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Latest News from China -- June 18, 2004

July 01, 2004 |  


  1. [Baishan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yin Jun Is on a Hunger Strike to Protest the Persecution in a Forced Labor Camp and Is Tied to the "Dead Man's Bed." (1)
  2. [Meizhou City, Guangdong Province] Li Linsheng and His Wife Zhang Yuchan Are Beaten into Unconsciousness in a Brainwashing Center.
  3. [Liaoning Province] Six Dafa Practitioners Are Illegally Held in the Second Detention Center in Fushun City
  4. [Beijing] More Than Thirty Dafa Practitioners Protest Against the Brainwashing in the Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp
  5. [Liaoning Province] "Falun Dafa is Good" Could be Heard in the Wujiabao Forced Labor Camp in Wushun City During World Falun Dafa Day
  6. [Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province] Chen Xiaobing, a Student at the China Art College, Arrested
  7. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Pan Yuhua Arrested and Detained in the Honghe Forced Labor Camp for Posting Truth Clarifying Notices
  8. [Yunnan Province] Kungangluobai Public Security Branch Bureau Arrests Several Dafa Practitioners
  9. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Dafa Practitioner Lei Yaoxue Is Arrested for Learning Dafa
  10. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Kaibo Is Arrested by the City Public Security Bureau Because of Posting Materials Explaining the Persecution
  11. [Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioner Deng Weijian suffers Persecution in Deyang Prison
  12. [Yichang City, Hubei Province] Several Dafa Practitioners Arrested and Sent to Brainwashing Center
  13. [Xiantao City, Hubei Province] Detention of Dafa Practitioner Tong Dongxiang has been Extended Illegally
  14. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Yang Jing, an Employee of the Chengdu Construction Bank, Is Arrested and Sent to Brainwashing Class
  15. [Chenyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Yun Yan Is Arrested by the Northwestern University Security Because of Distributing Truth Clarifying Material
  16. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Dafa Practitioners Li Yuhua and Liu Wenfang Are Detained in the Chengchun Third Detention Center

1. [Baishan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yin Jun Is on a Hunger Strike to Protest the Persecution in a Forced Labor Camp and Is Tied to the "Dead Man's Bed." (1)

On June 9, 2004, Ms. Yin Jun, about twenty years old, was arrested. In 2002, she was illegally sentenced to two and one half years of forced labor because of practicing Falun Gong. During her detention, she was tortured. She became extremely weak and experienced severe weight loss. To avoid responsibility, the labor camp let her family take her home for medical care.

Later, Ms. Yin was again detained in a camp. She is on a hunger strike. Her life is in grave danger. She was diagnosed to have kidney stones, but she was still tied to the "Dead Man's Bed."

2. [Meizhou City, Guangdong Province] Li Linsheng and His Wife Zhang Yuchan Are Beaten into Unconsciousness in a Brainwashing Center.

Meijiang Public Security arrested Dafa practitioner Li Linsheng and his wife Zhang Yuchan from MeiZhou City, Guangdong Province, because they clarified the truth to people. During interrogation, they were beaten into unconsciousness. Their bodies were covered with blood. They are detained in the Meizhou Brainwashing Center. The following Dafa practitioners are also detained in the brainwashing center: Li Xinzhen, Yuan Yumei, Hou Xueming, and Li Xiaoying.

3. [Liaoning Province] Six Dafa Practitioners Are Illegally Held in the Second Detention Center in Fushun City

The following Dafa practitioners are being held in the Second Detention Center Fushan City, Liaoning Province: Jia Niazhi, Qu Cailing, Liu Chengyan, Wang Fengyun, Liu Xiangyub, and Ma Fengmei.

Some of them have been there for almost two years. Some practitioners were sentenced to prison terms and sent to prison, but they didn't pass the physical exam and were sent back to the detention center. According to regulations, it is unlawful to send the person back to the detention center if the person didn't pass the physical examination. They should be released for medical treatment.

