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Latest News from China -- May 24, 2004

June 02, 2004 |  


  1. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Two Dafa Practitioners are Sentenced to Over Four Years in Prison
  2. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Accounts of Several Dafa Practitioners Being Tortured
  3. [Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Arrest of Two Dafa Practitioners
  4. [Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province] Arrest of Five Dafa Practitioners
  5. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Police from Jinzhou District Raid Dafa Practitioners' Residences
  6. [Yunnan Province] Zheng Cuilan On an Extended Hunger Strike to Protest Her Unconstitutional Forced Labor Sentence
  7. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Zhao Enfa
  8. [Suibin County, Heilongjiang Province] Illegal Holding of Zhang Jingdong from Suibin County
  9. [Jiangxi Province] Unconstitutional One Year Prison Sentence of Practitioner Huang Chaowu from Ruichang Pier
  10. [Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province] Detention at a Brainwashing Class
  11. [Jiangyuan County, Jilin Province] Arrest of Tang Jun from Wangou Town's Forestry Bureau
  12. [Nantong City, Jiangsu Province] The Persecution Suffered by Song Weijuan
  13. [Tianjing City] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Yang Lihua
  14. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Wang Qian
  15. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Lin Mei
  16. [Wu'an City, Hebei Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Jiang Wenjun
  17. [Beining City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Three Dafa Practitioners

1. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Two Dafa Practitioners are Sentenced to Over Four Years in Prison

In 2003, chief Zhang Mingjiang of Xi'an Town's Police Station led a group of people to arrest practitioner Ye Ximing from Xi'an Town, Dawa County and put him into a brainwashing program. Ye Ximing staged a hunger strike and was released seven days later.

On February 13, 2004, Police arrested Ye Ximing while he was painting a sign in public, "Falun Dafa is Good." He was released when he was near death after being persecuted by the police. After returning home he was again arrested for painting signs that explained the facts of the persecution. At present, Ye Ximing has been sentenced to six years in Jinzhou City's Prison.

On February 14, official Zhang Mingjiang assigned policeman Ye Litie to stake out a certain place and arrest practitioner Mr. Xiao Zhijun from Xi'an Town, Dawa County while he was distributing truth-clarifying materials. Xiao Zhijun is now being held at Dawa County's Detention Center and has been sentenced to 4.5 years in prison at Jinzhou City's Prison.

2. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Accounts of Several Dafa Practitioners Being Tortured

On April 2, 2004, personnel from the Longcheng Police Department arrested practitioner Zhao Hongli from the Jianping District, Chaoyang City and held him at the Wujiawa Detention Center. Zhao Hongli was tortured so severely that his life was in extreme danger. On May 13, Zhao Hongli was sent to a hospital for emergency treatment. Later on he was sent back to the detention center for further persecution.

On May 21, 2004, practitioners Xie Baofeng and Jiang Wei, detained at the Shijiahetao Detention Center, became critically ill after staging a hunger strike for a long time. They were sent to the No. 234 Hospital for emergency care.

3. [Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Arrest of Two Dafa Practitioners

During the night of May 12, 2004, policemen headed by chief Shi Juping from Tianshui City's Police Department arrested practitioners Ms. Zhao Jin'e and Ms. Zhang Zhiling while the practitioners were posting truth-clarifying signs in the streets. They are now being held at Qincheng District's Lu'ergou Detention Center.

Relevant phone numbers:

Shi Juping: 86-938-8293318 (Home), and 86-13309386180 (Cell);
Pei Guilin, leader of Qincheng District's National Security Team: 86-938-8281913 (Home).

4. [Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province] Arrest of Five Dafa Practitioners

During the night of May 13, 2004, police arrested five practitioners from Jidong County. They are Ms. Xing Hua, Ms. Liu Yufang, Ms. Xu Guirong and two other practitioners with unknown names who were distributing truth-clarifying brochures.

5. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Police from Jinzhou District Raid Dafa Practitioners' Residences

At around 5:00 p.m. on May 13, 2004, seven policemen from Ershilipu Town's Police Station, Jinzhou District arrested practitioner Han Shengjin at work. Later on at around 7:00 p.m., many policemen went to ransack practitioners' homes and confiscate everything related to Dafa. Han Shengjin is now being held at Jinzhou District's Detention Center.

6. [Yunnan Province] Zheng Cuilan On an Extended Hunger Strike to Protest Her Unconstitutional Forced Labor Sentence

Practitioner Ms. Zheng Cuilan of Kunming City, Yunnan Province, 54 years old, went shopping at a vegetable market on April 21 2004. She told some vendors to be righteous and not to do bad things against their own conscience as she saw some of them cheating on the amount of foods they were selling. A patrol guard overheard her asking the vendors not to cheat and claimed that she was promoting Falun Gong. He arrested her and took her to a police precinct. Then personnel from the Guandu Branch of Kunming City's Police Department ransacked her home and held her in a detention center for over 20 days. Following that they sentenced her to three years of forced labor claiming they had found 21 pieces of truth-clarifying materials at her home and that she had given a CD to someone on some day. Now she is being held in Yunnan Province's Female Forced Labor Camp. Zheng Cuilan has been on a hunger strike to protest this persecution since May 12.

7. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Zhao Enfa

Practitioner Mr. Zhao Enfa of Huludao City, Liaoning Province was working in Xingshan Village of Jinzhou City's Development District. On May 12, 2004, personnel from the Xingshan Police Precinct arrested him without charge.

