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Yunlin, Taiwan: Two-day Falun Gong Seminar for Teachers Held (Photos)

August 15, 2004 |   By Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 29-30, 2004, Taiwan's Yunlin County Government held a two-day seminar for teachers entitled, "Experiencing the Growth of Life -- Falun Gong Study Camp for Teachers," in two separate venues. About 240 teachers, as well as other people, attended the seminar and gave high praise for the event.

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"Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibit outside the assembly room
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Reading Hong Yin [collection of Teacher's poems]
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Teaching the exercises
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Group practice
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Professor Zhong Gulan shares her experience

The two-day sessions included experience sharing by several middle school and elementary school principals and Falun Gong practitioners, lectures given by experts and scholars on specific topics, reading Hong Yin and Lunyu [preface to Zhuan Falun, the principal book of Falun Dafa] written by Mr. Li Hongzhi, watching videos made by practitioners, teaching the five sets of Falun Gong exercises and learning songs composed by Falun Dafa practitioners.

Peaceful and tranquil atmosphere prevails

Many teachers expressed that the sponsor had made good preparations for the study camp and that the staff's attitude was amiable and down-to-earth. After the first session, several primary school teachers stayed behind to discuss the exercise movements with the practitioners.

Outside the assembly room, the "Journey of Falun Dafa" photo exhibit was mounted, along with a display of Falun Dafa books. During the break, many people stopped to look at the exhibit. Many teachers also expressed that they had gained a new understanding of life from the speeches given by several scholars and others about their cultivation experiences. They also gained a deeper understanding of Falun Gong and wanted to learn more about it. Some people wanted to begin the practice themselves. They hoped that more such study camps could be held so that more people would learn about Falun Gong

After the study camp, many people attended one of the nine-day video lecture series held in three nearby areas.

Seeds of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" spread everywhere on campuses

During this summer vacation, 25 "Falun Dafa Study Camps for Teachers" were held across Taiwan. As many attendees were schoolteachers, Falun Dafa will be spread more widely in Taiwan's schools, and the teachers who practice Falun Dafa will scatter the seeds of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" everywhere.