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Spreading the Web of Justice: "WOIPFG" in Action

August 17, 2004 |  


The suppression of Falun Gong that began in China in July 1999 may well be the darkest and the largest scale persecution in human history. Facing this persecution, a group of volunteers in North America concerned about human rights formed an organization called the "World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong" (WOIPFG) in 2003. They declared, "The mission of WOIPFG is to investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure."

Since then, this fledgling international NGO has finished almost 100 investigation reports and announcements. It has branches in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. WOIPFG has held large conferences and related activities jointly with dozens of other well-known international organizations, and has submitted lists of criminals and the evidence of their crimes to the Canadian and American governments. The people on these lists will be investigated if they attempt to enter into Canada or America. They will ultimately be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity. WOIPFG has shocked high level CCP officials, who felt they could escape prosecution for their atrocities unscathed.

Investigation of Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan and Other High Level Officials Responsible

WOIPFG has conducted in depth investigation and evidence collection of Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, and Zeng Qinghong, the main instigators of the persecution. According to a report entitled "Investigation Report on Jiang Zemin's Crime of Genocide in the Persecution of Falun Gong" posted on January 30, Jiang Zemin launched the large scale persecution against Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. By exploiting the state's organizations, laws, policies, and the whole state apparatus, Jiang has committed crimes against millions of innocent people, who believe in "Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance," both inside and outside China. According to Article 6 and Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court published on July 17, 1998, by the United Nations, Jiang's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners has amounted to genocide and crimes against humanity.

The report mentions that the investigation shows that the suppression of millions of people in Mainland China was solely the brainchild of Jiang Zemin. The system of "610 Offices" set up by Jiang was conceived to completely control all government activity related to Falun Gong, becoming Jiang Zemin's personal command structure in persecuting Falun Gong. This extra-judicial agency is all too similar to Nazi Germany's Gestapo. Jiang Zemin himself and the "610 Office" are responsible for the murder, deformity, torture, arrest, incarceration in forced labor camps, imprisonment, fines and brainwashing that was forced on so many practitioners of Falun Gong.

The reports also points out that Jiang Zemin is the greatest beneficiary in maintaining the continuous persecution, because Jiang has directly obtained huge personal and family power and fortunes from persecuting Falun Gong. WOIPFG will fully investigate Jiang's family and the chief "610 Office" members' large holdings of assets embezzled and stolen from the nation, including their illegal business activities. It will urge the relevant foreign governments to freeze and confiscate their illegally gained assets to return to the Chinese people, including the Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted by them.

Investigation on the People, Institutions and Organizations that Persecute Falun Gong

WOIPFG has been systematically investigating all the crimes committed in the persecution of Falun Gong and the relevant individuals, institutions, and organizations, including Jiang Zemin and the "610 Office." Those responsible are directly led by Jiang, and include the National Security Department, police departments, courts, forced labor camps, psychiatric hospitals, and the media. These organizations have framed, slandered, and smeared Falun Gong, directly or indirectly, and persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and their families.

The investigation into the Chinese Ministry of Education's persecution of Falun Gong revealed that Chen Zhili, the former Minister of Education, took advantage of her special relationship with Jiang Zemin and the power she thus received to carry out Jiang's dirty work inside China's educational system. She held numerous meetings to personally implement the persecution of Falun Gong. She issued documents in the name of the Ministry of Education and carried out a Cultural Revolution-like pledge at all school levels in China. She demanded that everyone, ranging from faculty and staff members to students, speak out against Falun Gong. She forced these people to watch slanderous propaganda movies and launched the "Million Signature" campaign to force students to participate in the persecution by having them sign petitions against Falun Gong. She also directed the Ministry to incorporate anti-Falun Gong materials into teaching materials, exam papers, college and graduate school entrance exams, etc. She used the anti-Falun Gong programs produced by the Chinese Central TV network ("CCTV") as study material in public schools to infuse animosity into the minds of future teachers. There are at least 61 people who were persecuted to death because they practiced Falun Gong while in the education system. All this was launched by a handful of people.

WOIPFG's report provided sufficient evidence to sue Chen Zhili for her crimes in Tanzania. A summons to appear before the court was recently issued there.

WOIPFG has also submitted lists of "alleged criminals," including Jiang Zemin, and the evidence of their criminal activities to both the Canadian and American governments.

By the end of January 2004, WOIPFG had submitted to the RCMP a list of 45 participants, including CCP head officials Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Li Lanqing, Liu Qi, Wang Maolin, directors and officers of "610 Offices," provincial officials Bo Xilai and Wen Shizheng, Shenyang City Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Official Su Jing, and Wanjia Forced Labor Camp Officer Shi Ying Bai, in the persecution of Falun Gong with the evidence of their crimes. They are on the RCMP watchlist. If they attempt to enter Canada, they will be investigated and even sued for their crimes against humanity in Canadian courts.

