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Summary of Other Articles and News - July 17, 2004

August 01, 2004 |  


People's Hearts Determine Their Future

In Luoquan Village, Huadian City, Jilin Province, on June 24, 2004, the director of the village association, Li Changqing, and the village secretary Gao Xizhang went together with police from the city "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] to practitioner Xue Ruifang's house to arrest her and ransack her home.

On July 28, Li and Gao led the "610"police to the village to arrest another practitioner. One of the villagers felt outraged and made his outrage known. He stepped up to the group when he caught up to them, "If you dare to arrest another person, I will kill you," he said, sending his child to fetch a butcher's knife. Li and Gao and the police all ran away as fast as they could.

Facts of the Persecution

1) Zhou Zhi, a practitioner in Benxi City, Liaoning Province, has been imprisoned in the 14th Division of Shenyang Second Prison. He is now on a hunger strike in protest of the persecution, demanding his immediate release. His life is in danger now.

2) Clearwisdom.net reported the persecution of practitioner Song Zhezi of Changde City, Hunan Province on July 24.

(See http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2004/7/24/50582.html) During his recent detention, the court attempted to try him at Wuling District Court in Changde City.

3) My name is Li Hualin. I am from Lianshi Village, Zhushan Town, Anren County, Chenzhou City in Hunan Province. I have been persecuted because of my belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance." The police arrested me and put me in jail for a month in February 2001, and extorted 5,400 Yuan from my husband [500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China].

4) Gaoyang Labor Camp in Baoding City, Hebei Province began a new round of persecution against Falun Dafa practitioners starting May 23, 2004. They tortured practitioners who remained steadfast, shocking them with 4 to 5 electric batons simultaneously. The guards also used hand-crank telephones to generate electric current to shock practitioners. They let the electric current attack their hearts and the rest of the body. Many practitioners lost consciousness immediately as a result.

5) Diao Shusheng, his wife Fu Guihua, and son Diao Xihui in Chuanzhigou Village, Fengyi Town, Longkou City, Shandong Province, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in 1999. As they were all practitioners, they were all arrested and taken back to their hometown. Once there, they were heavily beaten. Ms. Fu was taken to the City Office and again beaten up there. Diao Xihui was put in a detention center. After being released from the detention center, he was abducted again by the local police and held in the City Office for a long time. For over a year they denied him his salary or any sort of compensation, without reason. During the autumn harvest season, the police arrested Mr. and Mrs. Diao and held them in the City Office for over three weeks. In May 2001, they arrested the couple again and put them in Xiadingjia Brainwashing Class. Around January 20, 2003, Mr. Diao was again put in another brainwashing class. Their son Diao Xihui, his wife Lu Yanna, and their granddaughter were also arrested by the Longkou City Police.

6) My name is Pei Jinlan. I live in Huludao City in Liaoning Province. I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong for the first time on July 20, 1999, and was arrested and brought back and held in the town office. In October 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal again and was detained. After 39 days I was released after the authorities extorted 1,000 Yuan from my family. After my release, the police extorted an additional 2,300 Yuan from us. Another time, the police arrested me for no apparent reason at all, beating me on the head with a heavy baton, and kept me in jail for 15 days. On July 23, 2000, I was tricked into going to the town office, was arrested and was sent to Masanjia Labor Camp the next day to do forced labor for a year.

7) The family of Ms. Su Juzhen of Qiansuo Town, Suizhong County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province was once cited as one of the "Ten model families" because of Ms. Su's practicing Falun Gong and helping people. After the persecution of Falun Gong started, Masanjia Labor Camp persecuted Ms. Su by injecting her with nerve-damaging drugs. This resulted in physical stresses which caused mental disorders that resulted in Ms. Su becoming incontinent. Her family has been constantly harassed by the police and local officials, and they are all living a very difficult life.

8) Since May 2004, Longshan Labor Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province began a frenzy of persecution of practitioners. The police severely beat Wu Naiying, and used three electric batons to shock her. The inmates and guards did things like hanging practitioners who refused to do hard labor on bunk beds each day, and forced them to stand for over ten hours at a time. They hit Jin Kegui, bruised her all over and almost caused permanent damage to her face. After the persecution, Ms. Liang Shujie could not walk for two weeks, always needing two people at her side to support her.

9) Practitioner Mao Guizhi lived on Waiguanxie Street, in Chaoyang District, Beijing. On April 23, 2004, the police arrested her from her house and put her in jail. With righteous thoughts in her mind, she went on a hunger strike. The police force-fed her and broke one of her teeth off during the process. On April 30, Ms. Mao was released, only to be abducted again, because she attempted to expose the persecution. According to knowledgeable sources, she was sentenced to two and a half years of forced labor, and was fired from her job without pension or compensation.

10) In July 2002, the Jilin City police arrested practitioner Du Hongfang in Jilin City and tortured her with all sorts of cruel measures. The court then sentenced her to two years of forced labor education, and held her in Heizuizi Female Labor Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province. The police and those former practitioners who have betrayed Falun Gong did not let her rest and tried to force her to be brainwashed. The police would use electric batons to torture her. Now she has been held 14 days past her release date. Ms. Du has a teenager at home who needs her care.

11) On November 10, 2002, police from the Second District Police Department of Ningjiang District abducted practitioner Xian Jijun, who worked at the supply department of Jilin Oilfield. They held him in Shanyou Detention Center in Songyuan City. At the end of July 2003, Mr. Xian was sentenced to three years in prison, and is now held in Fengjiangtun Prison in Jilin City.

12) Recent accounts of the persecution of practitioners in the Second Team of Chaoyanggou Labor Camp in Jilin City:

A practitioner named Cao Zhonghua has been imprisoned in Jilin Prison. On June 1, the guards tied him up and beat him severely, injuring him in many places and breaking three of his teeth. In spite of his injuries, they handcuffed him, and sent him to a brigade that was especially harsh on Falun Gong practitioners. There he was beaten up again, and was tortured with a special method which caused Cao severe emotional and physical damage, and he eventually lost consciousness. They had no choice but to take him to the prison hospital for emergency rescue due to the severity of his injuries.

Perpetrators and their Crimes

Partial account of the criminal actions of the National Security Bureau agents Lan Xiaojuan and Zhang Yunqing in Datong City, Shanxi Province: In 2001, the two agents got a former practitioner, Guo Hongri, who had noticeable attachments that she could not let go of, to call practitioners overseas in order to learn about the plans of overseas practitioners. Fortunately, later on Ms. Guo came to her senses and stopped betraying Falun Dafa practitioners.

On April 27, 2004, people from the "610 Office" and the police station in Yuchuan Town, Wuxue City, Hubei Province went out to ransack practitioners' homes. They took away money, jewelry, and all other valuables from a 64-year-old practitioner's home. His name was Zhou Guangxiong and he lived in Zhouguo Village, Yuchuan Town.