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With a Pure Heart and Righteous Thoughts, An Elderly Practitioner Clarifies the Truth and Distributes Flyers Shortly after a Serious Injury

June 18, 2004 |   By a Dafa Practitioner from Henan Province


Ms. Liu is in her sixties. She is retired and has been practicing Falun Dafa for several years. Right after Jiang's regime launched the persecution of Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999, the authorities sent her to a brainwashing session. After that, she began to practice at home privately.

In the fall of 2003, enlightened by Teacher's new articles, Ms. Liu quickly joined in the Fa-rectification. She broke through the close monitoring by the local authorities and overcame pressure from her family members. Since then, she has been spending eight hours a day studying the Fa, doing the Falun Dafa exercises, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth.

On January 14, 2004, while she was walking along a street, Ms. Liu was hit by a motorcycle. The motorcycle rolled over her ankles while Ms. Liu fell down, with her head hitting the concrete. She lost her consciousness instantly. While her neighbors stopped a tricycle for help, she slowly regained consciousness. Although she could not stand up because of the severe pain in her legs, the first thought in her mind was that she was a Falun Dafa practitioner and therefore must follow the requirements of the Fa. With that thought, she waved her hand to indicate that she would not need to go to the hospital. Since she was not able to speak out at first, her neighbors simply lifted her into the vehicle. She managed to say, "I'm all right. Please help me walk home." An hour later, both her daughter and daughter-in-law arrived. They both urged her to go to the hospital. Ms. Liu peacefully explained, "The motorcycle rider must have had an urgent matter to take care of. I suppose they didn't do it on purpose. Even if they did, it must be due to a debt I owed them in my previous life. Don't you agree that a debt has to be paid off? Just relax. I'm sure I'll be all right shortly."

Later she just lay on her bed, listening to Master Li's Falun Dafa lectures. At 4 pm, the driver and passenger who hit Ms. Lu came to visit her, carrying some gifts and five hundred Yuan (Chinese currency -- 500 Yuan is about the average monthly salary in China). The young couple happened to live nearby. They insisted on giving Ms. Liu both the gifts and the money. Ms. Liu started to explain to them the goodness of Falun Dafa and why she couldn't take the money or the gifts. Since the young couple insisted that she take the money, she took the gifts instead. Then she asked her daughter to buy some drinks as a return gift and to see them off. The couple was deeply moved, with tears in their eyes, "Today we're lucky to deal with such a good person as a Falun Gong practitioner. Had we had an accident with someone else, we might have been ripped off in the name of hospital expenses."

At around 7 pm, two fellow practitioners came by. Without knowing what had just happened to Ms. Liu, they invited her to join them in distributing truth-clarifying flyers. She got up from the bed and joined them. As Ms. Liu was limping, the two practitioners tried to persuade her not to join them this time, but Ms. Liu refused.

The two fellow practitioners assisted her to walk. When they reached a residential area, Ms. Liu realized that it was not safe to distribute the flyers while she was walking with their help, so she decided to do it independently. Taking a dozen flyers, she tried to walk and distribute them on her own. At first, she was way behind the other practitioners. After she gave out all the flyers, she began to walk more quickly and her legs were less painful. Soon she caught up with the other two practitioners and asked for more flyers. The second time she finished her flyers, she realized that it was her fellow practitioners that fell behind instead. She felt that she could walk with springy steps, as if someone was pushing her along.

Just seven hours after she was run over by a motorcycle, practitioner Ms. Liu's body recovered so quickly without any treatment. It was an amazing scene, indeed.