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Canada: A Practice Site In Front of My Home (Photo)

August 14, 2004 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Canada

(Clearwisdom.net) On the lawn in front of my home is a practice site where three practitioners meet. Every day when we practice the exercises there, people passing by would look at us, puzzled as to what we were doing. We wondered, how can we let people passing by know we are practicing Falun Gong?

We had an idea: we could make use of the large display boards that several practitioners once made for the Canadian Falun Dafa conference. Several of us set up the large display boards on the lawn. We also placed more than a dozen small display boards that had been used for truth clarification on the shores of Lake Ontario. The contents of the display boards discuss the popularity of Falun Dafa around the world, show the proclamations and awards that Falun Dafa has received in China and abroad, and expose the persecution of Falun Gong in China. We show information about practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution, the lawsuits against Jiang, and the Jiang faction's hiring gunmen to shoot practitioners. These display boards are there when we practice the daily exercises, and silently tell people the facts of Falun Dafa and the persecution.

High Resolution Picture

The display indeed attracts many people. Some people carefully look at each display board. Oftentimes, some people stand in front of us watching us practicing the exercises. We smile at them. Many people greet us in a friendly manner. Our home is located at a T-shaped intersection, and all vehicles have to slow down while passing by, providing them with an opportunity to take a look at our display boards. While practicing the exercises, people in the vehicles often honk their horns in support and wave to us with smiles.

One day, a group of teenagers passed by on bicycles. Seeing us practicing the "holding the wheel" exercise, they immediately stopped and practiced the exercise along with us. Another day, when we finished the first set of exercises, we opened our eyes and saw a car pulling up nearby, with two persons inside attentively watching us. We greeted them, and one practitioner immediately handed them some flyers that explained the facts of the persecution of Falun Dafa while another practitioner introduced Falun Dafa to them. One of the two persons said, "I know a bit about Falun Dafa. It looks like the exercise is very good, it makes you feel relaxed. So I have been watching you. Can I practice with you some day?" We said, "Of course. You're welcome to." We also gave them some additional materials about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China (the other person did not know about Falun Dafa, so we felt these materials would be useful to him). They watched us practicing for a while and left reluctantly.

We suddenly realized that we should make a display board with the words, "Falun Dafa Free Exercise Instruction," and place it on the lawn with some Dafa truth clarification materials next to it. This way it will be much easier for passers-by to learn about Falun Gong and predestined people will more easily be able to learn Falun Dafa.