Wang Xueling, a policeman involved in the persecution: 86-416-3535552, 3535008

8. [Suibin County, Heilongjiang Province] Illegal Holding of Zhang Jingdong from Suibin County

On May 20, 2004, practitioner Mr. Zhang Jingdong from Xinfu Township, Suibin County, Heilongjiang Province, former Xinfu High School principal, rode a newly bought motorcycle to apply for a vehicle license plate in the county. Police stopped him and subjected him to a body search. After finding one truth-clarifying CD and one piece of truth-clarifying material with him, they detained him, searched his home and looted Zhang's personal computer, printer, electronic book and other belongings.

Related telephone numbers (Country code: 86, area code: 468):
Ma Zhikai, Suibin County's Party Committee secretary: 7862233 (Office)
Yang Hexin, Head of Suibin County: 7863546 (Office)
Wang Xueke, Secretary of Suibin County's Political and Judiciary Committee (this
person is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong): 7863135 (Office)
An Yunfeng, Suibin County's Police Department chief: 7863453 (Office)
Guo Jitao, Suibin County's Police Department deputy chief: 7863741 (Office).

9. [Jiangxi Province] Unconstitutional One Year Prison Sentence of Practitioner Huang Chaowu from Ruichang Pier

Since 2000 practitioner Mr. Huang Chaowu has been held in detention centers five times due to his belief in Falun Dafa and the principle of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. During detention he was maltreated, both mentally and physically. After he lost his job, in order to make a living, he had worked as a pier carrier, odd-job man or helped others fill gas tanks. At the end of 2003, police found him distributing truth-clarifying fliers, so police deceived Hang into going to the police precinct and arrested him. Afterwards, police sentenced him to one year of forced labor.

10. [Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province] Detention at a Brainwashing Class

Practitioner Dr. Chen Junhui is a pediatric doctor in Jiangmen City's General Hospital. On May 9, 2004, Jiangmen City's "610" personnel colluded with about 20 officers from the city's Tidong Police Precinct, arrested Dr. Chen and put him into the Sanshui Brainwashing Center. Currently, three other practitioners are being persecuted at the Sanshui Brainwashing Center including Li Aiqun, the city's Falun Gong volunteer contact person, Lin Rongtong, a technician in the city's Nitrogen Fertilizer Company and Chen Junhui.

Relevant phone numbers (Country code: 86, area code: 750, It is not necessary to dial the area code before a cell phone number.):
Jiangmen City's General Hospital: 3165555, 3165500 ext. president Zuo Wanli's office, Mao Jiong's office and pediatric department.
Political Section of the city's Police Department: 3260320
Pan Dongming, the city's "610 Office" official who is in charge of the brainwashing classes: 13902882354 (Cell)
Pengjiang District "610 Office," Tan Yankun, the chief; Chen Guoquan, the deputy chief: 3222541

11. [Jiangyuan County, Jilin Province] Arrest of Tang Jun from Wangou Town's Forestry Bureau

On May 13, 2004, Yu Yongsheng, chief of the Political and Security Section from Wangou Town's Forestry Bureau and Wang Weidong, an employee of the section arrested practitioner Tang Jun from home when s/he was reading Dafa books. They ransacked his house and confiscated Dafa books and tapes. Tang Jun is currently being held at Jiangyuan County's Detention Center.

Yu Yongsheng: 86-439-3613197(Home)
Wang Weidong: 86-439-3613259(Home)

12. [Nantong City, Jiangsu Province] The Persecution Suffered by Song Weijuan

Toward the end of 2000, Dafa practitioner Ms. Song Weijuan, 44 years old, from Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, was sentenced to one year of forced labor for explaining the facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa. After being released she was directly sent to a brainwashing center because she refused to give up practicing Falun Dafa. Later, she was detained at Nanjing City's Female Prison where she had been hung up and beaten for nine days until she was in a coma. Finally, because she was steadfast in her belief, she was illegally sentenced to ten years and six months in prison. When her family went to visit her, they found Song had been tortured severely until her physical condition was extremely weak.

13. [Tianjing City] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Yang Lihua

When Dafa practitioner Ms. Yang Lihua, who is 53 years old and lives in Hebei District, was out in Jing County on May 23, 2004, lawless policemen arrested her.

14. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Wang Qian

At 4:00 p.m. on April 29, police in Shouguang City broke into Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Qian's house and forcibly arrested her. Wang Qian is an employee of the Shouguang City Food Company.

15. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Lin Mei

During the afternoon on May 21, 2004, police officers took Dafa practitioner Lin Mei from the Longquanyi District from her work unit. Currently Li Mei's whereabouts are unknown.

16. [Wu'an City, Hebei Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Jiang Wenjun

Ms. Jiang Wenjun is a Dafa practitioner from Kangdong Village, Kang'ercheng Town, Wu'an City, Hebei Province. At 9:00 p.m. on May 19, 2004, officers from the No.1 section of Wu'an City's Police Department and Kang'ercheng Town's Police Precinct arrested her.

17. [Beining City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Three Dafa Practitioners

On May 12, policeman Li Qinghu, head of the Kulongtai Township Police Precinct and two other policemen arrested Dafa practitioner Li Yan from Kulongtai Township, Beining City, Liaoning Province. They sent the practitioner to a detention center. The reason for the arrest was that Li Yang had written a "Solemn Statement" which declared that his/her words and deeds under forced brainwashing were null and void. But someone found the statement's manuscript and thus police took this as an excuse to arrest him/her.

Dafa practitioners Dong Xiaofeng and Chang Yaoqing are from Guangning Township, Beining City. On May 18, policeman Bian Zhengjian from the Guangning Township Precinct duped them with a summons, to appear at the National Security Team in Guangning Township. Once they got there, they were arrested. They are being detained at Beining City's Detention Center.