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Summary of Other Articles and News -- September 10, 2004

September 21, 2004 |  


Perpetrators and their crimes

Jing Guiquan, head of the Dongchang District National Security Brigade in Tonghua City, Jilin Province, persecutes Dafa practitioners. Around late July 2004, Jing Guiquan arrested a Falun Dafa practitioner in her 60s who used to live at Xinzhan in Tonghua City. He beat the practitioner all over her body and interrogated her to find out where she got her Dafa flyers. Because the practitioner refused to tell, he tied her legs and her hands to a chair and shocked her with electric batons. The practitioner's internal organs were injured and she developed heart problems from the electric shocks. He sent the practitioner to a detention center with scars all over her body and face. The practitioner vomited blood and her heart stopped beating occasionally. The detention center was afraid of taking responsibility and questioned Jing Guiquan, who admitted that he had tortured the practitioner.

In the winter of 2002, perpetrators Ge Feng, Wang Fei and others from Chaoyang Township, Baoqing County, Heilongjiang Province abducted Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Meiyu. Ge Feng grabbed Li Meiyu's hair and dragged her to a police vehicle when her shoes fell off. He put her into the police vehicle barefooted.

Ge Feng and other perpetrators ransacked Falun Dafa practitioners' homes many times and Zhang Yuchun participated frequently in the persecution of Dafa practitioners. He was in a car accident recently and his face was disfigured. Wang Fei used to lock Dafa practitioners in a room and beat them.

Facts of the Persecution

On May 16, 2004 when Falun Dafa practitioner Shao Minggang was arrested by perpetrators from Jinzhou National Security Bureau, his family and relatives were very concerned. According to an inmate detained in the same cell as Shao Minggang, Dafa practitioner Mr. Shao has been holding a hunger strike ever since he was arrested and he is now at the brink of death. It was learned that Shao Minggang was sent to a forced labor camp on August 30. Because he is near death, the labor camp refused to take him. The head of the city police department personally instructed those in charge for him to be held at a labor camp for three years.

On August 7, 2003, perpetrators in Shihezi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region abducted Dafa practitioner Zhao Aijun and sent him to the police department's Criminal Police Division. They cuffed his hands behind his back, tied the cuffs with a rope and hung him up for nearly three hours. In January 2000, Dafa practitioner Wang Jinping from Kelamayi did the Dafa exercises at the Wusu Forced Labor Camp. The perpetrators beat and kicked him, they dragged him in circles and forced him to squat on one leg for several hours. His other leg is disabled. In August 2001, the perpetrators forced him to squat and they put a cactus beneath his buttocks. The spikes poked into his flesh, which later caused an infection over a large area. In September 2001, an inmate beat practitioner Wang Jinping with a pickax handle until he became incontinent.

My name is Bo Zaijin. I am a 68-year-old male retired teacher, who lived in Shangbo Village, Puji Town, Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province. Because I practice Falun Gong, the perpetrators ransacked my home, detained me, fined me, tortured me and have withheld my pension since July 20, 1999. As a result of these mental and physical tortures, I lost sight in my left eye and have difficulty meeting my living expenses because they withheld my pension.

The perpetrators at Handan City's Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province persecute Dafa practitioners and savagely torture them. One of practitioner Li Chang's kidneys and his hand were damaged from the beating. The perpetrators ordered inmates to jab Li Changping's hands with needles. They also tortured him in other ways so that Li Changping was later hospitalized for a long time. Practitioner Yang Xiaoming's lungs accumulated fluid and he was severely injured. Practitioner Chang Junkai was deaf in one ear from beatings. Practitioner Bu Zhanmeng developed severe heart problems from torture.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Yufeng, 58-years-old, lived in the Kuancheng District, Changchun City. After July 20, 1999 she clarified the truth at the provincial government twice and was arrested on both occasions. She went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested and held at the Balipu Detention Center in Changchun City where she was held for 15 days. On March 8, 2002, Liu Yufeng was sent to the Daguang Detention Center in violation of the Chinese constitution where she was held for two weeks and then sentenced to one-and-a-half years of forced labor. During her labor camp stay, Liu Yufeng suffered tremendous physical and mental torture.

In late August, police officers from Huiqu Township's Police Station abducted practitioners Mr. Ma Hongxiang, Mr. Wang Jinxiang, Mr. Liu from Anqiu, Weifang City, Shandong Province, who were distributing truth clarification materials in Huiqu Township. Their current whereabouts are unknown.

As of April 2004 and particularly since July and August, Dafa practitioners in Chenzhou, Hunan Province were arrested. They include Li Hui, Li Zhanxian, Huang Liying, Dai Min, Yan Yong, Cao Pingqing and his wife. In Guiyang County and Anren County, the perpetrators from the "610 Office" arrested several Dafa practitioners, including Duan Bangxiao and Wang Yeqing, who was sent to a labor camp for a second time. In 2003, the perpetrators from Anren County went to Yongxing County and arrested a dozen practitioners. Five family members were also persecuted. Five practitioners were given long-term prison sentences and some practitioners were beaten until their legs were fractured.

Forty-seven-year-old Dafa practitioner Liu Zhencai in Luanjiahe Village, Zhangxing Town, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province was healthy and he had a happy family. After July 22, 1999, Liu Zhencai and his family members were arrested. His wife was sentenced to two years of forced labor in October 2000, and Liu Zhencai was sent to a brainwashing class where he gave up his Dafa practice due to torture and brainwashing.