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The Story of a Little Dafa Disciple Who Was Full of Laughter

July 26, 2004 |   By a Practitioner in South China

(Clearwisdom.net) This is a story from the year 2000 when several practitioners and I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. However, before we arrived there we were intercepted by police and sent back to the south. We came across a little Dafa disciple on the train. Because of the laugher of this little disciple, we got rid of many attachments during the trip. I wrote down our experience to share with fellow practitioners.

The train traveled fast from the north to the south. The occasional vibration of the train made the handcuff hanging on the bed hit the rail of the bed with the sound of "Clang, Clang". At this time, two other practitioners along with my mom and I felt very heavy. I saw them wiping tears from the corner of their eyes occasionally. My heart also felt sad. We felt very regretful that we were not able to go to Beijing to validate Dafa!

The passengers in this section of the train were all Dafa practitioners who went to Beijing but were being sent back home. Because policemen did not allow us to walk around or communicate, we did not know where the other practitioners came from. At lunch time the four of us did not have any appetite, but the waiters carried four boxes of lunch to us and told us they were bought by our neighbors. So I climbed down from the bed, using the excuse that I wanted to find a place to eat, and sat together with our neighbors. When the police saw I was a student they did not stop me.

The fellow practitioners next to us treated me kindly, asking me to eat more. When I found none of them had lunch, tears filled my eyes. It turned out that they thought we did not have money to buy lunch, so they bought a lunch box for each of us, leaving these ten people without enough money to buy even a single box for themselves.

Suddenly laugher rang out above my head. I turned to look up, and on the upper bunk bed, saw a little girl whose rosy face hid quickly under the quilt then peeked out at me, laughing again. I turned to the fellow practitioners with an inquisitive look, and one of them told me, "This is our little Dafa disciple. She is five years old and likes to laugh very much. Sometimes when we run into a big tribulation just hearing her laugh makes any hardship dissolve." The fellow practitioner also said that the Teacher often had the little disciple give them hints. When they took the train to Beijing this time, the girl cried and did not want to get on the train. She said she did not want to take the train but wanted to take the bus to go to Beijing. Fellow practitioners had to persuade her for a long time before she would get on the train. It turned out that police intercepted them when the train reached Zhengzhou Station.

At this time, the mother of the little disciple fed her with food left from the last meal. As she ate she said to me, "Eat slowly. Do not waste." Her voice was loud. Even my mom and two fellow practitioners next to our seat heard it. We felt very ashamed, as before that, we had thrown away food that we did not finish. After I had eaten only one third of the lunch I realized I could not finish it, so two of the fellow practitioners ate the remaining food silently.

A fellow practitioner said to the little disciple, "You should eat more and grow faster. Grow as tall as this sister, go to study, and read Dafa books."

After finishing the lunch, I went back to my seat. Not long after that, a fellow practitioner carrying the little disciple came to me. Police asked what she was doing and she pointed at me saying, "The little girl wanted to find this sister." Police took a look and did not prevent her. When the little girl saw me she started laughing again.

Thus because of the little girl, all of us practitioners could communicate with each other. By talking together, we found our own insufficiencies and improved our xinxing (heart and mind-nature, moral character). Once Practitioner A chatted with the little disciple and asked her, "Since I did not do well, am I still a disciple of the Teacher?" The little disciple said, "Yes!" Then she pointed at all of us and said, "All of you are!" At this moment, all of us were very pleased.

Practitioner A asked again, "Have I passed the test?" The little disciple said, "100 percent! All of you get 100 percent!" Then she continued to say to Practitioner A, "You are in primary school." After saying this she laughed again. We realized that what we got was only 100 percent at our own level.

The little disciple's hair was always in a mess. Practitioner A thought that maybe they did not have a comb, so she took our comb to the mother of the girl and asked her to comb the hair for the girl. Her mother said awkwardly, "It is not that I do not want to comb her hair. She does not let others touch her head. She said only the Teacher can touch her head." So Practitioner A went to say to the little disciple, "You see? The police laugh at you and say you are a beggar. Where is there a Dafa disciple who is sloppy and does not comb her hair, like a beggar?"

Hearing this and thinking for awhile, the little girl let her mother comb her hair and also wash her face for her.

Through the window, the sunlight shone on every Dafa disciple warmly, like the compassionate care of Teacher. The cold handcuffs hanging on the bed also was painted with a warm golden color. We knew that no matter how difficult the way, we would follow Teacher firmly.