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Solemn Declarations from Practitioners

July 23, 2004 |  


Solemn Declaration

Since July of 1999, when Jiang's regime started persecuting Falun Dafa, I have written to government offices explaining the truth about Falun Dafa. The "610 Office" (1) and local police have detained and persecuted me. In May of 2002, I was illegally sentenced to 2 years at a labor camp. Under the evil and cruel persecution, and, in addition to my lack of studying the Fa, I was confused and poisoned by the evil's lies. I wrote the so-called "3 statements" (2) under the forces of my human notions. I went along with the old force's arrangements. With the help of fellow practitioners and through studying the Fa, I learned that my previous actions shamed Dafa, and I had done what a practitioner should not do, upsetting Teacher's compassionate salvation. I hereby declare: all the things that I wrote and said under the evil's persecution that are damaging to Dafa are null and void. I will rectify myself, study Dafa steadfastly and follow the Teacher closely. I will redouble my efforts to compensate for the damage I have done to Dafa.

Ding Xingping

May 22, 2004


Solemn Declaration

I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1999. Because of my lack of understanding in Dafa, I couldn't understand the Fa from the standpoint of the Fa. Under various attachments (especially fear) I allowed the evil to take advantage and persecute me (I was detained twice for over 60 days). During that period, my righteous thoughts were lacking and I enlightened along an evil path. Under pressure, I wrote the "3 statements" ("Repentance Statement, Guarantee Statement and Dissociation Statement"). The worse part was the fact that I didn't reflect inward and went along with others who also enlightened along an evil path. I even burned the books Zhuan Falun and The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa in the restroom. I spent my own money to buy books critical of Falun Gong and gave them to my factory coworkers. Later, I began studying Buddhism. The day I started studying Buddhism, "Lunyu (On Buddha Law)" from Zhuan Falun entered my mind, and stayed there. One day, a thought came to me, "I still have to practice Falun Dafa." At this point, I understood that just by thinking about and regretting what I have done is in itself a crime against Dafa; I have let down our Teacher. Coincidentally, I met a female practitioner. Her compassion deeply moved me. She actively gathered most of Teacher's new scriptures and materials clarifying the truth about Falun Gong from many practitioners. She patiently and carefully helped me escape from the cruel tribulations, and helped me understand that "Falun Dafa is wonderful" and "Falun Dafa is the genuine Buddha Law." I decided to continue practicing Falun Dafa and redouble my efforts to compensate for the damage I have done to Dafa. I will study the Fa more and understand the Fa from the standpoint of Dafa. I will clarify the truth to all people, reveal the government's lies, eliminate my attachments, reinforce my righteous thoughts, truly display the demeanor of a genuine Dafa particle, and catch up with the progress of Fa-rectification as soon as possible.

Wang Yuehuang

June 22, 2004


(1) "610 Office": an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

(2) Three statements: "Repentance Statement, Guarantee Statement and Dissociation Statement"; statements that promise not to practice Falun Gong anymore.