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Latest News from China - July 18, 2004

August 07, 2004 |  


  • [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Five Falun Dafa Practitioners Sentenced to Prison; Three Receive Eight to Fourteen-Year Terms
  • [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioners Du Jincai, Zhao Ming, and Zhao Liang Hold Hunger Strike Protest
  • [Beining City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wei Baoxiang on Hunger Strike to Protest Her Unlawful Detainment
  • [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Police from the Xinlong Police Station of Taihe District Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioner Lu Kun and Others
  • [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Shuyuan Arrested Again
  • [Xishui County, Hubei Province] Ms. He Haiyan and Ms. Liu Guizhen Arrested Again for Distributing Truth-Clarification Pamphlets
  • [Yishui County, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhao Shufen Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Distributing Truth-Clarification Material
  • [Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Practitioner Ms. Han Caiqing and Ms. Han Yinglian Arrested for Clarifying the Facts at Local Villages
  • [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Fifty-nine-year-old Practitioner Ms. Cui Shuhua Seriously Injured from Beatings by Police Officers from Huantong Police Station

1. [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Five Falun Dafa Practitioners Sentenced to Prison; Three Receive Eight to Fourteen-Year Terms

In June 2004, Falun Dafa practitioners Zhang Zhishui, Zhang Songfeng, and Li Junying were sentenced to 14, 12, and 8 years prison terms respectively by Xinhua District Court in Cangzhou City. Two other practitioners, Yi Ruijun and Zhong Ming, were given suspended sentences. On June 20, without notifying their families, the police secretly sent Zhang Zhishui, Zhang Songfeng and Li Junying to Tangshang Prison and Shijiazhuang Prison.

2. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioners Du Jincai, Zhao Ming, and Zhao Liang Hold Hunger Strike Protest

On the morning of July 9, 2004, Linghai City Falun Dafa practitioner Zhao Liang was taken by the Lianghai City Police Department from his workplace. In the afternoon on July 14, police from Yuji Town Police Station of Linghai City Police Department arrested several Falun Dafa practitioners, including Zhao Tingwu and his wife, and Man Fengjun and his wife. On the same day, police ransacked the homes of many practitioners of Jianyie Township, Linghai City. Several of them were also arrested.

Huludao City Falun Dafa practitioners Du Jincai, Zhao Ming and Zhao Liang are currently on hunger strike to protest their imprisonment.

3. [Beining City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wei Baoxiang on Hunger Strike to Protest Her Unlawful Detainment

On July 7, 2004, Liu Chunxiang from the National Security Section of Beining City led a group of police from the Goubangzi Police Department to the home of Dafa practitioner Ms. Wei Baoxiang. They ransacked her home without a warrant and arrested her unlawfully. Ms. Wei is currently being detained at Beining City Detention Center. During family visitation, the police threatened that given the on-going "Strike Hard" campaign, Ms. Wei could only be released if her family was willing to pay a fine. In order to resist such persecution, Ms. Wei is currently on hunger strike.

Telephone numbers for relevant personals:

Secretary of Political and Judiciary Committee in Beining City, Chang Kai 86-416-6625998 (Home)

Beining City Police Department Head, Wang Junren 86-416-6600110 (Office)

Li Chunzhi 86-416-6624653 (Home)

National Security Section, Liu Chunxiang 86-416-6631186 (Home)

National Security Section, Li Guoqiang 86-416-6600019 (Home)£¬ 86-13904961158(Cell)

Beining City Detention Center assistant director Yi Yiquan 86-416-6628705 (Home)

Beining City Detention Center guard, Wang Shixue 86-416-6626069 (Home)

Goubangzi Police Department 86-416-6652581

4. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Police from the Xinlong Police Station of Taihe District Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioner Lu Kun and Others

Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lu Kun is around 30 years old. He is a taxi driver. In the beginning of July this year, he was arrested near the Jinzhou City Electric Company. Police from Xinlong Police Station in Taihe District searched and ransacked his home. Mr. Lu was sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp only three days after his arrest. In the past, he had been illegally sentenced to forced labor camp and was taken to a brainwashing center.

Additionally, there is one Dafa practitioner in Jinzhou City Detention Center who has been on hunger strike for about a week now. Four other detainees are currently watching the practitioner. It is believed that he or she has been physically abused.

5. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Shuyuan Arrested Again

Hengshui City Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Shuyuan was detained for 7 or 8 hours on June 20, 2004. The police also confiscated a computer used by her child for his schoolwork. Around 6:00 p.m. on July 8, police from Section 1 of Hengshui City Police Department tricked Ms. Wang by claiming they were going to return the computer. However, the police abducted and detained Ms. Wang again. Details of the incident are being investigated.

6. [Xishui County, Hubei Province] Ms. He Haiyan and Ms. Liu Guizhen Arrested Again for Distributing Truth-Clarification Pamphlets

On June 25, the police arrested Ms. He Haiyan and Ms. Liu Guizhen for handing out Falun Gong pamphlets. They were detained and beaten. Their homes were ransacked and searched. Police took 800 Yuan (1) from Ms. Liu's home. On July 8 and 9, both of them walked out of the detention center with righteous thoughts and actions.

On the morning of July 15, police again broke into Ms. He and Ms. Liu's homes and took them away. Ms. He's husband was driven beyond the limit of his tolerance. He reasoned with the police on the spot and then went to the police station and demanded the release of his wife. Due to the efforts of her family, Ms. He was returned home. Ms. Liu, however, was sent to Wuhan City Brainwashing Center.

According to insider information, the county police department held a meeting with all of the police stations within its district on July 13, during which the plan for the persecution of Falun Gong was discussed. They planned to identify all the practitioners in the area. For those practitioners that are still steadfastly practicing Falun Dafa, the police planned to send them directly to the provincial brainwashing center.

7. [Yishui County, Shandong Province] Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhao Shufen Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Distributing Truth-Clarification Material

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhao Shufen is about 38 years old. At noon of September 23, 2003, she was passing out truth-clarification material in Meigouzi Village, Xujiahu Township, Yishui County. The Secretary of the Communist Party in Meigouzi Village, Huang Jiaxiu, reported her to the police. The county Administration and Management Office had her arrested. Ms. Zhao was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp. She is currently being jailed at the Jinan Women's Labor Camp.

8. [Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Practitioner Ms. Han Caiqing and Ms. Han Yinglian Arrested for Clarifying the Facts at Local Villages

On July 9, police officers Feng Jitang and Wu Hongxia from Beidao District, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, secretly arrested Ms. Han Caiqing and Ms. Han Yinglian when they were clarifying the truth in a local village. Another practitioner, Dong Daqiu, was also abducted recently.

Telephone numbers for relevant agencies:

Beidao District Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-938-2617496£¬86-938-2616103

Beidao District Police Department: 86-938-2729590

9. [Tonghua City, Jilin Province] Fifty-nine-year-old Practitioner Ms. Cui Shuhua Seriously Injured from Beatings by Police Officers from Huantong Police Station

Around 6:00 am on July 9, 2004, Dafa practitioner Ms. Cui Shuhua, who is 59 years old, was viciously beaten at Huantong Police Station in Tonghua City. She was unlawfully sent to a detention center. The physical exam at Tonghua Detention Center showed that Ms. Cui's arm was injured and her hands were severely swollen. The details of the incident are under investigation.


(1) Yuan -- Chinese currency; 500 yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.
