed of what he did, he dared to openly tell other people. After speaking with practitioners, he understood the false picture of the Chinese economy and also understood facts about Falun Gong. He signed the petition.
People seemed concerned that the media wasn't covering Falun Gong and the persecution.
Because Nuremberg is a very diverse city with many tourists, businessmen, and immigrants, informational materials were prepared in different languages. Many people were surprised when they got Falun Gong materials in their own languages in a foreign country. An older Greek gentleman, after reading the Falun Gong materials, asked for all the remaining materials in Greek and said he wanted to pass them to his Greek friends. Materials in English, Italian and Spanish all went very quickly.
A Chinese person hoped to get a copy of Zhuan Falun to read, and several Germans wanted to know where the exercise sites were. One was so interested in this cultivation way that he spent a long time carefully reading the exhibition board explaining Falun Gong.