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More Information About Nanning Mayor, Song Fumin's, Death After He Formerly Praised Then Defamed Falun Gong Following Jiang's Directives.

July 01, 2004 |  

Editors' Note: Each time we publish news of this nature, we do so with heavy hearts. These people started off as public servants, but under the intense pressure applied by the Jiang regime, they were pushed into persecuting Dafa disciples. In the process of destroying the lives of kind, law-abiding citizens, they have sealed their own fates and inevitably faced karmic retribution as punishment. If it weren't for Jiang's wicked orders, perhaps their fates would have been different.


Clearwisdom.net has previously reported on the sudden death of Nanning City Mayor, Mr. Song Fumin of Guanxi Province. Inside sources have recently provided more information.

Before Jiang's regime began the persecution of Falun Gong, Song Fumin had heard about Falun Gong. Many of his friends practiced Falun Gong and he often heard and witnessed the miraculous effects of Falun Gong in curing diseases, improving health, and upgrading morality. He also used to praise Falun Gong openly and suggested that all people should practice Falun Gong.

But after the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, in order to retain his political position, Song Fumin started to strongly attack and defame Falun Gong. He even personally arranged and directed the arrests of several Falun Gong practitioners.

On July 25, 1999, a group of Falun Gong practitioners went to the city government to appeal and found Mayor Song Fumin there at that time. Practitioners clarified the truth to him compassionately and asked him to release those Falun Gong practitioners that had been illegally arrested.

Song Fumin refused to listen to any of their explanations and used the orders from the Central government as a reason to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce up their belief. Practitioners continued their attempts to explain the facts about the persecution to him telling him, "Our Teacher only asks us to take fame and material gains lightly in the world and not to get involved in politics. What we really seek after is improving our mind-nature and morality, and we only want to be good people. What is wrong with that? Many practitioners used to have incurable diseases, and they recovered from these diseases after they practiced Falun Gong. Countless families hence became harmonious and happy. What is wrong with this?"

Song Fumin asked, "Do you listen to the government or listen to your teacher?"

One practitioner said, "Our Teacher teaches us to be good people and he sets an example himself. Our Teacher is a genuinely good person. " Song Fumin made the hypocritical statement, "The government won't issue a warrant for the arrest of good people." Another practitioner answered him, "We have knowledge and education, and we have ability to tell right from wrong. It is not wrong for our Teacher to teach us to be good people and we will insist on being good people." One practitioner said, "If we have done anything wrong, you can point it out and we can rectify it. But you cannot confuse right and wrong. Our Teacher is indeed a good person and it is unfair for you to attack him this way. "

At this time, Song Fumin flew into a rage and started to attack Falun Gong and curse Teacher Li Hongzhi. His face turned red and he cursed Teacher. Li more and more fiercely, and refused to listen to any advice. One practitioner said, "You will receive karmic retribution if you are disrespectful to righteous people!" Song Fumin arrogantly shouted, "Ask him to show me the karmic retribution!"

That evening, this young and strong Mayor Song died in the home of a woman who lived alone. This woman's husband was in the army and was not at home for long periods of time. Seeing that the mayor died suddenly at her home without any apparent cause, this woman became terrified. She dared not call the police, nor did she dare call for an ambulance. She had no choice but to call the head of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee in Guangxi Province--Yang Jichang. Yang was very familiar with Song and they were both promoted from the deputy Mayor of Liuzhou City. Yang Jichang and his wife went to this woman's home in a hurry and afterward they called the ambulance and police. Then Department head Yang testified that the four of them were discussing work at this woman's home when Mayor Song suddenly fell on the ground and died.

On the second day, the news that Song Fumin died while having an affair with a married woman spread throughout the city of Nanning. The Guangxi Province Party Committee Secretary personally issued the order to find out the cause of Song's death. The coroners inspected the corpse and found Song's face was pitch-black. Song appeared burned as if he had been struck by lightning and he had a fierce expression on his face. At first it was suspected that Song drank excessively and it caused him acute pancreatitis. But the autopsy showed that his main internal organs didn't have any pathological damage. His heart, lungs and brain were normal and no cause of death could be found. In the end, the Party Committee decided to announce to the public that Song died from acute pancreatitis.