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The Importance of Sharing Experiences

June 11, 2004 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In the article "Environment", Essentials for Further Advancement, Master said,

"The cultivation practice form that I have left for Dafa disciples ensures that disciples can truly improve themselves. For example, I ask you to do the exercises as a group in parks in order to form an environment. This environment is the best way to change the surface of a person. The lofty conduct that Dafa disciples have established in this environment--including every word and every deed--can make people recognize their own weaknesses and identify their shortcomings; it can move their hearts, refine their conduct, and enable them to make progress more rapidly. Therefore, new students or self-taught disciples have to go to the practice sites to do the exercises."

For a while, I actively shared experiences with fellow practitioners, formed an integral body with them, cultivated well, and therefore I progressed well in comprehending the Fa [universal law, Falun Dafa principles]. Later, due to the evil taking advantage of my omissions, I failed to share experiences with fellow practitioners. I either had no time to meet them, or they were not at home. At that time I didn't look inside myself and reject the old forces' interference. Instead, I thought that my cultivation was in good shape and there was no rush to share experiences with others. I didn't go out to share experiences with fellow practitioners for about a month. Though I was still doing the "three things" of studying the Fa, sending righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth, my cultivation state was deteriorating and I couldn't pass that cultivation stage by myself.

I eventually realized that I must share experiences with fellow practitioners; otherwise my cultivation would inevitably suffer great losses. However, interference kept coming, keeping me busy, and leaving me without any time. When I clearly recognized it and decided that I must go no matter what, I suddenly had diarrhea. After I used the bathroom and was ready to go, my stomach began to ache immediately. I knew that the evil was trying to stop me from going. I figured that I should not follow along with the evil and I should go irrespective of whether they wanted me to go or not, and that everything I felt just a test, and that I must go regardless of the interference. I went out with the stomach pain, sending forth righteous thoughts along the way. I discovered my attachment along the way; my dependence on my fellow practitioners to take the initiative to share experiences. My fellow practitioner was at home when I got there, and everything went smoothly. After the experience sharing, I found my deficiency, enhanced my understanding of the Fa, and strengthened my main consciousness. It was really the power of the unity of Dafa disciples.

In fact the face-to-face experience sharing that Master has left us is very important, and the old forces have also noticed it. This is why they want to separate us. Therefore we must spend more time communicating with each other on the basis of Dafa, form a harmonic and integral body and cultivate to a higher level.

I know that there are some fellow practitioners who do not communicate with others. Some of them are not in a good cultivation state, are not advancing well, and are not able to follow the Fa-rectification process. I sincerely hope that all Dafa practitioners pay attention to experience sharing, be responsible to themselves and go out to communicate with others. It is truly necessary.

March 19, 2004