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Let's All Remember to Look Inward When Fellow Practitioners Go Through Illness Tribulations

August 19, 2004 |   By: Du Jinglian, a Dafa practitioner from Qinhuangdao in Hebei

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, some of my fellow practitioners have begun to have illness tribulations and thought karma, which strongly interferes with them, keeping them from doing the three things that Falun Dafa practitioners should do. I would like to share some of my thoughts on this matter. If there is anything inappropriate, I ask fellow practitioners to point it out compassionately.

Currently when practitioners have illness tribulations, they believe it to be interference and persecution, and so ask fellow practitioners to help them by sending forth righteous thoughts. But when fellow practitioners suggested studying the Fa (1) together, they claimed that it is either too loud or too difficult for them to read simultaneously, and have used such excuses to avoid [group Fa study]. Of course, even though sending forth righteous thoughts has a certain effect, it is still necessary for practitioners to look inward to see why they are being interfered with, and why they have been suffering from illness tribulations for so long and so severely. If they don't have any loopholes, then the evil will have no place to go (though Dafa practitioners must not acknowledge such a persecution, even if they have loopholes).

We are cultivators, so we must also raise our xinxing (heart or mind nature, moral character). Teacher had said, "We emphasize one point: If you cannot relinquish the attachment or concern for illness, we cannot do anything and will be unable to help you." (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun (2)). When some practitioners have strong symptoms of illness tribulations, they immediately think that they have contracted some disease, and can no longer look at it from the point of view of the Fa. Some of them even said that it was genetic, and that his or her mother also had this illness. Even at very critical moments, they did not think about Teacher or the Fa, but used human notions.

We should suggest to our fellow practitioners that they study the Fa, expose the evil, and clarify the truth, while at the same time finding some time to help these practitioners who are going through tribulations. Everyone should look inward to see if there are still fundamental attachments that have not yet been discovered, and which are still strongly interfering with Fa-rectification. Fellow practitioners: Fa-rectification is nearing the end, and there are still so many beings that are awaiting salvation! Teacher can do all these for us, but the key is that we have to be able to let go of these human notions and let go of these attachments. We all know that studying the Fa is not learning some theory; it is Teacher explaining the truth of the universe to us. If we cannot stay steadfast in the Fa that Teacher has taught us, and if we are unable to unconditionally assimilate to Dafa (3) and to align our every thought and action with Teacher's Fa, or if we believe the manifestations of this world is the truth of our existence, then we should really all calm down, and think this over rationally. Cultivation is serious; we cannot take any human notions with us.

At the same time, when other practitioners witness these incidents, they should also look inward so that everyone can upgrade together, cooperate with one another, strengthen the whole body's thoughts towards Fa-rectification, and let go of human sentimentality. Everyone should be able to understand clearly the historical mission that is bestowed upon Fa-rectification period practitioners, and we should walk every step well.


(1) Fa: Law and principles; the teachings of Falun Dafa.

(2) The book, Zhuan Falun, comprises the principal teachings of Falun Dafa.

(3) Dafa: The Great Fa or the Great Law

August 6th 2004