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Dafa Brings Me Happiness

June 16, 2004 |   By a practitioner in China


Dafa Brings Me Happiness

I am a 40-year old female practitioner in the Baoding area of Hebei Province. I began my practice of Falun Gong around February 1999, but stopped not long after the persecution began in July 1999.

In 2001, I suffered from heart problems and bronchitis, and my legs were swollen. I was essentially bed ridden. My husband took me to several large hospitals to seek treatment, but to no avail. I lay in bed all day and suffered a great deal. Seeing my suffering, my mother and younger sister urged me to practice Falun Gong again. After thinking it over, I decided that rather than waiting to die and suffering in bed, I might as well practice Falun Gong. Amazingly, all my ailments went away soon after I began to practice again.

It has been about 17 to 18 years since I married my husband. Because my menstruation had not been regular, I have not been able to get pregnant. After I began to practice again in 2001, after my illnesses went away, I got pregnant in the spring of 2003 and gave birth to a baby boy on December 6 that year. My husband and mother-in-law were both elated. I am indebted to Teacher and Dafa. Teacher gave me my health and my happiness.

Cultivating in Falun Gong has not only improved my health, it has also changed my perspective toward life. In the past I always worried about myself, not willing to take any loss. Now I always think of others first, because what I cultivate is the law of the universe: "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance."

Account from a lady in her 80's in Huludao City

I am an eighty-year-old woman from Huludao City, Liaoning Province. A few years ago, I suffered from many ailments, in particular pain in my back and neck. I could not walk far nor work long; otherwise the pain would become unbearable. I constantly needed medication.

My daughter is a Falun Dafa practitioner. She came to our house to explain the facts about Falun Gong to her sisters and brothers. I sat next to them and listened in. My daughter wanted me to remember that "Falun Dafa is good," and Dafa can save sentient beings. From then on I began to recite, "Dafa is Good" every morning when I got up and every evening before I went to sleep. Miraculously, I felt that my body became very healthy. I no longer felt the neck pain. From the bottom of my heart I realized that "Falun Dafa is truly great." It helps people to lead better lives with better character.

So till today I still recite "Falun Dafa is good" first thing in the morning every day and have never stopped. On my daily walk, I tell people I meet that Falun Dafa is upright and has alleviated my suffering. I am so happy and grateful to Dafa, and I want to let everyone know the truth about Dafa.