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Clarifying the Truth to Police at the Town Police Station

August 25, 2004 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Around 10 p.m. on July 20, 2004, to mark the fifth anniversary of the persecution of Falun Dafa, my wife and I went to nearby towns on our motorcycle to hang up banners that read, "Falun Dafa is good." While maintaining strong righteous thoughts, we first put up banners in the farthest away town. There were many people and cars out on the roads. With the help of Teacher and righteous thoughts, we were able to quickly hang up the banners in many intersections in two different towns.

In our own town, we went to hang the banners up at a busy intersection, and saw a man standing there. However, we did not let the man deter us from finishing our task. After we finished hanging up the banners we went back home. Just before we entered our village, a police car caught up with us. Four officers came out of the car; one of them took away our motorcycle, while the other three forced us into the car and took us to the local police station. At that time, we realized that the man at the intersection reported us.

We kept sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil behind the police officers and clarified the facts to them. They were polite and let us sit down. One policeman asked, "If you want to practice Falun Gong, you can do it at home. Why do you need to hang up banners? " I said, "Jiang Zemin has been persecuting us for five years, and has used all kinds of deceit to frame good people and deceive the people of the world. Why can't we speak out? We just want to let people know the truth about Falun Dafa and that it is good." Then, another officer asked, "Don't you fear being arrested? Why would you want to be persecuted?" When I saw that they lacked righteous thoughts and were blindly following Jiang's orders, I felt sad for them and sincerely said, "I didn't do well before and was too scared to tell you the truth. I should have told you earlier. All of us who believe in 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance' have benefited much from practicing Falun Dafa. But you have been deceived by lies and follow the Jiang regime's orders, undermining the Fa (1). You are victims who have been deceived."

I told them that practitioners only strive to be good people, and have not done anything illegal. I also clarified the truth of the April 25 (2) incident and the staged "Self-Immolation on Tiananmen Square" (3), that Falun Dafa is welcomed around the world and that Jiang is being sued in various countries. I told them that if they treated Dafa kindly, they will be rewarded and undermining Dafa will incur karmic retribution. They listened quietly and looked as though they understood what I said. One officer asked, "You are so kind. Why is Jiang against that?" My wife answered, "Those who attack kind people must be evil." A police officer repeated, "Yes, those who attack kind people must be evil."

At that time, it was past 1:00 a.m., so I said, "We don't want to bother you any longer. We should go back home now." They still refused to release us and said, "You should wait until our manager comes." My wife then asked to call home and they let us use their cell phone to call my brother. My wife told my brother to take care of our parents because we were at the police station. After a while, my brother came and asked for our release. They discussed it amongst themselves and then said, "You can go back and take care of your parents now." Before we left the station, my brother told them that he would not let us go out to hang up banners any more. The police replied, "It is not likely that they will listen to you. If they want to keep doing so, they can go somewhere far from here." Then they repeatedly reminded us to be more careful next time.


1.Fa: Law and principles

2. Ten thousand Falun Dafa practitioners peacefully appealed to the Chinese government on April 25, 1999. A detailed account can be found at http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2004/5/5/47735.html

3. Staged "Self-Immolation in Tiananmen Square," please refer to http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/special_column/self-immolation.html