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The Husband of a Dafa Practitioner in Shenzhou City, Hebei Province Describes the Hardships the Persecution Has Brought to His Family

August 17, 2004 |  

My wife is a Falun Gong practitioner, while I am not. After July 20, 1999, the police from Bingcao Township Police Station in Shenzhou City and staff from the Township Government have come to harass my family many times. They have broken into my house and ransacked it and have abducted and detained my wife illegally. They also fined me 885 yuan. (1)

On February 23, 2004, my wife stopped by her fellow practitioner Liu Cangsheng's house. Wei Yansui, the director of the Judicature Office in Shuangjing Developing District, along with Wang Huailai and Liu Yicun, the Director of the Police Station, broke into Liu Cangsheng's house, ransacked the house and arrested Liu Cangsheng and my wife illegally. After failing to find any evidence of wrongdoing, they concocted a charge, "conspiring to commit a crime," and sent Liu Cangsheng and my wife to the Shenzhou City Police Department's Jail for 81 days. There Liu Cangsheng and my wife were charged 20 yuan for food every day. Actually they were only served two steamed buns made of corn, one bowl of gruel, and a few pickles for each meal. Liu Cangsheng's husband and I went to the Political and Judiciary Office in the police department to demand their release, but they refused. The jail violated its own policy and detained Dafa practitioners with the murderer, Ma Wennong. When going out for exercise, Ma Wennong picked up a 2-meter-long bench and beat Liu Changsheng in the head 3 times until someone in the cell rushed out and put a stop to it. Liu Cangsheng's head needed 7 stitches, and another 6 stitches were required above her eye. Liu Cangsheng was lucky not to have been beaten to death. After the incident, to shirk responsibility, the police department released Liu Cangsheng and my wife.

During my wife Li Bo's detainment, I could hardly take care of my family. My 14-year-old daughter is paralyzed and bedridden and my 11-year-old son is a student. The heavy burden of life all weighed down on me. After learning from the police that my wife would be sentenced for 2 to 3 years in prison, my mental burden increased. Since I had no way to do shady dealings with the police, I was so worried that I was unable to eat and sleep and felt restless. As a result, I developed gastralgia, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, malaise, and a trembling in my hands. Therefore I had to give away my fields for others to plough. The doctor diagnosed me with a nervous disorder caused by anxiety. I was in pain the whole day.

Hereby, I call for all just people around the world to help put a stop to this evil persecution and end such tragedies. Restore basic rights back to the common people.

Responsible people and unit:

Zip code of Shenzhou City: 053800

Bingcao Township Police Station in Shenzhou City, Hebei Province
Bingcao Township Government in Shenzhou City, Hebei Province
The Director of Judicature Office in Shuangjing Developing District: Wei Yansui
Staff of Judicature Office in Shuangjing Developing District: Wang Huailai
The Director of the Shuangjing Township Police Station in Shenzhou City: Liu Yicun
The Detention Center of the Shenzhou City Police Department: 0318-3312136
The Director of the Shenzhou City Police Department: Zhu Xingguo 0318-3312141[O], 0318-3315703 [O]
The Political and Judiciary Office of Shenzhou City Police Department:0318-3312134
The Secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee in Shenzhou City: Zhang Jiantao:13903183216[cell]
Murderer: Ma Wennong

The people and units responsible for persecuting Falun Gong in Shenzhou City:

The person in charge of the brainwashing class in Shenzhou City: Wang Jinggang: 0318-3325518[H]
Pre-director of the Political and Judiciary Committee in Shenzhou City: Yin Yuzhen: 0318-3310166
Deputy Director of the Political and Judiciary Committee in Shenzhou City and staff in "610 Office" : Ji Jie: 0318-3316203(H)
Director of Shenzhou City "610 Office": Niu Wenhai:0318-3326107[O], 0318-3315668 [H], 13503182738 [cell]
The Police Department switchboard£º 0318-3312134
Deputy Director of the Police Department (responsible for persecuting Falun Gong) Chen Hua
The Political Security section in Shenzhou City Police Department £º0318-3312132
Director of the Political Security section in Shenzhou City Police Department:0318-3315858[H]
Police Officers: Jia Shuangwan, Zhang Yuanxiang
The Secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee in Shenzhou City: Zhang Jiantao: 0318-3312725[O], 0318-3316588 [H], 13903183216 [cell]
Deputy Major of Shenzhou City: Liu Ruicai: 0318-3312337[O], 0318-3310168 [H], 13903183368 [cell]
The Director of the Shenzhou City Police Department: Zhu Xingguo 0318-3312141[O], 0318-3315703 [O]

(1) Yuan is the unit of currency in China, where the average monthly salary of an urban worker is 500 Yuan.