4. [Beijing] More Than Thirty Dafa Practitioners Protest Against the Brainwashing in the Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp

About three weeks ago, more than thirty Dafa practitioners protested being brainwashed in the Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp. Camp police once again used cruel tortures and sleep deprivation to persecute practitioners. Practitioners were sent to an intensive group training session. In the meantime, they were deprived the right to family visits. Although some yielded to the torture, most are still persisting in their cultivation and maintain righteous thoughts.

5. [Liaoning Province] "Falun Dafa is Good" Could be Heard in the Wujiabao Forced Labor Camp in Wushun City During World Falun Dafa Day

On May 13, 2004, all Dafa practitioners in the Wujiabao Forced Labor Camp in Fushun City, Liaoning Province shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is Good" to celebrate the World Falun Dafa Day. It lasted the entire day.

On May 18, to further persecute Dafa practitioner Zhao Liankai, the camp secretly transferred this practitioner to the Anshan Forced Labor Camp. Zhou Liankai shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is Good" throughout the transfer.

6. [Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province] Chen Xiaobing, a Student at the China Art College, Arrested

On June 5, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Chen Xiaobing, a student at the China Art College, was arrested.

7. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Pan Yuhua Arrested and Detained in the Honghe Forced Labor Camp for Posting Truth Clarifying Notices

Two public security policemen from the Kangping County Police Station arrested Dafa practitioner Pan Yuhua, 50, from Wenhua Village, Kangping County, Shenyang City, because of her posting truth clarifying notices on her way home after work. One of the police officers, Jiang, is from Maliao Village. Ms. Pan is detained in the Honghe Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City.

A day after Ms. Pan was arrested, police office Zhang Xianghing, together with the chief of Kangping Police Station and his chauffeur went to Ms. Pan's home, searched it illegally, and confiscated two Dafa books. They forced her husband to be finger printed.

8. [Yunnan Province] Kungangluobai Public Security Branch Bureau Arrests Several Dafa Practitioners

At about midnight on June 14, 2004, Kungangluobai Public Security Branch Bureau in Yunnan City arrested fifty-five year old Dafa practitioner Wang Hongfen at her home. At the same time, fifty-two years old Guo Mingxian and fifty-seven years old Guo Yunxian were arrested on their way to visit a practitioner. Their whereabouts are unknown. The whereabouts of several unnamed practitioners are also not known.

9. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Dafa Practitioner Lei Yaoxue Is Arrested for Learning Dafa

Lei Yaoxue is a chauffer for the Kaqinqi Procuratorate in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region. He was fired from his job because of practicing Falun Dafa. He was arrested on the night of June 11, 2004 and detained in the Jinshan Xiaofu Detention Center.

10. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Dafa Practitioner Wang Kaibo Is Arrested by the City Public Security Bureau Because of Posting Materials Explaining the Persecution

On June 12, 2004, the city public security police arrested Wang Kaibo, an employee of Kaifeng City Public Transportation Board at his home, because he posted materials which explained the facts of the persecution. The police also confiscated a large amount of Dafa flyers. He shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is Good." The entire neighborhood heard it the ruckus and were appalled at the police action. The police videotaped everything.

It was reported that Wang Kaibo had been followed by the city "610 Office." City Public Transportation Bureau had coordinated with the city "610 Office" and had provided Wang's background information, picture, etc. Wang Kaibo is being detained in the City Public Security office.

People and organization responsible for his persecution:

Kaifeng City Public Security Bureau ("610 Office")

Health Service Section Chief, Kaifeng City Public Transportation Bureau: Duan Xiushan

Road Administration Section Chief, Kaifeng City Public Transportation Bureau: Ma xx

11. [Sichuan Province] Dafa Practitioner Deng Weijian suffers Persecution in Deyang Prison

Dafa practitioner Deng Weijian, 37, was arrested by Guanghan City Public Security Bureau in November 2002 and was sentenced to four years in prison. On August 25, 2003, he was sent to the Second Brigade in Deyang Prison. For over nine months, letters and money sent by his family were confiscated. He was denied family visits. Deng is not married. His father is over eighty years old father and his mother is seventy-seven years. It has not been easy for his father to try to visit him. But Deyang Prison used all kinds of excuses to deny such a visit.

Because of his unwillingness to give up Dafa cultivation, police treated him cruelly. Regulations require that any new prisoner, who has been through two months of training, be allowed a one-hour family visit. They violated regulations.