On March 9, 2004, WOIPFG submitted a list of 102 primary leaders in the persecution of Falun Gong, including Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, Liu Jing, Zhou Yongkang, Li Lanqing, and Wang Maolin. It requested that the U.S. government prohibit these people from entering the U.S. The U.S. Immigration and Neutralization Code, Item 212(a)(2)(G), stipulates that foreign government officials involved in violating freedoms of religion during the last two years are not allowed to enter the United States, and this statute extends to their family members and dependents.

WOIPFG "Investigation Reports on the Persecution of Falun Gong (Part One)" has been Published

Through the hard work of dedicated volunteers in North America, Australia, Europe, Asia, as well as China, where their lives are at risk, WOIPFG finished and publicized nearly 100 investigation reports and notices in a period of one year. Part One of the investigation reports collection was published in July 2004.

The investigation reports show clearly that Jiang Zemin has forced most of the Chinese people to agree and even to participate in the persecution of Falun Gong by means of deception, instigating hatred, intimidation and seduction. He turned the persecution, which was completely based on his personal will, of the mainstream people in Chinese society into a nationwide movement. Attacks on and suppression of Falun Gong practitioners who believe in "Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance" has drawn the Chinese people into a trap in which they are experiencing a catastrophic spiritual destruction.

It should be pointed out that this persecution is not limited to Mainland China, but has been extended to the world. The Chinese government has forced some countries to give up justice, conscience, and ignore and indulge in this unprecedented persecution of extermination. This is done through political pressure, economic profit and cultural diplomacy. The fact that the UN Human Rights Committee has failed to discuss and condemn China's human rights condition for five continuous years has proved this point. The morality and conscience on which human beings exist has been facing unprecedented challenges. Those nations indulging and remaining silent will be considered accomplices in this persecution by history.

WOIPFG's Action Has Shocked the Head Officials of the CCP Committee

WOIPFG has a substantial number of investigators and researchers in Mainland China. Some investigators even come from high levels within the CCP committee and the Public Security Bureau. It is said that there were family members of the Seven Standing Committee members of the Politburo practicing Falun Gong before Jiang instigated the suppression of Falun Gong. The other six committee members were all against suppressing Falun Gong. There has been support for Falun Gong among high officials of the CCP. This has been proven by the many "insider" and "secret" documents present in WOIPFG reports. It is also believed that this is associated with a strong desire to redress Falun Gong among high-ranking CCP officials.

Such action has truly frightened CCP officials who participated in the persecution. It is said that quite a few Central Committee officials, provincial officials, and city level officials dare not speak about Falun Gong publicly, fearing this might be used against them. Some officials are even attempting to destroy evidence of their participation in persecuting Falun Gong. Other high officials dared not publicize news of visits to other countries, fearing lawsuits overseas. However, Falun Gong has successfully sued many high level officials during their overseas visits around the world. Some of the evidence used is provided by WOIPFG. The most recent case is Bo Xilai, the Minister of Commerce, who was sued in the US.

According to Clearwisdom, WOIPFG publicized the investigation notice of several chief perpetrators of Jilin City who persecuted practitioners. Local practitioners then used the contents of this notice to expose the evil to the local public. The notices from WOIPFG about the officials responsible for persecuting practitioners in Jilin City were very effective locally. These notices also included investigations of the head of the "610 Office," Liu Jing and the Minister of Education, Chen Zhili. After that, Chen Fuchun, deputy Party Secretary of Jilin City Political and Judicial Committee and director of "610 Office," a target of WOIPFG's investigation, was removed from the committee and the "610 Office." Some time later, because of the WOIPFG investigation, Liu Xinyuan, the notorious bureau chief of the Jilin City Police Department, was removed from his post. Gang Zhanbiao, mayor of Jilin City was also forced to resign.

Future Operations of WOIPFG

It was announced that WOIPFG is in the process of setting up a worldwide "monitoring net" to track the foreign movements of officials at various levels of the government who were sued for participating in the persecution of Falun Gong. This will ensure that necessary legal action is taken when they leave China and enter other countries. This is definitely a lethal attack against those officials who have passports or visas from foreign countries and who want to escape with large sums of money. Officials in some areas have restrained their persecution of Falun Gong so as to leave a way out for themselves.

WOIPFG will present investigation reports to UN institutions, international non-governmental organizations, international police, and international courts, requesting the UN to establish a "special tribunal" to bring those chief perpetrators and chief criminals to trial. It is also requesting international police institutions to issue warrants to facilitate the arrest of the chief perpetrators.

WOIPFG will distribute investigation reports to relevant departments of all governments and all embassies, including Chinese embassies in foreign countries and request that they take necessary action.

WOIPFG will distribute lists of people who have participated in the persecution to secret police and immigration departments, requesting that they bar the criminals from entering into their respective countries. It will also present lists of forced labor products to labor departments, unions, and customs officials, requesting that they prohibit the importation of these products.

In the near future, people will see that the chief perpetrators and chief criminals of this persecution are brought to justice. All the volunteers of WOIPFG are working hard to speed up the coming of that day. As they have said, "We have no other options in facing the most serious and the most widespread persecution in history. We will go ahead without regret, facing the Chinese people who have been cheated, deceived, coerced, and harmed."