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My Experience of Breaking Through My Own Notions and Making a Phone Call to the Chief of Police

July 31, 2004 |   By a practitioner in Jilin City, Jilin Province


After reading an article from Minghui.net about the evil deeds done by a certain police chief in Jilin City, I had the thought of calling him to advise him to stop performing evil deeds.

On July 10, I called the police chief on his cell phone. Before making the phone call, I asked Teacher to please strengthen my righteous thoughts. Below is the brief conversation I had with the police chief.

I: "Hello! Is this Mr. XX speaking?"

Chief: "Who are you?"

I: "I am a person who cares about you. I heard you are in charge of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners? I hope you can treat practitioners well since they're all good people."

Chief: "Why do they keep posting flyers?"

I: "That's because we don't have any channels to voice our opinion. Posting flyers is to have people like you who don't know the truth of Falun Gong find out and understand the truth."

Chief: "But you can't post flyers everywhere..."

I: "I called you for your sake. Jiang Zemin is the chief criminal of persecuting Falun Gong and he has been sued overseas. He will be brought to justice sooner or later. Do you know you will become a scapegoat?"

Chief: "I am not among the gang of Jiang."

I: "That's great. Then don't listen to what Jiang says. This will be good for both your family and children."

I: "I can tell that you are an open-minded person. Think about it. Don't persecute good people. Please remember that Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good and Falun Dafa is good."

Chief: "Well, then post flyers wherever you want."

I: "Thank you for listening to me talk for so long. Goodbye."

Chief: "Goodbye."

Upon hanging up the phone, I couldn't help but shed tears. I felt happy for myself because I broke through my own notions and made this phone call. I feel more grateful to Teacher for giving such an evil person an opportunity to re-position himself. Teacher is truly compassionate. My fellow practitioners, let's cherish the time to save more sentient beings.

Recalling my experience of making this phone call, my mind was very calm. I did not point fingers at the chief, nor did I bear him hatred. I was completely speaking for his benefit. Therefore, the effect was very good.