12. [Yichang City, Hubei Province] Several Dafa Practitioners Arrested and Sent to Brainwashing Center

On June 8, 2004, Song Xiaobing, employee of the Yangtze River Committee, was arrested in the Three Gorges area. His family found out later that he has been sent to the Wuhan Brainwashing Class. Several practitioners were also sent to the brainwashing center earlier. Their names are: Chen Zeqing, Sher Ju, and Lei Yong.

Telephone numbers of those responsible:

Dachou Police Station chief, Yuan Zhonghua, 86-717-6727333

Public Security Brigade director, Zhou Xiangdong, 86-717-6728022

[Jiangsu Province] Nanjing Dafa Practitioner Wu Changguo was Arrested

Dafa practitioner from Nanjing Chinese Medicine University was arrested and his household was confiscated, because of his distributing clarifying the truth material. His whereabouts are unknown.

13. [Xiantao City, Hubei Province] Detention of Dafa Practitioner Tong Dongxiang has been Extended Illegally

The Shayang Forced Labor Camp, Hubei Province, extended Ms. Tong Dongxiang's term, a Dafa practitioner from Xiantao City, Hubei Province, by five months. Thus Tong Dongxiang will be detained in the labor camp for a total of two years and five months. She was sent to the Shayang Forced Labor Camp on May 28, 2002. In 2002, she went on a hunger strike for 119 days to protest the persecution. Being close to death, she was released and sent home. Upon returning home, she began practicing Falun Gong exercises. She soon recovered from her illness and once again became healthy. She then started a small business at home. On July 17, 2003, leading a group of police, Peng Bangting, Xiantao City Public Security Brigade captain, interrupted Tong business and arrested her. Later, she was sent to the Shayang Forced Labor Camp.

On March 26, 2004, Hubei Provincial Forced Labor Committee made a decision to extend Tong labor time. Their reasons were: Tong Dongxiang refused to end her protest about the "reeducation" by police, broadcasted "Falun Gong is good and Falun Gong will be exonerated" and "went on a hunger strike for more than four months."

14. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Yang Jing, an Employee of the Chengdu Construction Bank, Is Arrested and Sent to Brainwashing Class

On June 14, Dafa practitioner Yang Jing, an employee of Chengdu Construction Bank (a branch office on Dongchenggen Street), was fired. She has not been heard from until two people (a Mr. Tian and a Mr. Xiang) from Xian Road Office told her family to bring some clothing to the Xinjin Labor Camp. They told her family that she was being reformed there. Her exact location is not known. It is said that another Xian Road Office has threatened a Dafa practitioner to write a Guarantee Statement, otherwise the practitioner would be sent to the Xinjin Brainwashing class.

Note: Yang Jing's registered address is Baiguolin. This address has been merged with the Sian Road Office.

15. [Chenyang City, Liaoning Province] Dafa Practitioner Yun Yan Is Arrested by the Northwestern University Security Because of Distributing Truth Clarifying Material

On June 5, 2004, Northwestern University security police arrested Dafa practitioner Yun Yan from Heping Section, Chenyang City while he was distributing truth-clarifying materials in the dormitory. He had been reported by a student who didn't know the truth about Dafa. The University security sent Yun Yan to Nanhu Police Station. Yun is now detained in the Wangjia Detention Center.

Nanhu Police Station: 86-24-23892340, 23908512

16. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Dafa Practitioners Li Yuhua and Liu Wenfang Are Detained in the Chengchun Third Detention Center

Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Yuhua, about 50, lives in Caijia Village, Fengjin County, Kuancheng Section Changchun City. She was arrested in May. She is detained in the Changchun Third Detention Center. Police refused family visits. Another Dafa practitioner, Liu Wenfang, is also detained in the same detention center.

1) Dead Man's Bed - The four limbs of the practitioner are stretched out and tied to the four corners of an icy-cold metal bed. The practitioner cannot move at all. Neither is he allowed to get up to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. This treatment would last from several hours to more than a dozen days. This type of cruel torture causes severe damage to the practitioner, mentally and physically.