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Solemn Declarations by Non-Practitioners

September 21, 2004 |  


Solemn Statement

My husband's sister is a Falun Dafa practitioner. From her I saw how Falun Dafa changed a person to be better and better. During her detention, we were afraid that she might not be released. So I wrote a so-called "Guarantee Statement" for her, in which I wrote sentences defaming Dafa. As I look back, I really regret it and feel very bad. Right now, seeing her continuing to have a meaningful life and remain determined, even after so many tribulations, I am convinced. I think it is Dafa that gives her the strength. I also thank Dafa for saving her. Through this I have also learned my lesson and I am regretful for my previous defamation of Dafa. Meanwhile, I also declare that the "Guarantee Statement" I wrote previously is null and void. I will remember that Falun Dafa is good. I will take opportunities to tell people that Falun Dafa is good, so that I can make up the loss I caused.

Zhang Chunying: a person who had defamed Falun Gong

August 2004


Solemn Statement

Because my mother practices Falun Dafa, I began to have some understanding of Dafa. I know Dafa is for people to do good deeds and become better people. However, in the beginning of 2004, when the police persecuted my mother, I burned Teacher's picture. Right now, I am extremely regretful. Here, I am making a Solemn Statement. From now on, I will never do things that harm Dafa, and I will remember "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance" forever. I will also take opportunities to tell people that Falun Dafa is good, and to make up for the loss I have caused.

Yuan Jingjun: son of a practitioner

August 25, 2004
