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Report from German Newspaper Rheinpfalz: A Lady Who Upholds Compassion and Truthfulness

June 06, 2004 |  

(Clearwisodm.net) On May 25, 2004, the German newspaper Rheinpfalz reported:

"The three principles, 'truthfulness, compassion and forbearance' allow people to think freely and independently, and not be controlled easily in spirit," Mrs. Wang said. She is thirty and has dedicated herself to assist the practitioners who practice Falun Gong based on the Buddha Law.

In China, seventy million people practice five exercises similar to yoga, which can harmonize people's bodies and minds. In 1992, Master Li Hongzhi taught the five sets of exercises publicly.

After that, Falun Gong practitioners quickly out-numbered members of the Communist Party in China. Mrs. Wang indicated that this was one of the reasons why the Chinese Government (Jiang's group) cracked down on Falun Gong. In the beginning, Falun Gong had been supported by the government because of its benefits to people's health.

While Mrs. Wang was practicing the sitting meditation on campus at Germersheim, she was afraid that few of her classmates could imagine the situation of practitioners after Falun Gong was announced to be illegal on July 22, 1999. Although Falun Gong has no political objectives, practitioners were still arrested and detained in labor re-education camps, prisons, and psychiatric hospitals, where they were shocked by electric batons, brainwashed, raped and abused by torture. Mrs. Wang revealed that at least one thousand practitioners have been tortured to death.

Mrs. Wang has friends in China who were or are being imprisoned in labor re-education camps simply because they practice Falun Gong. One of them had even been an outstanding young scientist, but now [after such brutal persecution] he is a psychotic who can't even recognize his family. Under the assistance of the German foreign secretary, Joschka Fischer, Mrs. Wang's friend, Mrs. Xiong Wei, was released after she had been detained in a labor camp for two years.

For Mrs. Wang, this successful case has been the motivating force to keep on using postcards and signature campaigns to help the persecuted people in her hometown. "Pressure from around the world has had a huge effect. For example, the Canadian government successfully helped to rescue several Falun Gong practitioners and gave them refugee status."

Regarding whether she could return to China, Mrs. Wang said, "In the case that the persecution continues, I don't want to risk my life." Her mother in Beijing is also afraid of the authorities. Mrs. Wang went on to say, "Jiang's group in China just wants people to be afraid." Right now Mrs. Wang is not afraid of calling publicly for freedom of belief for Falun Gong. She said, "Sometimes you must pay a heavy price for human rights."

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200406/20001.html