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Stories of Karmic Retribution

August 11, 2004 |  


[Editors' Note: In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely "following orders," the universal law requires that they, too, be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.]

Former Head of Yangzhuang Village, Yangzhuang Town, Sanhe City, Henan Province Dies of a Sudden Illness

Since July 20, 1999, Tao Degui, the former head of Yangzhuang Village, followed Jiang's regime closely in persecuting Falun Gong. He often followed and monitored practitioners. Whenever he saw practitioners talking together, he would report it to local police, and this led to practitioners being arrested and interrogated. Once he saw a practitioner helping another practitioner in farm work. He approached and beat the practitioner brutally, and then reported him to the local police station. He tore up Dafa banners hung up by practitioners and slandered Master and Dafa many times. A practitioner advised him not to do so. He didn't listen but turned around to monitor the practitioner to collect evidence for further persecution. In February 2003, Tao Degui died suddenly from a cerebral hemorrhage.

Wang Qiang is the former party secretary of Nanguan Village, Xunyang Town of Sanhe City. He has been very active in persecuting practitioners, assisting police to arrest practitioners, slandering Dafa in party committee meetings, and even ordering cutting off electricity to practitioners' homes. In September 2003, he was removed from his position.

Head of Huangsongdian Police Station, Jiaohe City of Jilin Province Sentenced to Prison due to Corruption and Sexual Misconduct

Qi Baocun, the head of Huangsongdian Police Station, Jiaohe City of Jilin Province, abducted practitioners and forcefully sent them to a detention center. Half a month later, he was reported to have visited prostitutes. Later, many of his corrupt actions were exposed and he was sentenced to three years in prison.

Karmic Retribution in Xinyi Village of Hada Town, Jidong County of Heilongjiang Province

The party secretary of Xinyi Village of Hada Town, Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province was deceived by state propaganda and hated Dafa. Practitioners talked to him face-to-face about the truth of the Tiananmen self-immolation incident but he refused to listen to them. When he tore off the banner that read "Falun Dafa is good" that was posted along the street, he immediately suffered karmic retribution. He felt an extreme pain in his leg and had to go to a clinic for acupuncture treatment. He still did not realize that it was karmic retribution. Practitioners distributed truth-clarifying VCDs to the villagers at night. He would immediately take away the VCDs from them and burn them at his home. Not long ago, while he slept on his bed at night, he fell from his bed and lost consciousness. He finally recovered after an emergency treatment at a hospital. His telephone is 86-467-5741739(H).

Song Guojin, just appointed to the position of head of Xingyi Village in 2002, reported practitioners to the local town police. He died from sudden liver problems.

Prison Guard in No.3 Division, the Forced Labor Camp of Tieling City Severely Injured in a Motorcycle Accident

The No.3 Division of the Tieling Forced Labor Camp is dedicated to detaining practitioners. In March, the head of the division Wang Guijun actively cooperated with the city "610 Office" in a program called "Spring Thunder" (arresting practitioners who were free; brainwashing practitioners in prison). In order to keep his position, get bonuses and other interests, he viciously beat practitioners. He did not believe that he might face karmic retribution for beating practitioners. Later he had a motorcycle accident and was severely injured.

Village Party Secretary from Macheng City, Hubei Province Suffers Injury in a Motorcycle Accident

Zhou Dunjian, the party secretary of Zaoshu'ao Village, Guishan Township of Macheng City, Hubei Province was about 50 years old and hated Dafa from the beginning. He cooperated with police many times to search practitioners' homes and persecute practitioners. Although practitioners clarified the truth to him many times, he still didn't change his attitude. On November 21, 2003, he had a motorcycle accident on the way back home. The flesh and bone on his feet were almost torn apart. He suffered from severe loss of blood. Currently, he is in a hospital for treatment.

A Villager Reported his Daughter-in-law and Was Disabled in an Accident

Tong Fuyou, a villager from Xiaozaizi Village, Hada Township of Fusun County, Liaoning Province was deceived by the propaganda on TV slandering Falun Gong and opposed practitioners clarifying the truth. On December 23, 1999, he found his daughter-in-law and another practitioner writing truth-clarifying signs, and he reported it to the local police. This caused the two practitioners to be arrested and sentenced to half a year of forced labor. Half a month later, he broke his leg in his own yard on his own horse-drawn carriage, which left him permanently disabled.

Party Secretary of Laiwu Mine Corporation Dies of Cancer

Zhang Shiqian from Loude Town, Xintai City, was promoted to become party secretary of Laiwu Mine Corporation after July 20, 1999. He kept providing information from so-called higher authorities about Falun Gong in different meetings of the company many times and viciously slandered Dafa and its founder. He tried to force practitioners in the company write Guarantee Statements to give up the practice. In 2001, during a routine medical check-up, he was found to have cancer. He went to the hospital in Jinan City for treatment that year and was back home at the end of the year. He had to go to Jinan City once a week for radiation treatment. He died of cancer on December 18, 2003, at the age of 54.

Village Party Secretary of Fusun County, Liaoning Province has Cancer

Wang Wende, the party secretary of Shangnian Village, Hada Township of Fusun County, Liaoning Province followed Jiang's regime closely to persecute practitioners in order to keep his position and benefit financially. In July 2001, Wang Wende was diagnosed with nasopharynx cancer. In July 2002, he was removed from his leadership position, as well.

Party Secretary from Zhihuiying Village, Dawangguzhuang Township, Wuqing District of Tianjin City Dies Suddenly in an Accident

Lin Fengyan, the village party secretary of Zhihuiying Village, Dawangguzhuang Township, Wuqing District, of Tianjin City had a car accident, in which his car turned over and rolled into a water filled ditch at the side of the road near the village. He died on the spot.

The party secretary was a tyrant in the village with power as the head of the village party committee. Since July 20, 1999 when Jiang's regime started the persecution against Falun Gong, Lin Fengyan participated in the persecution actively. Several times, he brought local police or township officials to search practitioner Wang Xiumei's home and to take away Dafa books. They arrested Wang Xiumei and forced her to write Guarantee Statements to give up the practice. In December 2000, he and Wang Xiumei's husband Ge Shizhong together framed Wang Xiumei as having mental problems. He brought local township police to forcefully send Wang Xiumei to Tianjin City Mental Hospital. Wang suffered three months of persecution physically and mentally.

We do not like reporting these stories of karmic retribution. However, we really don't want to see the people involved in hurting themselves without being aware of the facts. Exposing the evil doings and the karmic retribution to the people involved in the persecution is done in order to make them stop or do fewer bad things, and to save more people who are in dire danger.