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Though the Difficulties are Hard to Bear, Introducing People to Falun Dafa Gives Me Great Joy

June 23, 2004 |   By a Practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am one of a huge number of Falun Dafa practitioners who have been suffering from the persecution for more than four years. I spent most of my time in detention centers or traveling about homeless in other parts of the country to avoid being arrested. I have experienced ordeals along the path of cultivation in rectifying the Fa (1) with our Teacher. I have always wished to write down my experience.

In October 1999 I went to Beijing to validate the Fa with six other practitioners. At the time my husband had just come out of the hospital and was still not in good health. My mother was over eighty years old. Both of them needed someone to look after them. That was a test for me. Falun Dafa was being persecuted and our Teacher was being attacked by the lies. I thought, as a Dafa practitioner, I must step forward to seek justice for Dafa. After arriving in Beijing we studied the Fa first and clarified our purpose for coming to Beijing. In the morning, the six of us arrived on Tiananmen Square and several armed policemen came toward us. They asked, "Do you practice Falun Gong?" We answered in unison, "Yes, we practice Falun Gong." (At that time we thought to step forward and admit we practice Falun Gong is to validate Dafa.) Then I began to tell the policemen the benefits I had gained from practicing Falun Gong. One of them said something bad about our Teacher. I said to him, "Please don't ...." I meant to say, "Don't slander our Teacher!" However, before I could finish the sentence, tears started pouring from my eyes and I could not go on. The policeman was dumbstruck. We were then taken to the Fengtai Stadium in the western suburbs of Beijing. Practitioners from all over the country were being held there. I was escorted back home by the police from our local police station and was detained for fifteen days.

At the end of July 2001, I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa for the second time. When I arrived at the national appeal office it was closed. I shared my understanding with other practitioners that we should not go there without doing something, so we returned to Tiananmen Square. We began to practice the exercises directly facing a police car parked fifty meters away and in front of the main gate Tiananmen Rostrum. At that time I had not even the slightest fear. Then the police jumped out of the car and ran towards us. They did not allow us to practice and dragged us into the police car. Then the police took us to a police sub-bureau where they contacted my local police station. I was taken back by the local policemen and detained for fifteen days. This time my husband wanted to divorce me while we were at the police station. I told him, "I did not do anything wrong to you or the family so I do not agree to a divorce."

In June 2001, I was reported when I went to another practitioner's home to pick up the Teacher's newly published articles so I was again detained. When my detention expired, a guard took me out of the cell and asked me at the door, "Do you still want to practice Falun Gong?" I said, "Yes. I will practice." He said, "If you want to practice, just get back into the cell." I said, "I am not afraid and I will go back." Then he gave up and said, "Come on out!" I knew it was a test for me. No one can shake my determination to practice Falun Dafa.

In October 2001, I went to Beijing for the third time. When I left home I did not tell my family so they had no idea where I was. My elder brother thought I had been taken away by the police so he went to ask those who kept surveillance on me in the neighborhood committee. Thus, the police found out I was not home for one day and two nights. When they found me, they asked, "Where have you been in the last two days? Did you go to Beijing?" I replied, "It is my right to go to other places and you have no right to ask me." It was time for me to go to work so I said to the police, "If you have nothing else, I'd like to go to work." Then I left for work. In the afternoon while I was working, the police rang my work unit and asked me to go to the police station. I knew they must have some kind of new conspiracy planned and I should not go. Since that afternoon I was forced to abandon my home and travel from one place to another in order to avoid being arrested. When the police failed to find me, they turned to my daughter who is also a Falun Gong practitioner. She was asked by her school authorities to quit Falun Gong, but she resolutely refused, so she was unlawfully expelled from school. I had no choice but to take my daughter with me to wander from place to place with another practitioner. We have been clarifying the truth and validating the Fa along the way.

On the day when my mother was cremated, the evil police thought I would return home, so they planned to trap me. I saw through their ulterior motives and made their plot fail.

While I was traveling about, I was busy with validating the Fa and clarifying the truth and neglected Fa study. The evil took advantage of this loophole and arrested me. On the third day after my arrest, officers from the police bureau came and were having a meeting on the third floor to work out plans for further persecuting me. I took this opportunity and jumped out of the window from the second floor. I ran for a while and climbed over a 6-foot wall. A policeman caught me and tried to drag me back to the police station. I struggled and tried to break free. He grabbed my arms and slammed my back against the wall. At that time, the policeman saw that I had hurt my back. At last, I was taken back to the police station and handcuffed to the radiators. At night they were afraid that I would not be able to get up if I lay down, so I had to sit on an iron chair designed for criminals locked in confinement. I told them that I hurt my back very badly, and asked how they could treat me like that. The policeman on duty said, "In that case you can use the bed in the on-duty room." On the following day, the police had prepared a car to send me a detention center. Before going to the detention center the police took me to a hospital just opposite the police station for a check up.

The check up showed that the fifth lumbar vertebra was broken. The police contacted the detention center upon getting the results. The detention center refused to take me in because they did not want to shoulder the responsibility. The police had no choice but to keep me in the police station to recover. I began a hunger strike. They watched me twenty-four hours a day, dividing up the time into three shifts with two people in each shift. While lying in bed and in pain, I did not forget the mission Dafa had bestowed on me. I started to clarify the facts about Falun Gong with each one of them. When one of the policemen understood the truth, he began to read Zhuan Falun (2) right away. I felt very happy to see that a life had been saved. Since I began the hunger strike, I sent forth righteous thought continuously day and night. I kept reminding myself that I must leave this place. On the fourteenth day, I was suddenly in a state of collapse. The security guard hurried off to find a policeman and they called in the doctor. After a consultation, the doctor told the policemen, "It is caused by a lack of potassium, which is the result of having no food for a long time. If this continues she will die." The head of the police station became very nervous when he heard this. Because the police did not want to take responsibility for my death, they decided to release me. However, they had already made arrangements to send me to a forced labor camp, so they were afraid that I might run away if I were released. Thus, the police asked my family to monitor me. After returning home, the police came to my home regularly to "show concern" about me. I knew they would not let me go. The security guards patrolled my house and kept surveillance 24 hours a day. I thought that I should not let their conspiracy succeed and that I must leave. Under Teacher's meticulous care, I brought my daughter with me, left my home and plunged back into the grand current of Fa-rectification.

I learned after I left that the evil forces offered a reward of 30,000 yuan (3) for my capture. I have been traveling from place to place to avoid arrest for more than three years. I don't have a permanent address or a permanent job, so I used this opportunity to clarify the facts to save sentient beings while working in various places. I have helped more than ten people to begin learning Falun Dafa, including a boss, a shopkeeper's wife, a landlord, and fellow employees. It is hard to endure all the difficulties and hardships, however, in thinking about these people with predestined relationships who have begun learning Falun Gong, I feel very happy in my heart and also feel very reassured. I will be more diligent in the time we have to do well the three things (study the Fa, clarify the truth, and send forth righteous thoughts) that our Teacher asked us to do and will live up to the Teacher's merciful salvation.


(1) Law and principles

(2) The book that teaches Falun Dafa

(3) Chinese currency, the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan.