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Together to Stop the Persecution: Northern California Falun Gong Practitioners' Anti-torture Exhibition Moves People (Photos)

July 11, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Clearwisdom.net correspondent Kelly Huang reports from San Francisco:

On July 9, Falun Gong practitioners from San Francisco, California held an anti-torture exhibition and a poster display in front of the Mountain View City Hall. The activity exposed the Jiang group's crimes of employing state-run terrorism and cruel torture to persecute Falun Gong practitioners who cultivate themselves in accordance with Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance and exposed the export of this terrorism overseas. Citizens from Mountain View expressed their view that this kind of state-run terrorism must be stopped.

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Anti-torture exhibition

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Forced abortion reenactment

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Violent force-feeding reenactment

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Demonstration of confinement in an iron cage

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Reporters taking pictures

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Falun Gong exercise demonstration

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Clarifying the truth

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Passer-by looking at the posters

Accompanied by the dignified music, Falun Gong practitioners reenacted the tortures applied on fellow practitioners in China, including "hanging and beaten," "tiger bench," "digging bamboo sticks underneath practitioners' fingernails," "violent force-feeding," "forced abortion," and "confinement in an iron cage." The live mock-torture reenactment clearly showed the public the brutal persecution encountered by millions of Falun Gong practitioners in China. During the torture exhibition, other practitioners simultaneously demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises by the side of the exhibition. Many passers-by carefully watched each mock-torture reenactment and read the descriptions nearby. Some said that such a good practice should not be suppressed. Some people talked with practitioners to learn more about the facts.

Tony, a Mountain View resident, told practitioners that when he drove by, he saw the practitioners so he especially stopped his car and came to take a look. He said that he has been to China but he did not know about the persecution that is going on there. Practitioners told him that more than 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners are verified to have died from the persecution, many more are still detained in psychiatric hospitals and forced labor camps where they are severely tortured. Practitioners said that the methods demonstrated here were only a tiny part of all that have been used to torture practitioners. Tony said, "I believe you! These are acts of terrorists. What can I do to help?"

Practitioners told Tony that Jiang's group not only applies state-run terrorism in China, but they have even exported it to other countries throughout the world. Some overseas practitioners' phones have been tapped and some practitioners' vehicles were damaged. The Chinese authorities have also sent out secret agents to compile a list of practitioners' names in countries outside China; thus when Jiang visited Europe in 2003, many practitioners from different countries, who planned to go to Iceland to hold a peaceful appeal, were barred from boarding flights to Iceland. On June 28 this year, in South Africa, some Falun Gong practitioners encountered an attack by hired gunmen; at that time, the practitioners were preparing to file a complaint against the two Chinese high-ranking officials, Zeng Qinghong and Bo Xilai, who were visiting South Africa. The two officials have been closely following Jiang and have spared no effort in persecuting Falun Gong. Tony said with indignation, "We shall work together to stop these kinds of terrorist acts. I'll try my best and do what I can."

He told the practitioners, "Learning about the truth about Falun Gong is the most meaningful thing that I've done today."